Good day on the 3
Submitted by Northwest on Tue, 2010-04-06 18:24Went off midarie to the 3 mile... this time instead of going to staggies reef for kings we headed towards alkimos in the hope of a dhuie or two. Saw bird activity but bait went deep by the time we rocked up.
there was a gd mix of fish all day. skippys, wrasse, and small break seas everywhere. got onto a school of pinkies, which where on 48cm went back alive and well. I personally think 1/2meter size limit for snapper is rediculus.. this 480 that went back was solid with its own little lump on its head. I think if u cant take a fish that decent home whats the point.. but anyways kept fishing, dad got a decent break sea. boat drifted onto sand and I got a yellow tail king (they are everywhere atm). last drop of the day was drifting wrass fillets for dhuies with no weight, produced a very nice harlequin cod. All in all a gd day out, seems the last few trips there has been decent fish all in 12-15m of water 3 mile off ocean reef, mindarie, and two rocks
Im intrestead to know what else is been caught on the 3 lately, feel free to add!!
- 2149 reads
Mandurah over Easter
Submitted by wacraig on Tue, 2010-04-06 14:05Afternoon all,
Just wondering if anyone had any luck out from Mandurah over the weekend? We tried several spots, close and out wide but came up with nothing (apart from a sea sick step son ).
- 1979 reads
Easter Augusta fishing
Submitted by Walker on Mon, 2010-04-05 20:53its been a good 5 weeks since i went fishing last and as it would have it, all the moons , suns alligned for a perfect days fishing in augusta. as my wife were tagging along an early start would be near impossible but we were at the ramp by . with no wind predicted all day i was very very excited. after giving my wife a quick run down on how to be a good deckie we tackled the worst boat ramp in australia , flinders bay.
on the way out we collected skippy, herring, scalies (and sand whiting just in case we caught no decent fish) for fresh bait. all the whole way out we saw Salmon,bonito,tuna bust up bait. could not get within casting distance of the balls, fish got spooked. then we hit some lumps on the other side of the island and after a few drifts my wife nailed a 50cm harlequin on her new saragosa 8000. lucky for her ive never caught one. Then i hit a 55cm breaksea cod. And well thats the new bag limit 2 high risk fish( i was the only one with a license) got some big skippy aswell.
also the river has been doing well for size 35cm and under,,,, king geroge whiting. very few and far between yellow fin whiting. no crabs either.
also rumour has it that this winter the river will be sealed with sand and busted open when rains fill the river to the rim.for a long time the river has not being emtying and filling with the tides because of the mouth has been slowly closing. hopefully the govt can follow through with this project to give this huuugggeee waterway a second chance. Augusta,s lively hood is fishing and this small town sure does need the tourism.
- 1 comment
- 1910 reads
re size please..
Submitted by bungeye on Fri, 2010-04-02 09:23hey guys just posted my pics up from hillarys 3mile in reports forum .. and they are farken huge (again ) lol ill get it one day could someone please resize them for me ..cheers ..
- 1611 reads
Pinky for dinner.
Submitted by fishintruckie on Wed, 2010-03-31 21:37Went out on a mates' boat on Monday, we were heading for the three mille off Ocean Reef but we didn't have allot of time so we dropped the pick on a lumpy bit of ground not far from the marina. Things started off quietly but good conversation and a few beers helped pass the time then this fellow came along. Measured 64cm to the fork, we got one more very undersize pinky then the stingrays moved in so it was time to head back and light the barbie. All in a very relaxing way to spend a Monday.
- 1702 reads
Hamelin Bay
Submitted by STEVE231 on Wed, 2010-03-31 20:16I fished Hamelin Bay last weekend after a tip-off from my neighbour who fished it the weekend prior and reported some good sized fish.
- 3870 reads
hillarys 3 mile ..pinky pics.
Submitted by bungeye on Wed, 2010-03-31 18:51hey guys thought id give a thumbs up to anybody looking at having a fish on the 3mile.
We headed out yesterday about 1pm in the arvo to our little spot 10 min from the boat ramp,anchored and burleyed hard in about 13m of water.
The result 10 small bronzies,3 big rays,a 55cm pinkie,a 70cm pinkie,and my pb 87cm pinkie, the sharks were takin on full baby squid un weighted and the pinkies off the bottom ,,awesome arvo i reckon.
Just proves you dont always need to cruise far to catch decent fish (as we usually do .good luck for the long weekend .
- 4094 reads
Yesterdays Report
Submitted by milsey on Wed, 2010-03-31 11:24Well unfortunately due to the weather and needing to be back at 2 we decided not to head out to the FAD's and instead hit the local reefs and then head out to try find some bottom dwelling species. The NE was fairly stiff and reinforced the reason we didn’t hit the FAD's. Got to Mewstone and started chucking lures with every cast resulting in a herring, until my mate then got bricked on 12lb to what we think was a huge tailor judging by the pace it took off. After we had enough herring for bait we headed out to the 40m mark where we eventually found a likely spot, did a few drifts and found we were getting smashed by small snapper which wouldn’t leave our baits alone, we moved a few times and found the same result. We then decided to head out a little deeper where we found a little lump of coral and first drop resulted in a nice Red snapper for my mate.
As I was taking the photo my rod went off and I thought I had hooked his brother until line started stripping, unfortunately it was just a sambo,
so with time getting on we decided to head back in, by this stage the wind had dropped and we could head in sitting on 30kn. I’ve still got a couple more weeks before uni starts again so hopefully I can head out to the FAD's and get into some nice yellow fish.
Cheers Miles
- 2108 reads
Short trip out
Submitted by slam on Wed, 2010-03-31 08:37Went out from Hillarys yesterday at midday & headed NW. Plenty of surface activity with a few big chop ups. From what i could see they were southern blues & managed to bring one on board around the 5-6kg mark. Something i haven't seen before was a serious bait ball getting hammered by tuna & sharks in 8m of water!!! Couldn't latch on to any though.
Few size dhuies out there & managed a couple of cod. Might have been wirras but they had bands & spots. Only in 40m. Plenty of 30cm pinkies around.
Not bad for 4hrs on the water.
Now for a bitch! To the @#$%wit who came & pinged my spot while i was into a dhuie, i hope your GPS shits itself! There is nothing more annoying than people that do that. You put a lot of hard work into getting good ground not to give it away to twats like that. If i wasn't fighting a fish i wouldn't have been too polite!!
All in all though an enjoyable arvo on the water.
- 2239 reads
Submitted by carps on Tue, 2010-03-30 22:34hi lads,
Just thought i should put up first post as a report.
Went out last nite in cockburn sound and got a few tailor good size there seems to be a few round atm.
Sorry no pics.
cheers carps
- 1722 reads
Dampier last weekend
Submitted by crasny1 on Tue, 2010-03-30 13:15After reading about the lack of input into the site I thought I would post the last weekend story.
A bit boring for some but hey it was great and fantastic fishing.
Cant be bothered taking pictures when the fish is on the bite, but will try and get some from the visitors on saturday that was snap happy.
Saturday lazy time. left at 12noon from Dampier and thought the wind would be cool. It sort of was so didnt head as wide as intended. Nice reef from memory found the old fashion way (GPS tracker broke) and we were into it. End of the day in the Home Esky 2 Jacks (odd to find them that far off as we also got some juvies undersize), 4 nice NW snapper of various varieties, a nice cod, a Trigger fish (I had no idea whether it was edible or not and dont like killing fish, but something "triggered" my mind that it was good) and the 2 price Trout, caught less than 1 minute apart. Left behind a truck load of odds and sods, including a very decent size ramora that I thought was not a eating fish.
Sunday out again but even more lazy. Out 1pm and it was jack city. I dont understand why Jacks are so far off in numbers greater than flags and NW snapper but in view of the previous effort only brought home 2. If it was a comp would have upgraded at least 10. Again a ball and it just proves that you dont have to be deep ++ to get quality fish.
Mullows ---- it was not Courtney Heads. LOL
- 2056 reads
Salmon Report @ Cape Nat
Submitted by nev on Fri, 2010-03-26 07:39Dropped the tub in at Quindalup yesterday lunchtime and decided to have a look down at Bunkers for some Salmon. Was buzzed by two choppers at the ramp so thought the Pro's were looking which could be a good sign. Off we went, conditions weren't too bad just a moderate SE wind so it was good to get out of the house and get the tub out. We were 10 minutes out and spotted birds working , over goes Rogers favourite Yozi lure , bang straight onto a Bonito which was a bit of fun for him, kept steaming down to Bunkers , good signs of bait fish on the sounder. Got closer to Bunkers, so over with the lures, did a couple of passes around Rocky Point and then headed out to the Cape. Still nothing after an hour or so , wind was on the make so we decided to go right into Bunkers and catch a feed of Herring/Whiting and relax for a couple of hours. Got a good feed of sand whiting and some good sized Herring also which was good. Wind started to drop off a bit so we decided to head around the Cape and see if we could get a salmon or two! Over with the lures again, trolling for about 10 minutes and Rogers on again (Good sized Pike). Still sloppy as around there so didnt expect too much. Trolled for another 15 minutes and then I got a hit on mine and this thing took off, peeling the line off pretty quick and then spat it (not happy). That was a bummer losing that!Turned around and headed back to Bunkers again, ( Roger got another Bonito just inside the Cape) and that was it for the day, headed back to the ramp. Hopefully they will come on soon before I go back to work! Sorry about no photos , forgot to take the camera! cheers nev!
- 2913 reads
Shark Bay
Submitted by Uglyprik on Thu, 2010-03-25 07:37What are other people's thoughts on dragging my 22ft boat up to Shark Bay over easter? I'll get two days of fishing if I'm lucky, probably 15-20knot winds as reports indicate have been the norm up there, a day up and day back. IS IT WORTH IT? I have plenty of marks and know how to fish it even though I've never been there, and only have a 2wd vehicle so I figure decent LB fishing would be out of the question. Any opinions would be appreciated.
- 6956 reads
Saturday Night Specials
Submitted by big john on Wed, 2010-03-24 20:15Had a nice night on the Lower Ord last Saturday. Spent some time collecting bait and waiting for the afternoon traffic to disappear. ;)
Eventually settled in to a favourite spot, just on dusk. After an hour of swatting mozzies with only one silver cobbler (shitehouse catfish) to show for the effort, the call was made to move around a bit to try and locate the fish.
5 minutes after re-positioning the boat, the first barra was hooked. Turned out to be a nice fish at 80+cm which was successfully released after a few pics.
30 minutes the second fish turned up. This would have to be one of the fattest barra I've encountered, it was almost goldfish like! Released this one into the icebox.
Finally, right on 9.00pm the fish of the night turned up. After a great tussle on 14lb braid a solid 90+cm fish graced the deck. Took a couple of quick pics and then released it with a big smile on the face. After that we let the remaining bait in the bucket go and headed for home dodging the odd tree branch and bugs flying over the river.
Saw a few crocs but only small, and they were happy doing their own things.
- 2399 reads
Swan River - Monster Cuttlefish
Submitted by JohnSorrell on Wed, 2010-03-24 10:04
Unreal weather last night, so ended up out on the swan for a quick fish on the kayak... Must be all the fresh water mixing up the river after the storm because within a couple of hours i caught about 30 tailor and 5 black bream (all released)... choppa tailor were everywhere, smashing lures almost before they hit the water... Ended the night after i hooked this monster in shallow water, while trying for squid... I've never seen cuttlefish in the river before so was a bit shocked.... weighed about 2.2kg... time for some cuttlefish curry... mmm... or cuttlefish stuffed squid ...
- 2923 reads
Submitted by Pete D on Mon, 2010-03-22 22:27- 10 comments
- 2349 reads
F@%#^&$# Bananas
Submitted by carnarvonite on Mon, 2010-03-22 20:07Got a call from my old mate Neville asking me to go for a run out on his boat with him and his son John.
Got away at 0700 this morning and the aim was to fish some spots about 6nm NW of Koks island. On arrival found that the spots I'd taken from my gps didn't match the position on Nev' after a bit of searching we located them.All ready to fish and out come John with a BANANA---WTF!!!oh well too late to toss it now.
Do about 5-6 drifts right over the spots and not a bite with good fish showing on the sounder.
Moved in to proven fall back spots near Koks and the same thing,drift over spots showing big fish and not even a whiff of a bite.So on to the Koks patch.Result from 6 drifts over real good lumps showing fish was my charlie court[ released], Nev's double header of undersize black snapper [both released] and John's shark that he wanted to keep.
To really rub salt in to the BANANA myth with broke down in the leads coming in to the boat harbour.The Volvo diesel just died,plenty of fuel,motor turns over but no fire.So on the radio and call up sea rescue for a tow in.Bit embarrassing for the local sea rescue president calling up for a tow.
Boat safely back in the pen and will have a look at it tomorrow,not game to today after all the other failures.
- 2970 reads
ABC- Tales from the tinny
Submitted by wadetolley on Fri, 2010-03-19 22:20Because we are moving to the NT, some friends suggested we listen to the guys on the ABC Radio station, with a program called "Tales from the Tinny" have listened to a few shows in the archives, they are bloody funny ! You can check them out at
- 2222 reads
Marlin, Tuna, and Sails...Costa Rica Fishing Report
Submitted by SailFishQuepos on Thu, 2010-03-18 02:55
Had a great day out today! We spent all morning fighting a truely big Marlin. What a monster hookup. We went out 40 miles today, and got straight to the bait hunting. Not a moment after we had the lines all full lively small bonitas, did Rudy see one of our newly placed baits flying through the air. He lowered the drag on the pole waiting for the bite, and then I hear the reel start whirring like a small electric motor. He raised the break up and hooked the fish and we saw a huge splash behind the boat as the fish jumped out of the water. Then about half a second later the fish jumped again next to the boat and then anohter half a second later and the fish jumped 100 yards IN FRONT of the boat. He was moving so fast that he was still dragging off line towards the back of the boat as he was running forward. I got the boat in gear and throttled up and the fight was on! We chased him down only after he pulled off about 600 yards of line. The customers took turns fighting him all morning, until everyone finally wore out, and then they handed if off to Rudy. Rudy, like a kid in a candy store, starts reeling and pulling and about 20 minutes later we have the fish within 15 feet of the boat. It is huge, at least 12 feet long, and was an awesome sight. We made it all the way to the shock leader until the fish went crazy and the leader just couldn't take any more and gave out. I have to admit, this is the first time I've had a leader break since I started using Yo Zuri Floro Carbon. I'd say the fish jumped about 25 times though, so overall the leader did ok. Not the happiest ending, but we got through all the fight. This week has been amazing for fishing. The last two weeks of February were a bit slow (really strange for this time of the year), so we were super excited the fish started biting again! We hooked up with 5 sailfish yesterday, 4 monster big tunas the day before. We had an inshore day this week with 35 fish and one with 25 fish. It's been really great fishing and I'm looking forward to a super busy April through May. Well, here's some pictures, sorry, no Marlin pictures, I was only 10 feet from getting him to the boat so I didn't think to take pictures. Check out the big tuna though. Great times here on the water in Quepos!
End Of February 2010
Ok, first I have to apologize, we have been 100% booked and I haven't had the energy to tap away at the keyboard after fishing/fueling/cleaning. So here is a recap of the last part of February. February was an awesome month, and with it came a lot of great times! A few stick out. One was this snook that we caught that might have been a world record if I had it weighed. I promise, the only photoshop used on the fish was to shrink it down for the web. That thing was huge! At the dock after the trip, all the mates were holding it up to have their picture taken with it, and I can't wait to see the mount! Another fun story was the 10 year old who reeled in this sailfish all by himself. He was super attentive and listened to everything Rudy said. The sailfish didn't come in easy either, but was jumping and doing everything it could to spit the hook or pop the leader. But thanks to a little bit of Yo-Zuri Floro leader (pink of course), and a great listener on the reel, we won the battle and the picture got taken! Offshore has been great with lots of double sails, usually one of the spinning rod per trip! Inshore has been especially insane as well, with between 15-35 fish a day. Inshore we averaged 4-8 Snook and 5-10 Roosters and at least one Dog Faced Snapper per day. And as you can see from the photos, the fish here are HUGE!
February 11
Lots of sails out today! I had a young couple out today and we really wore them out today with sails. On a side note, we have gotten at least one double sailfish hookup and at least one spinning reel sailfish hookup per trip now for the last 7 trips! Well, instead of me telling the story, I'll just show you some pictures and let you read the email I received after the trip!
Cant thank you enough for the best fishing trip we have ever been on!!!!!!!!! I am going to email you all of our pics from the trip and will be happy to recommend you to anyone I hear that is headed that way. We are seriously looking into moving down there, thanks again man!
Best Regards,
Capt. Ryan
February 5
Great day out, sailfish were everywhere! I lost count but we got either 6 or 7 to the boat, with literally hundreds of sails jumping around and swimming by the boat. And these weren't baby sails, they were monsters! The best was a double with one on the spinning. There is nothing more fun and challenging than reeling in a 125 pound billfish on a spinning reel spooled with 30 pound Mono! So we hit the first sail, he was wanting to eat the teaser. After a little bait and switch, we had the spinning reel screaming and the fight was on! As the sail was getting close, we saw that it was bringing up another one so we hooked that one too on the Tigra 30. It was some great fishing! Here's some awesome pictures! And yes they are enormous, and the pictures are of different fish!
February 3
Great day fishing. I fished with these guys yesterday & today and the sails were thick. We hooked 6 sails yesterday and 3 Dorado. Some of those were on small spinning reels as well, and I think overall we probably spent more time reeling than trolling. As a result of that some of the guys were a bit worn out today when we started out early! So about 12 O'clock today, we had already boated 3 sails and 3 nice Dorado, and the guys decided they couldn't handle anymore action! On a side note, it has been 4 days since a sail has come behind the boat and not gotten hooked. Many times you hear people say we went 2 for 7 on sails. Not on the Sterss Reeliever. Every fish gets a hook, and then the battle is between the customer and the fish. Even if we are reeling in another fish, fish beware ... as happened today ... So we had hooked this sail on the spinning and once again it was almost to the boat. Rudy was holding the leader on the sail and a Dorado just leisurely swims past. Customers are shooting photos and I hear, " Hey look at that Dorado". I couldn't let a fish come that close to the boat and get away!!! So without a word to Rudy, who is trying to get ahold of the sailfish, I throw out a bait on the 30, run up the tower and throw the boat in gear. Then I fly down the ladder and hook the fish while the boat is on Autopilot (figuratively, not literaly) and then run back up the tower and take it out of gear! Poor Rudy was halfway in the water with the sail and was yelling, "Who's driving the boat!" and "What the heck are you doing?" but he figured it out when I got the hook!!! Afterwards we had a good laugh though and he said I earned my third stripe(whatever that means)! And then we took the pictures of the sail while the Dordo fight was on! Today was all reeling and no breaks! Another great day out in the beautiful and warm Quepos Costa Rica Blue Waters!
Where Did Rudy Come From?
I get alot of questions about where I got Rudy and how he knows so much about fish. So I thought I would let the secret out of the bag and show you guys the photos of where I discovered him! Apparently, he drifted out to sea at a young age and was raised by sailfish! Neat story. It may be true, but that's not really where these pictures came from. Actually this was a tired sailfish after a battle with our spinning rod. It wasn't sure if it could go on with life, and Rudy, loving fish and never having hurt a sailfish in his life, jumped out to give the fish swimming lessons and whisper in its ear! :) I would have backed the boat up to the fish, but that just wasn't fast enough for Rudy! Ahh, I guess you can't hate him for his enthusiam! I'm planning on going back sometime mid-February to check on him and see how old Rudy is making out!
- 2060 reads
Salmon Schools everywhere
Submitted by Higgo on Wed, 2010-03-17 10:41I was at my spot on the weekend between Walpole and Margs. Schools of Salmon everywhere and they're
massive. Not only the size of the schools are large but the weight of the fish
is unbelievable. Our largest was 8.2kg and they averaged probably 6.5kg
Mostly caught on plastics with a few on Mulies. I just can't believe the size of them this year. Last year we were only getting 4 - 5 kilo fish maybe a 6 kilo if we were lucky. This year it's going off. Photo's to come
Cheers, Higgo
- 3816 reads
South West jigging
Submitted by damo6230 on Mon, 2010-03-15 11:10With the weather gods playing ball it was not a time to miss such an opportunity........
Not a breath of wind. Thats Barneyboy (Mark) at the helm.
Decided to stop at the tip of the cape as there was minimal swell and a large bommie with a big ledge...... unfortunatley Mark was using light gear and got bricked by a big dhuie on a snapback SP.......better luck next time mate.
We then went around the cape looking for fish.
We found plenty along the current line and proceeded to find the sambo's....
It was double hookup after hookup.......and great fun on light gear.
Thats a Oceanside jig master PE 2-3 rod and matched with a Certate 4000 (thanks Bones76).
About time as there were hundreds of the buggers around
Small SBT jigged on a shout lighten 70g
Mark in the action with a snapback SP.
We caught heaps of fish species including shallowtail, heaps of BA, wrasse and sambo's...............
I was predominantley chasing demersals on jig and only used either a caprice kid of shout lighten or shabba and no matter how slow I jigged couldn't get past the sambo's and they were even taking then on the bottom when stationary...but great fun on light gear.
Mark mostly threw snapback SP when not pirating my jig rods.....he he and caught all of the above species and more. And he got bricked twice by big dhuies on SP. Better upgrade Mark .
Fantastic day on the water. Plenty of fish in the boat.
And yes Harro and Brendan (Seaquest) that was us waving at you when you came past the Cape.
- 2592 reads
5 fatham
Submitted by TheBradyBunch on Fri, 2010-03-12 13:01hey there guys i decided to go out for a fish yesterday arvo/evening fish. the weather look to inviting not to go out so i loaded up the tinnie an off i went. I didnt know where to head so i headed out to the 5 fatham behind garden island. On me way out there, there was an abundance of bait breaking the surface so i stopped off an casted in a floating bait with no luck so i trolled the rest of the way to the five hoping for something to hit my lure but with no luck.
I found a nice lump in 20 metres of water an anchored up an burleyed the shit out of the joint after half an hour i almost gave up but then it was on i caught 9 skippy which all went back bar one that i put under a balloon, in no less than five minutes of it being back in the water a 5 foot hammer head took it an boy was it fun to watch it jump out the water until i had it near the boat an it decided to jump in the boat an i almost jumped straight out i let it go an my bottom rig took off with a nice size jewie on the end yummmmm then as i got that aboard my rod took off again an i hit a school of pinkie's even better until the sharks moved it :(.
All in all i had a great day catching an resleasing fish i caught 9 skippy, 1 hammerhead, 4 blacktip reef sharks, 5 pinkies an 1 dhuie. But in doing the right thing i came home with 1 pinkie, 1 dhuie an 2 shark yummo was home in 3 hours from leaving home a bit of a longer fishing trip was good for a change so i might have to head back out there tonight.
- 2880 reads
Damn point and shoot is hard!
Submitted by Adam Gallash on Wed, 2010-03-10 14:46Well, seeing as its the work boat and I don't want to take my DSLR out there, instead I take the old point and shoot cam and boy is it hard work getting the action shots. Today's fish was one of the most acrobatic I've seen in ages, it took me 5 mins to get the camera out of the bag (hence missing the first lot of action) and I still managed to shoot off a heap of shots as he danced accross the ocean. Anyway, here's a few pics of the morning out, all were different jump shots and on the way in the only wave we could get was from the tuna or the tug. :)
- 2224 reads
quick fish tonight
Submitted by silly on Sun, 2010-03-07 21:54just got back from an hour down at floreat drain, still plenty of tailor around. Got a couple of decent ones approaching 40cm. Plenty of bites but kept losing them in the swell on the way in.
Had the big rod out but no luck this time round.
- 2087 reads
Are the crays still around
Submitted by Billy Herbs on Sun, 2010-03-07 19:01Hello to all the Fishwreck crew. Seems like a good site you guys have here. I have not seen any forum topics on the crayfish season so far, so I thought I would ask the question,
Are the crays still able to be found behind GI or Carnac, or are they much further out this season???
- 1679 reads
Morning fishing trip off Exxy
Submitted by deepwater on Sun, 2010-03-07 17:41here we go i got the bug again after the little outing with Adam a few days ago in the gulf. My son Alex and i went out the back of north west reef for a spot of bottom fish, was not good at all {15\18 knots} Alex was sick in the first 10 mins so i thought i would wander in to the back of the reef. As we got close to the reef i put out 2 divers out for some macs, 2mins later it was screaming off, alex was straight up and on to the rod. A few mins later he had his first Mactuna on board, a quick photo and he swam off. As we looked up there was a bait ball getting pushed towards us ,alex was straight on the only rod with a casting lure on it {little bugger} first cast and he was on, an awesome queeny was launching it self out of the water, left and right and all around the boat. He finally landed the monster, I'm so proud of my little man, he had a smile from ear to ear. We went back to the ramp and were home by 11am, a good little session for a sunday morning.
PS :Alex is so proud he has a queeny bigger than mine
- 1829 reads
Canning river report
Submitted by Davy_G on Sun, 2010-03-07 12:12hi guys
myself and a fellow fishwrecked user (joshyyyy b) went for a fish down at the new mount henry jetty this morning at 6:30am.
we had a good feeling about catching a few today after we caught 2 flatties there last week.
got absolutley nothing, tried hbs and soft plastics but nothing was working.
so we decided to go around to shelly bridge to try our luck. nothing. so many kayakers!
shelly bridge looks prime bream country, we are going to go back there on the high tide.
hopefully next weekend our luck will change!
- 3665 reads
City Beach Fishing Last Night
Submitted by alexx on Sun, 2010-03-07 10:49Hey fellaz, just gonna tell you about last night at city beach.
i went out at 6pm, set up the tackle and casted out for a nice tailor.
20minutes later a nice tailor about 45cm hit with some power.
I also saw the bloke next to me catch a decent size tailor aswell.
There still around...
- 1899 reads
Soupy's Latest Adventure
Submitted by soupster51 on Sat, 2010-03-06 14:19Went out for an early morning crack at the dollys. Up at 0510 for a 0545 departure, a bit of work after the monthly Rotary Raffles at the pub last night. Between 0630 and 0900 we couldn't stop catching them. It was awesome watching the fish screaming through the waves to get to our lures, with strike after strike. They were even fish hitting the lures that we were trying to clear out of the way after a hook up. After the 0900 the sun was too bright and fish went down. We had a crack for some wahoo with one strike but no hook up. The highlight of the day was probably the 200kg+ marlin that jumped out of the water about 100m behind the boat. He didn't like our lures today, but there is always next time......
- 1858 reads
Are there still crabs around
Submitted by alexx on Sat, 2010-03-06 10:25I wanted to go scooping with some mates down at mandurah and i was think if there still around??
- 1979 reads
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