
Where are they biting at the moment

North Mole 13/5

Nothing much was caught while I was there (6:30am - 8am), so you can all feel good about sleeping in. A few cheeky herring hitting the slice as it came out of the water, jagged a few garfish but no bonito this morning!

Albany Great White Attack



went out to the hillaries lightouse fishing into the marina after work yesterday. it was howling a gale but the lighouse blocked most of the wind. was pretty quiet with a only a few herring caught around the place. about 3ish it went real quiet and then bait fish started jumping everywere!!!! decided to switch from floating lures to baitcasting mulies and had a few hits but no hookups. The next few castys were the same but then i had a few BIG bangs and then i got a solid hookup! i played it for about 10 minutes forgetting to adjust the drag. iwas about to adjust the drag and the top gang got bitten clean off. im still puzzled about what it was and ive narrowed it down to 5 possible fish

ps) sorry about the long post ;)

hope evetyone got home safely

hope everyone got safely nice to put a few faces 2 names hope to fish with you all soon.

FADS 8/5

First off, If Alfred posted this, it would be in the Brag Board, but as its me, its in Reports. Nice quiet day out there, good weather, bit overcast later on with a little light rain. No other boats, yes, we had the fads to ourselves, just us and the Dolphinfish.

The score: Alfred: 2, Dolphinfish: 0, Jamie: 0, Dolphinfish: 2*

*Im willing to dispute the nature of their win, ok so I got busted off, and I broke my rod, but Im still here, Ill get another rod and Ill then they will pay *grin*

Just next time Ill catch one on heavier line first and before I waste 90min of Alfred's time trying to land a fairly well sized on on 10lb gear. It was great fun, I did perhaps 6 laps of the boat and we got the fish up to the boat a few times before I put a bit much bend in the rod with the fish alongside, then went on a run and pind the rod. He was on for another 5min perhaps, but we didnt get any really good opportunities to gaff and he busted me off.

It was a great day out and one really did get away, this time. Here is Alfred with those that didn't

Two Rocks Wednesday

Took the father in law and 2 mates out from Two ROcks yesterday on what would have to be one of the nicest days on the water I have had off Perth. Bit of wind in the morning but the rest of the day was Mint. Day started off pretty slow, despite getting to spots early and burleying, my pinky drought continues. We lost one very large fish due to going too hard but I would think it was a XOS Sambo, but results later in the day puts doubt in my mind. Went out to the 40m and started to get some better showings. Drift was perfect, and we picked up a couple of good KG's one going 58cm the other 55. In hindsight we should have stayed around there and downsized our hooks as we were getting good bites but kept dropping fish on 4/0 upwards.

Kept heading out wider as the day was getting better and found a very good lump that was not marked on GPS rising to 30m from 40 in a narrow ridge. Got a really good hit first drop and it was on for young and old. Was using my new light driftbait outfit (thanks Ryan and Honsu) and thought I had hooked the mother of all Dhuies or a big ray. 10 minutes later I was calling it for a Ray as even on light gear I figured a Dhuie would have given up. Any way, after another 5 minutes and a heap of big runs a beautiful Yellow Tail Kingie came into view. This has been my target fish for the year and i have had no luck, but to crack a 22lb one on light baitcasting gear was AWESOME. Sadly photos are non existant except shitty camera phone ones as my camera decided to give up last week.

Went further out and picked up a few big sambos on heavy gear and got some runs in a cube trail but could not hook up sadly.

We then picked up a nice Dhuie on the way back in topping what was a beaut day on the water, with a great feed of fish.

Having not eaten large YTK before I was super impressed, we spiked and bled it on the spot and put it in an ice slurry and the flesh was better than any Sushi place I have seen. Was even better than the KG and on par with the Dhuie.

Can't wait to get out again, now that I have a bit of a spot for them, and try using some east coast live squid methods and try for a really big one.

The other thing that was funny about yesterday is that we didn't catch any real rubbish fish, whilst we didn't catch a lot, what we got were all good fish.

Mulloway Bash

I had a crack at some mulloway last night.  I got there just after dark and set up. I had one rig with baits using fillets, half fish (cut lengthways) and pieces. The other rod was set up to spin some hard body and soft plastic lures.

As soon as I got there I could see bait fish jumping in various areas and it was clear that something was chasing them. Every now and again bait would just scatter around and break the surface. It was certainly looking very fishy. It was low tide, I know high tide may have been better but I wanted to give it a crack anyway. So out went the baits and then I proceeded to spray the area with lures of all types in the hope of hooking a big mulla.

I had no hits on any lures and the bait outfit did not have any luck either but every single bait I put out there came back as a bare hook. This was pretty strange as I put out whole fish, half fish, etc and I wasn't even getting the fish frames back??

Anyhow, I will be back chasing them again soon enough!

Exmouth 19/4/08 - 3/5/08

Me and Amanda have been in Exmouth for the last 2 weeks. It was the best fishing trip we have had so far. The weather was excellent, with 5 days straight glassy days. We caught all sorts of fish Spanglies, Red Emperor,Rankin Cod, Tomato Cod, Spanish Mac, Trevs, Tuna, Coral Trout and my first Sailfish.


Good day at Hillarys.

Went to Hillary's today and had a fish off the south wall.

All up we caught about 20 fish, but kept only 10 and sent the rest back. Most of them were herring, but we also managed 4 tarwhine - 1 kept the rest released, and a few skippy tiddlers.


Saturday Fishing 03/05/08

Took Hlokk (Matt) out this morning after a late withdrawl from Fishless Pete.


We trolled behind staggies for a while and had some fun with heaps of bonito to 2kgs. Matt had fun on his 4lb bream stick.


We only needed to put the boat in gear and we were both hooked up. Heaps of bait schools on the 20m drop off.


WE headed to a few spots that I thought might fire but nothing. I finally nailed a couple of dhuies and a baldy plus this big shark that we released. 



Matt claimed the bigest fish of the day and the biggest fish of his life with a nice sambo that gave him a great fight.



Certainly a nice day on the water but the fish were few and far between.

Last Saturday

Well, Honsu was bugging me for only putting up one fish, so I thought I'd add what I got last saturday for the nor leg off the fishwrecked comp.

We were heading something like 12nm offshore, trolling some christmas trees as we were heading to the spot. We both had a rod out with Mako Magic driving, I turn to ask him what we would expect to catch and zzzzzt, both the lines start peeling off. The fish crossed paths so we had to duck and move the rocks over. Mako's fish came off during this maneuvre but mine stayed on (which was odd as I had braid and he had mono and monos usually more forgiving in situations like that).

Pulled it in and got my first tuna (first fish caught when trolling too).

Tried some bottom bouncing, but the winds made for a fast drift. I think I ended up using 24 oz and still wasnt quite holding the bottom in 40m of water. Only got a undersize (just) flattie and some nibbles. Drift speed was 2 knots (too choppy for the sea anchor) so I thought to myself that thats the speed a short bibbed minnow would work, so just chucked 20m or so of line out and continued bottom bouncing. When we were about the leave, the lure got hit and managed to get a second tuna (released at the side of the boat). Bit surprising that it was fast enough to hold the lure under, and also that a tuna would take a lure at 2 knots.

Traveling about 7 knots and getting quite wet getting back, we tried a patch, and pulled up a few whiting.

Then headed back and tried for some whiting or garfish near the marina but didnt pick anything up (which was annoying as one more fish would have put me in the top 5 :p). Mako picked up a herring pretty quick but nothing after.


Not amazing fish, but managed to have a bit of fun landing some fish I havent caught before, and got a feed out of it too (mmmm, sashimi)


I'm not too sure what kind of tuna it is, i'm leaning southern blue. The fins didnt look anywhere near as yellow in real life, the flash just brought it out.

Weekend Outlook

How much stock can be put in to seabreeze with it forecasting 5 - 10 knot winds on Sunday, or is it holding out for BOMs forecast later in the weekend?

Scored a GPS & offshore flares for my b'day, so time to land something decent......Laughing


exmouth 13th/24 april

just a quick report on our exxy trip.only managed to fish from the boat 4 and a half days out of 10 which was a bummer due to strong winds.the first 3 days were magic, glassy conditions and damn hot, you know its hot when the carpet is burning your feet.
fished out at the murions over those days and found some great fish.
once ya got past the trevelly we where into all the good bottom fish.l did abit of jigging on the light gear and lost $80 of jiggs in 2 drops,(dont fish 15lb with $40 jiggs) but l still managed a nice rankin and afew other bottom dwellers.we didnt take that much over those days due to thinking that the rest of the time was going to be as good.unfortunatly it didnt turn out that way.

did a bit of trolling for a few spanish macs and afew wahoo.then headed out for some bill fish action.there was plenty being caught the days before and we certainly had action on our first atempt.troy had a breif hookup on a big saily that danced and spat the hook,them he managed our only marlin capture 30 minutes later. the fish was brought to the boat them leadered only to break free due to being hooked in the side of the head.
myself, l missed 3 or 4 good fish due to inexperience and also being under gunned, thats what im telling myself , troy mite have a different story to tell.

the new boat performed awsome, some of those days the wind was up l wouldnt want to be out there 30 n/m from home in anything else.put 36 hours on the etec and didnt miss a beat.
we launched from the marina every day due to tandabitti being sanded up hence the long distance we had to travell every day.
we learnt plenty for next time and it was good to meet afew guys from the forums.(sam have you had a shower yet)
havent got any photos of fish on my camera just some good sounder shots, will post up some pics of fish once troy passes them on.

North Mole 28/4

Hoping for a Bonito, or lost Salmon, I popped down to the mole this morning. I pretty much just chucked lures non-stop between about 6:30am and 8am. No bites, no one else got anything else while I was there either.

Better luck next time I guess!

NOR v SOR comp pics


We didn't take too many pics as we didn't catch too many fish.Cry

NOR v SOR Comp "Success"

Firstly a big thank you to Tim for all his efforts in getting this comp together and for his computer skills at the weigh in. Whilst the weather gods frowned upon us and made life very difficult for most if not all boats out there, it certainly evened out the scores and made for a very close contest. I am sure Tim will post the results shortly.


Secondly a big thank you to out key sponsors for the event, John from Joondalup Compleat Angler and Ryan from Oceanside. Without these two guys the comp wouldn't have got off the ground.


To the winners, congratulations. Make sure you pop in and see Ryan or John with your vouchers and put them towards something special.


Overall the day was more about getting together and having a bit of fun and in that respect I think it was a major success.


Finally, thank you to Alfred our independent auditor for verifying my win as Champion Angler for the day. (Talk about being rigged...Wink ..... your carton of crownies is in the mail...Laughing)


Lets hope the weather is better for the SOR comp. (Personally I hope its worse and gets called off as I will be in the Abrohlos that week.Tongue out)



Andy Mac

BIG Buffy!

Went looking for salmon this morning!
Seen 1 hooked up but not many around at all :(

Thought i had a salmon until i pulled this up :lol:

Its my PB Buffy!!


was a hillaries disabled platform today------ picked up afew nice gardies and a few small skippy. some guy was using whole skippy when his reel screamed. wateva was connected to it kept on going and took 300metres and got away. i believe i met up with kaitian. (wrere u wearing a blue mizuno tshirt?)


Swan River

It was a complete waste of time down at the canning bridge today. NOTHING.ZADA.ZILCH. not even a bite. i ended up taking the train to the esplanade station and i walked 2k's to get under the bridge. there was a lot more around------- a few bream - legal size too- but nothing else.

last week salmons

hey guys great season with me pb for salmon. went on a nother trip to bunbury last w.e reports telling the salmon where far and few managed to nail 3 at night right near the cut will post pics later all caught on mullies with a 3 way star and gangs . got 13 at augusta 4 weeks ago pics already posted. hope your all landing a few im off for a nother salmon hunt in a weeks time will post any reports on that.


Caught an undersize DHUEY on Monday off Koks Island.Was approx 1/2 inch undersize,so was released into 15 fathoms in top condition to grow some more.After fishing up here for years its the first time I've heard of one this far north.Sorry no pics were taken,maybe next time.

Hamelin Bay take 2

Went down to Hamelin bay again last weekend to Retreive the boat. It surrvived the Storm, and made the journey home.

While there, we got some great weather on Saturday so made the most of it.

Spent the early morning on the beach, with a school of Salmon i would estimate 25+ Tonne right on the end of the boat ramp and around the edge of the reef near the boat ramp. got 4 that morning.

Love the bend in the rod!

Double Hookup

The wrong way to catch Salmon!!! 2 caught like this! Man the fight hard this way!

Then went out on the boat by 10.30,

Did some trawling for a bit for not much, all the way to cosey corner, but only got 1 Big Pike, and a couple herring.

Headed back to Hamelin bay and did some trawling in a known hotspot for Pike / YTK's and had a ball

Landed some nice YTK's, Salmon on almost every run, and one was over 90cms (Will enter in Salmon comp :) )

Got another nice Pike!

Stopped in the Arvo, out behind the island for some Skippy, and wow if only the fish wernt as thick and i might have been able to get some photo's. Ended up with 2 Dozen 1.5KG-3KG Skippy, plus i lost about a half dozen rigs on 6 LB to suspected YTK's.

Had a ray swimming up close t the boat :| not on the bottom

The water was so clear, we could even see the YTK's chasing the Salmon on the end of the line when it got close to the boat.

Dont get days very often there that were this Calm


Salmon Heads up

There here! Well enough of them anyway. School I saw was about 150 to 200m long.

Was watching the birds working hard, oil slick and a couple of boats havin' fun this morning off North Beach. Only about 3-400 m out.

Go get ' em boyz

west end

hey guys this is my first post so hope all works!
headed out to rotto saturday arvo for a night in narow neck so we could fish early the next morning! sat night we caught everything imaginable! from sharks to octopus to a crayfish my mate caught!!!! on line too mind you! sunday we woke to a howling nor wester. we trolled chicken run for three hours.. nothing.. around lunch it got calm so we went out to the fads only to hear that nothing was around.. back in to my spots in 80 mts and we made up for the day with a couple of red snapper and an absolute hooter of a kg that went 56 cms!! good weekend all round cant wait for tea tonight!!! did anyone see dollies this weekend?

Jurien Bay 12/13 April

Stu and I headed up to Jurien on Saturday Night

We decided to head to Hill river and have a look there.

When we arrived the beach was pristine.
No one around, Ocean flat as a tack with the occasional 6 inch wave breaking Wink

The mouth was closed and as there was no gutter to easily been seen and no swell to help find one we just set up at the mouth.

After a couple of cast found that there were a few pickers about so a change of tactics was needed. A couple of flicks with some prawn got some bait in the bucket and a live herring was put out.

Unfortunately the only thing interested in the herring/whiting baits were crabs. We fished until 2 am and the large baits didnt get a hit. Actually surprised there were not so much as a ray having a sniff.

Put out a big burley trail in the morning and got the bread and butter fish so thick out in front that you could of walked out to drop your bait in.

We picked up something close to
2 - 3 dozen sand whiting most went back as bait
3 - 4 dozen herring lost count as we were catching and releasing
6 nice skippy
45cm garfish

I manged to land about 10 herring on the same squid tentacle.

We may not of had any luck with anything large, but had a ball on the light gear.

2 great days on the beach with glass like water and only a light breeze to take the edge of the sun.

Bloody bewdiful

Sunday Schoolings

Leaving from Jervoise Bay about 5.30am, had my father in-law on board as deckie & we were all set to bottom bounce around carnac, hoping for a few pinkies.

The old man was a shocker. Armed with his Penn 750 O/H, he dropped down his 100lb wire trace pre rigged with paternoster, 2x 3oz snapper leads & 7/0 hooks, baited with cut up pillies. Then it started, as soon as he got a touch, he ripped the rod so hard, that if it wasn't for a loose drag, even a bronzies jaws would have ripped clean out of his skull!

It was terrible, touch after touch if he didn't smash his rod tip on the bimini 3ft above him (he's only about 4ft tall) you could here the zzzzz as he ripped line from his spool.

After an hour of my gentle advice & tips, I had only landed some perch/wrasse looking things (will post pics to find out what they are), he had foul hooked in the gut at least 6, & 1 35cm pinkie,I decided to pull pick & try a new tactic as he wasn't improving.

We steamed over to the Nth side of GI, where I threw the berley bucket in to attract herring & gars. Arming the aquatic dentist with a small abu 2000 loaded with 3kg line, I showed him how to rig a #10 hook on float & bait up with wogs.

Worked a treat, after pulling hooks out of a few fish, & watching me pull in gar after gar, he started to learn finness, & catch some fish! It was like watching a kid learn to fish, start with the basics & if they're catching then they're happy, & the father in law was grinning like the proverbial cat. All up we landed 50gar & half a dozen decent size herring as well as educated on the difference between angling & fishing.

An eduacation on cleaning the catch was another ball game, but managed to score some nice butterfly fillets, as well as bait for next trip

I've bought him the mag "how to catch a fish", as he now believes that by targeting a particular species, you have more chance than just throwing a line in anywhere.

Next trips lesson: you don't always need wire trace, & that big hooks = big fish, small hooks = all fish 

Grain Terminal, Sunday 13/04

I decided to head down to the grain terminal this arvo for a bit of a fish. Got there at about 4pm and expected the beach to be quite packed, but luckily there were only about 3 other fishos there. So I had a bit of room.

I quickly set up, chucked some mulie on some hooks, cast out about 15 metres, then bang I was on. Salmon trout were on the bite. Right up until sundown. I let them all go, but got these pics of 2 that were caught.

They were great little fighters for their size.

As the sun was going down, it switched from salmon to herring, kept 3 for a feed.

A 25cm tarwhine and herring double header followed, took a quick snap of the tarwhine, then released him.

Just after dark, the choppers came on the scene, all around the 28cm mark, just shy of size.

After the tailor, everything seemed to slow down, with the occasional herring getting caught. By about 7:30 bites stopped altogether.

I had a herring out on the 12 footer all the while, got a few bounces on the rod tip but nothing solid. Still waiting to get that mulloway!!!

It was a pretty decent little sesh, got a few herring for the fish curry tomorrow night

On the down side, some idiots down there decided to break into one of the other fishos cars...poor guy got told by some people that had just arrived that his car had been broken into. That's gotta wreck your Sunday arvo.

I hate tools that do stuff like this.

Salmon 8-4-08

A couple of pics from Tues day trip to Dunny, 2 of over 20 fish between 3 of us. Didnt matter where you fish, Eagle Bay, Pt Picquet, Bunkers and everywhere in between had schools and schools of fish passing through. No huge fish that some ppl reported seeing. Biggest school would be no more than 2tonnes. NOT 20-40 tonnes. There may be one out there somewhere. Geez they go hard on bream gear.


Loco....where's your pics??? 


can anyone tell me how the fishing is down in esperance at the moment cheers

The best salmon fishing i've experienced......... ever!

We'll, i've been getting stuck into the salmon landbased down at Injinup (Yallingup)lately and having a ball with plenty of salmon falling to the Rapala X-Rap 14. A lot of the early runners called front runners are eating/hunting baitfish so they're moving fast and the diving minnows are getting the results with surface lures including poppers and my favourite metals getting ignored often. There's been some chaos lately and not good ediquette re L/B but the salmon fever does that to some.


I did another trip just recently this time taking down my boat and a mate Simo. The plans were to go boat base and get amongst the schools with some relaxing captures and no shyte fight. I was down for 3 days with the first day being zip as the fish didn't show up but i did get a small Southern bluefin tuna on my 8wt fly but thats it. Simo unfortunately got seasick and therefore said he'd pass on the next day with plans for himself to do L/B.


The second day was upon us, Simo launched me and i went solo on my vessel this time and hoped things would be better with such a good run lately L/B etc. With flat calm warmish water i had a feeling that just maybe today will turn around as the previous day was a fizzer. After launching i found a school and got my first fish withing 5 min and it fell to the Rala X-Rap on my 14lb spin outfit. With getting to my destination i looked up and down the beach for zip so i had a look at the baitfish a bit further out to see if the salmon were harassing the bait. On arrival there was plenty of bait but after jigging my SP there was no salmon takes so i dropped the jig all the way to the bottom where there was a bit of a lump and got an undersize DHU on bream gear........released!


Okay by about lunch i was thinking not another fizzer again but things did turn for the better and i sighted my first big school which came through, welcomed sight bigtime. I manage to get plenty of salmon on my 8wt fly outfit and 4lb bream gear which made every capture very rewarding. I didn't use anything heavier and had a ball on that school with no boats or other pressure. Ironically the last fish i got was shadowed by a seal that look like he was playin with my salmon throughout the fight but the smart bugger waited for me to wear out the salmon and just as i pulled it out of the water (literaly) the seal came out and ripper it out of my hand and took my favourate fly also.....ggrrrrrrrrrrrrrl


The second school came through later on with a lot more fish again and my stickbaits, SP, poppers and flys getting nailed and again i was enjoying every single minute. Then what happened over the next 30 minutes was truely awesome and never experienced before. The salmon had bailed up the baitfish into the beach and went crazy with the cristal clean water throffed with salmon hammering small anchoviers by the looks and every boat who came over to the comotion and landbased angler hooking up nearby. The was plenty of yelling and a BIG buzz for that 30min with so much visual excitment i felt i was back up North gain but not the case.. Well that was it for the day and i was stuffed, i did drop my pair of Boga grips ($499 worth) in the water after releasing my last salmon that would of made 25 fish for myself that day. I decided to get the lost grips the next day with maybe another opportunatly to get into more fish, we'll see.


The next day Simo said bugger that i gotta get out there after what you experienced and Simo's L/B action didn't occur when i was running a muck as he had a bit of a fall on the rocks and decided to lay up for the day. The 3rd day arrived, Simo came out armed with sea sickness tablets and got onto salmon and also a bonito on the X-Rap not long after departure which made his day despite the changing conditions. The days weather was deteriating and i dived in and found my Boga grips which was good concidering it was buried in white beach sand with a GPS co-ord enabling me to get it back only.....lucky eh. We found one more school but the conditions weren't the nicest so we bailed with a few more fish under our belts and drove back to Perth............WOW awesome few days..


All i can say, it's the best salmon fishing i've experienced.........ever!


No pics unfortunately, sick decky!!