Brag Board

Brag Rights, Catch and Release or Unusual Captures

V5 BAN West Australia Paper

Have you all read the West Australian this morning, (Page 75) I quote,

"Charter boat operators are believed to be close to brokering a deal for concessions on the new seasonal fishing bans covering vulnerable species, including pink snapper and dhufish.

The Department of Fisheries is considering a short-term reprieve that will allow tour operators to fish for the so-called vulnerable five on limited days during this year's seasonal restriction."

Hubbie (Bob) reckons it is a disgrace, one out all out, Why should a person that doesn't own a boat be able to go and fish what I can't fish in the V5 Ban, after I have spent money servicing boat, registeration boat/trailer, buying fishing tackle, bait and doing the right thing, returning unsize fish/crayfish etc. Don't  know about you lot on this site but I'm angry, very angry if this is given the ok.

Two Great Nights

Had two great nights out on the Yak again this week.


Monday 8/9/08

Caught and released two good pinks over 50cm.


Tuesday 9/9/08

Caught a total of 9 Pinkies for the evening, between 45-70cm. Kept three.


Yak fishing, best fun you can have with 16ft of hard plastic between your legs!!!!

PB Chinaman

Forecast was a bit iffy this morning but James and I pushed on with a plan to fish some new ground. I've been after a good chinaman cod for some time now so with this in mind we headed to some shoals off Onslow. After a 90 minute trip we arrived and then commenced dragging a few lures while exploring the shoal, picked up a few trevs and a couple of good queenies. Tide was really ripping so we decided to head off for a snorkel. Drilled a nice trout and bluebone and spooked a couple of BIG bluebone with the boat - buggar! Went back to the shoal and found a nice 8m deep hole. Dropping sweetened leadheads we had instant action on bluelines, spangles and a few other odds and sods. Right on the turn of the tide my leadhead got crunched by a good fish. After 10 minutes of argy bargy I finally had what I came for, 95cm and 12.5 kg of rampaging chinaman. Tide then turned and the switch flicked off. Unfortunately the runout tide was heading straight into the unforecast 18/23 knot westerly and our trip home took just under 3 hours, but don't worry I made the polling station at 5.45pm.


wash down area

i am leaving for shark bay on monday was just intrested if any one has lanched from monkey mia and if the know if there is any wash down areas near the ramp to flush the motor ect!are the standard hose fittings!hope some ones been there cheers ben!

spesses brew proves to be leathal 1nce again

took the 12 footer out yesterday of hillarys to the lumps we found in the 10 m mark to se if i could have another sesh on skippy like last week. so we anchored the boat out came spesses berly and away we went . started by jigging with the new maria little bits again could see the fish on the sounder but only managing to hook the odd skippy or two so i went to thinking . i adventually came to have an idea wich consisted of gliter and berly so i put a jar of glitter i use for sp's into the burley and mixed it through the pellets after throwing over the handfulls of sparkly mix it looked like tiny scales every where and turned the fish on in a huge way . on jigs we ended up with 22 pinkys to 35ish cm and 10 skippy all released. as we got bored of little fish we decided mulie time and set out the un weighted baits ,in minutes we had a bust off on 15 lb and spooled my luvias on a bigger fish in under a minute.
we pored out the rest of the burley mix rigged up again this time 30 lb to se what we could do . on baits ended up with 3 snapper well over size 4 others 1-2 cm under and another 4 or 5 bustoffs .
all in all another action packed avo and may i add you have to try these maria little bits as they have proved to be dynamite on snapper and lge skippy.

Yakkety Yak!

Had a few good nights on the Snapper, Monday being one of the most memorable since i started yakking!!


I am officially a mad yakker! (and proud)


Monday Night, picked up 3 for the night.



Tuesday Night, released.


Tuesday Night, keeper.


took my kids down to quindalup b/r tonight, got an easy feed of nice sized blue swimmers,took them home to add to the chilli mussels and scallops,'

best thing is were goin out tom fishin and after a full belly , we also ended up with some nice burley.. hope the fish r biting.. we,ll see.

sunday 31 august - Jigging

Went out fishing and the weather right from the start was quite rough, so we decided to fish in close, 4mile out from oceanreef.

1st drift over some reefy ground produced this nice little harlequin.

we continued to drift over and around the area without much luck. After a while I hooked onto something decent, and after a relatively long and hard fight with the penn baitcaster, up came this.

we continued to drift the area with baits, but were harrased by pickers, and snagged the bottom often loosing rigs. Drifting around the mark showed schools of fish in mid water, so we decided to cube some mulies and see if we could bring the fish in a bit closer onto the reefy bottom.

First few drifts we had a few small sambo's around the 4kg mark, but we could see some bigger ones following them up.

We persisted and before long I hooked up onto a decent one, and then the tug of war started, THEY GO HARD IN 25M!!!

using a vs275 with a locked drag this one still managed to pull quite a bit of line

We continued cuing and catching sambo's, loosing more fish than what we caught, due to straigtened clips, bust offs and broken jigs, but we were strill catching fish with hookups just a couple of meters from the boat.

Ben wasn't having much luck, but in the end managed this one, which gave him a good work over, and his biggest fish to date.

didn't manage and dhuies, but was still a fun day out and a sore one.


weekend fish pic/comp

Hey Everyone... well swell /weather and my kids 13th birthday  kept me outta the water this weekend..(looking out the window now to rain and howling w winds..

so instead of sifting thru all topics, i created this one..

put a picture of your best catch in here from this weekend.(boating or landbased).. explaining the fight,how much fun it was, and what its gonna be cooked with

just to really rub it in.. haha'

nah seriously .. could be an interesting little comp.. 

winner may get an all expenses paid trip out on my boat.. down here.. (just an idea..)-



Slimey Buggers

After the great story and pics put up by NOHA I thought I might as well put up a couple of pics as well from a trip out to some new ground out behind rotto.

Sorry not the best pics as I'm still waiting on the others.

Fought most ofthe way up this one and only floated the last bit.

On the deck

ps This is what it looked like b4 you ate it Willy.

Long day and a mixed bag

NOt bad for a first trip wide in the new rig although the duh got sniped only 7km of the coast ! on the way back heck was happy wiht my first legal one at 60cm we caught a few at teh bank but released them wiht the trial release jig that worked well.

Deep with Dazza

After being inspired by Ryan's recent articles about Ruby Snapper and the need to find another target during the V5 ban Daaza and I had decided to give this deep water bashing a go. I had the old trusty TLD 30 respooled with 600 meters of braid and bought a kidney harness to help with those long retrieves.
our first foray out to the 200 meter line was a bust to say the least. A fierce current had our lines more horizontal than vertical and even with 70 oz of lead we could not keep bottom.
Saturdays forcast light northerlies looked more promising so out we went again with Dazza's mate Scooby along for the ride. No sooner had we got clear of the coast than poor old Scoobs fell victim to the "mal de mer". Dazza, being the caring soul he is, offered his sympathies and reminded him we still had 60 km's to go. I must say one of the good things about a cat. Is that when a poor sole leans over the side to hurl while your moving along he gets an envigorating salt water face wash and mouth rinse at the same time.
So after a hour and a half of travelling with poor scoobs having gone thru the green stage to now deathly white with the shivers we arrive at or first planned stop for a try at the same ground we saw last time. As scoobs retired to the cabin Dazza and I proceded to catch green eyed sharks and loose hooks. Putting 150mm of wire on the end of my droppers solved my bite offs but green eyes were all we we catching.
The current and wind were so favourable holding botom in 200m with 24 oz was easy so out to the abysmal depths we went.
After hitting our chosen depth we had a sound arround and found some magnificent ground. A 10 meter rise with fish showing all the way up it and at the top 2 to 3 meter lumps scattered about. First drop had me hooked up as soon as we crested the rise.

After a 20 minute retreive I not only boated my first grey banded but a double header at that.

Soory about the hat. Maybe it is time I got a different oneTongue out

Dazza was using his big alvey winch and was sure he hooked up too but got bricked and snagged to the bottom. Let me say breaking free 200 lb line is not fun. I gave Dazza my rod as still needed a rest and next pass he filled the hooks up with a green eyed and a knife jaw. I tied up new rigs with wire ended droppers and since we were still only needing 32 oz of lead Dazza decided to use a rod and reel instead.
It was now darkening fast and the seas had flattened off to glass. Scoobs manages to drag his sorry carcass from the cabin having slept for the last 4 hours. We were just coming up to the mark again so Dazza handed him my rod which was already down and dropped his freshly rigged line down to the depths. I didnt even have time to remove my gimble to put it on Scoobs before his rod slammed down hard. Bad luck Dazza still no Grey Banded for you. If he had waited another 30 seconds that fish would of been his. Unfortunately as soon as this fish was beat and started to be lifted from the bottom Dazza could feel the dreaded rubbing of crossed lines. Bringing his line up off the bottom he sat back and waited for Scoobs to land his fish. His chances of getting that grey banded of his own were getting slimmer as time was running out and the current starting to increase. 5 minutes into the fight and Dazzas rod bucks hard and he is on too. Do you think he was happy.

20 minutes of hard winding later and a couple of unders and overs we got the lines clear.
And the result Hapuka,  Greybanded and a Bass groper.

Time was up and just one more drift made Dazza a happy boy


shark bay

hey guys i am going on a family holiday to shark bay in the next two weeks for five days where staying at the monkey mia for five days i am thinking of towing the boat as well! any info on the quality of the boat ramps. and any shore based fishing spots would be much appiciated ,any info on the area would be handy as ive only fished steep point!weather, fishing spot, land based , and around the bay as ill be with the wifey!cheers guys hope you can help!



matt vs matt

went out on mills friday night for a night bash and the "name " rivalry was there between matt (mako magic) and matt (hlokk) was a alright night with pinks caught by most to about 7 kg and 1 dhuie and heaps of red snapper. at the end of the night matt(hlokk) won the name rivalry with matt (mako magik)4 to 1 .. a convincing win well done hlokk

Leadhead Sail

Forecast strong wind warning kept me in port Saturday morning but the arvo window looked to good to miss. Blasted out at about 2.00pm, went for a look with the gun in a couple of places but didn't find anything worth shooting. James bagged four crays and I picked up two. Headed to a spot at about 5.00 pm in 40 odd metres of water and did a few drifts with leadheads baited with mulies. Not the best bait and missed quite a few hits. Cranking the jig back up and was rewarded with a nice mack of about a meter, beauty, fresh strip baits for the jigs. Put the pick down and started pumping the pot. Macks were on the job. James hooked a shark down deep so i started cranking my jig to to the top to get it out the way. 3/4's of the way to the top and it stopped in its tracks, another mack I'm thinking until a nice sail burst through the top. Shark was promptly cut off and we concentrated on the sail. Didn't take to long on the PE 5 Twinpower. Few anxious moments boatside and then I had my first sail on a leadhead. Didn't bother lifting in the boat for a pic and it swam off strongly. Is their anything that wont eat a white 6/0 leadhead?


Do believe its a John Dory!!!! Is it common in Perth waters(haven't seen one before) ?? How big do they normally grow(this fish 51cm)?? Chewability?? If it eats as well as it looks the mother-inlaw ain't getting it!!!!!!!


Russ's Small Pair

A good trout

No pavers, no lawn and bloody freezing.

Caught at Lake Jindabyne winter 07.

lol Laughing



$500 Gold Spot!!!

Had an e-mail from Van Staal today to let me know that I had won the monthly photo comp!!!!Cool

Didn't think I had much chance!!! Thought I might have looked too much like an Arib!!!!LaughingTongue out

Won a 58-325 jigging rod!!!! COOL!!! Had a 225 on layby so Ian Bailey is going to take the 325 for the 225! Matching it to a 150 gold Van Staal reel!!!



Wednesday the 6th

First spot was full of dhuies, and first couple of drifts we had 4 with 3 undersize, and one just size.

Another couple of drifts and we lost a couple of big fish which burried us in the coral quickly.

Moved onto the next spot, and although it was flat ground and showed nothing on the sounder steve still managed this one.

Moved around a bit more fishing inside the bank for very little, so decided to move out.

Dave managed this nice breaksea, he was happy as it was his first time fishing since 20 yrs

steve also picked up a red on the same drift

Fishing around the area, didn't produced much apart from a few undersize pinks and another big fish which dropped off about halfway up.

Moved in to 80m, on the way back in and caught a few pinkies, and lost another big fish which seemed to shut the spot down, but it still showed plenty on the sounder.

Dean and Steve

Dhufish? No Worries!


a couple of first/PBs today out with Ozlobster and Hlokk. Ozlobster was gracious enough to put me onto a nice lump for my first Dhufish.

After that, we went out a little further and I picked up a pink snapper!

Sorry, more details after dinner. Its just come off the BBQ!

Ok, back from the BBQ and a snooze. Got home just in time to show it to my 9month old son, he thought it was pretty interesting, hope it didn't give him nightmares.

We knocked off both on the BBQ last nite, and you know its a good night when 4 of you can argue about whether snapper or dhuy tastes better.

Bit more trip detail follows:
We launched at Pt Peron around 6:30am and it was a quick trip to a spot about 10mile south of rotto's east end. We had a few drifts there, I can't remember the exact order, First John got quite a nice squid, then I got that dhufish (70cm nose to v). I got it on a scale-on herring fillet under a lumo squid. Next I got a shorter one on a cockburn sound squid head on the same lumo squid deaded hook. Hlokk picked up a piece of the bottom, but eventually got it moving, see picture below.

Next we went to a spot about 6mile south of west end, it was a little deeper, and a little warmer out there (21deg C). I got the Pinky (55cm) out there on a herring head, John got a followup one next drift.

Thinking the winter skippy might be a bit more reliable, we anchored off rotto and berleyed up. All that turned up were the birds and the pickers, so eventually we headed back. It was a quick trip back as we had a glass-off in the lee of the  island, and then very smooth all the way through to 5 fathom bank before we saw any chop really.

Everyone got a feed and it was a nice day out. Now back to work, sob.

double header on 4.5

Woke up early this morning, checked the weather, called menopaul, and we were off on another awesome fishing adventure on Re-Lisa. Dad wanted to head out for these two main purposes:1. Check out the ground that we found last trip.2. Test the mini super rods.We arrived at two rocks marina at 6:50am in water by 7:05am. There was a 2.5 metre swell running, with the low tide and eastly winds the mouth of the marina had a bit of whitewash hanging around. After we were out of the marina we thought it was dead flat, soon to notice it was choppy. This made the ride to our new ground a little bit bumpy, but the new boat powered through. After arriving on the mark the rod were rigged and baited. Soon after, Menopaul was on. After a good looking fight it turned out being a morwong kind of thing which was released.  Within the minute, my mini super rod was going off, as we were using 4.5kg line we didn't know how much pressure we could put on the line and fish or what to expect. After a 5-10 minute fight a nice 55cm (4kg) dhuie was landed and congratulations followed my effort on 4.5kg line. Shortly after Dad followed with which we believed was a dhuie, but we will never know as he dropped it shortly after hook up. I quickly rebaited and lowered my line, to hear Menopaul's reel. About 2 seconds past after I hit the bottom and I was on also. Menopaul got his fish on-board first, this fish ended up being a double header of dhuies. These fish were estimated at 6kg each. A few minutes past and my fish was in sight, as it neared the boat we realized I also had a double header of dhuies estimated at 6kg and 4kg. Everyone was surprised that they were landed on a mini super rod and on 4.5kg line. Dad was spewing as when the photo was about to be taken the batteries in the camera died. After these fish it suddenly went quiet (It might have been a small dhuie we threw back). After 2 drifts with no bites we moved out a bit further. Out further we sounded out some more ground and started our drift. After a while we had landed and released 3 snapper and 2 dhuies. On the final drift I got snagged and when I got unsnagged a 4kg baldy was awaiting me. After a great days fishing we called it a day at 1:00pm. The day was a success as the new ground was awesome and the mini super rods produced great amounts of fish. 8 dhuies four released 3 snapper all released, 1 baldy kept, two blackass kept.   Jesse and Paul

might be a touchy subject with members

was reading the upgrade of a ramp in the south. what is the feeling with a up grade of the ramp at two rocks ramp! dont get me wrong i respect the guys that collect the money each morning! they need to be payed ect!and put my hat down to. TWO ROCKS SEA RESCUE !but the facilities arent going to keep up with the general public as i and many others have noticed over the past year or two!as all good fishing areas people will soon be traveling further north wards as i do looking for better areas these areas are going to recieve more traffic like it or not! just after your opinion!

personal files

have noticed on the my account area ,a personal files area ,proberly a studid question but how does it work guys cheers , not big on computers still learning!

Sunday big fish

Went out from Two Rocks around 6oclock a little fog drifting across the water made things look spooky,we anchord on the three mile and got some fresh whithing for bait, before heading out things started of slow but sone picked up with a nice 15kg dhuie on board.I then picked up a shadow this boat followed me for an hour which slowed things down ,some guys have no idea and can't see anything wrong with the way they fish, DICKHEADS. anyways thats all on that back to fishing we tryed a few other spots with not much happening so headed in close, the last spot of the day and things went of,Jesse got a 10kg dhuie Myself 15.5kg -13kg ended up being a great day with
10 dhuies 4 released 15kg 15.5kg 13kg 10kg 2x5kg
2 breaksea
1 kg whiting
1 sambo 25kg released
1 fox fish
And yes i am busting me ass holding them, as Jesse took his time with the pic.

Ferals Baldy

Well myself  craig  aka Fishcrazy  and mike aka Blowfishproheaded out wide today brilliant weather and company and this time it was my chance for the big baldy 60 cm and just over 5 kilo of fun and also craigs killer blackass  , great day with great company


Cockburn Sound, Sunday 20th.

Just a few pics from out Kayaking trip into CS on Sunday morning. Our buddy Matt caught all 3 Pinkies, leaving us to clear all the annoying Herring and other fish away from his baits... He gave me and wifey one of the three for dinner, nice fella he is. Was a beautiful morning, and the new GPS proved it's worth, putting us right on a good patch. I managed to loose a good fish through a bit of over exhubiration (too keen) after attempting to souvenir it's jawbone by yanking it clean ouuta its face.. Lesson learnt, and i better man i be.


Wifey on route.


Matt hooked up, concentrating hard.


The results.


Proud fisho, worth every second of fishless days for that one moment!


By the way, big thanx to Ryan for some solid advice, and Allan Mac for constant knowledge. 

deckie spot avail

deckie needed for 2moro give me a call on 0412110428 daz

At last I have mastered the technique

My Prawns from last night. Really looking forward to having these tonight. Bill, thanks for the squid.