
Where are they biting at the moment

Weekend fishing

Alright one and all


Just a quick report on my weekend lake fishing.  The weather was warm and overcast ideal for carp fishing, three of us went to our local pond.  We all caught some bream and roach and the others caught carp but unfortunately everytime I had a run I was elsewhere!  I lost 3 carp all due to unforseen circumstances.  Firstly I got voted to get the chinese and the beer so off i trot, onbly to find that whilst I was away one of the other lads lost a fish on my rod.  Secondly I was helping a mate clear some trees from his swim only for my rod to go off and the fish to swim through some reeds and snap the line and then thirdly I was answering the call of nature!!  So no fish but lots of fun had, hopefully my luck will change before I arrive on foriegn shores.  See you all soon.


cuttlefish galore

Took the boat out solo from two rocks yesterday, what a awesome day on the water, not alot fish wise for me, keep a few for a feed, but damn got plagued by cuttlefish and occys, and some big cuttlefish too, never seen so many.

Sitting back at work atm having some fresh cuttlefish and what can i say, mmmmmmmmmmm better than squid anyday for me


After a few too many beers at the rivervale last night, it took a long hot shower to get me down to the ramp at 0800...thats after I removed my frozen boat cover!

We headed straight out to our mark baldie198 to hopefully catch another Baldie for the table. Nice conditions with a light nor easter made it easy work for the traily to get out to 45m in no time.  Armed with cuttlefish tenticle from last trip, and some snelled 3o mustard hooks, it was game time to make friends out here!

Fish were very quiet on the bite till about 1030...when i finally cracked my first metro King George at 49cm i was very happy indeed.  There was high fives all around. With that we set another drift, and i was on again....and it was a great fight..and after it ran twice for the bottom, i finally netted myself a nice Baldchin which was 57cm. 

Fishing went quiet again till about 1330, and after a long wait Claire finally caught a bloody fish and scored her first Metro King George as well. She was stoked...and her smile returned once again after watching the skipper clean up.

We then headed in a bit to a lump we found in 38m of water. I picked up a nice blackarse...but there was still plague preportions of Juvy Pink Snapper we decided to head back in to Hillarys at 1500.  After a quick pull over from the water police reminding me of the speed change 200 metres approching  Hillarys Marina...we were on our way home...smelling of fish, crusty salted clothes and sunglasses that you were lucky to see out of, but thats what fishings all it !



Jurien update

Hi everyone.

I'm trying to get together real time reports from all over WA.

Here's the story from Whitey, the man in Jurien:


Island Point:  There's a nice little gutter formed up along the shoreline with yellowfin whiting to 45cm and bull herring gobbling on worms and river prawns.
The Marina : Good numbers of squid in the evening, however, early morning seems to be better ie 5am.
Hill River: Plenty of whiting and skippy, the tailor are slow and no mulloway yet, but with the full moon on at the moment now is the time for the all nighter.
In the Bay : Squid in the eastern bay of Escape Is and along the weed beds off Shingle Ave, snook and herring on the West side of Boulenger, whiting inside of Favourite.
Behind the Reef : Still plenty of bait behind Escape Is but the mackerel have almost dried up, the odd one still being caught.
Outside: Good numbers of pink snapper on the sand edges in 50m, baldchin are fishing well in 40m, dhufish are a bit quiet over the moon.
Samsons are going nuts on the heavy lumps and the wreck, Snowy and I jigged up 23 on Friday (ouch).
Pelagics: quiet
Predictions: Dhuies to pick up in 40 to 50m as the moon darkens.
                   Mulloway should start lurking along the shoreline around Hill River and Kingy Bay.
                   The next big front should see Pink Snapper in the Bay, just off shore at Hill River and Booker Point.
Whitey promises regular reports and he's the one with the inside story. Makes me want to get in the car frankly.
Ps. If you want to supply mini reports from your area, I'm trying to collate them into some sensible daily report. Any new reporters would be great -

montes charters for august

hey guys well the ol magellan is finishing up in exmouth at the end of july and we are going to be doing charters to the monte bellos from exmouth. The trip will be 6 days and 5 nights, all food will be supplied for the trip. These charters are either fishing/spearing and or eco type charters please yourself! the boat has a 18ft centre console to go to the islands or for fishing with on the reef. the boat sleeps 6 people and there will be 3 crew. the cost is $3500 a day for the boat and the console, If anyone is interested please send me a pm or you can phone me, ill send you my nr via a pm if you want more info. Im frothing to go even though its work its not work hehe! I am a qualified chef so your bellies will be full and content!


Back to Back

Decided the weather was looking promising on the weekend, and with the missus in Sydney, decided to do a trip both days.

Saturday was a gentlemens start around 10am and we were off for some Squid.

Ziggy joined me for the morning, and i had promised him we would find some squid.

Was a slow start with only managing a small on in the first 45 minutes or so. Decided to move out a little deeper and first cast saw the first nice squid come up probably around 800gms.

Next cast both Ziggy and i got 2 more in, probably around 800-850gms.

But what was more interesting was a squid that followed up these 2, it would have been doubel the size of the ones on the jigs, and it was more interested in attacking the other 2 squid rather than the jigs.

Got mine in promptly, and ziggy lost his on the side of the boat (even a boat near buy had a good laugh at him) :) put the jig down after this big boyt (he was right under the boat but was very tentative and wouldnt take the jig. Soon after he disappeared.

Kept jigging with plenty of squid on this new ground we had found. with squid every couple of minutes.

went quiet for a bit due to this fella deciding to hang round!!!

after he moved on, the squid came back. Ended up with 26 with only 2 or 3 for bait!!!

yum salt and pepper squid!!!!

Ziggy with some nice Calamari

Sunday was out wide somewhere north of rotto. This time Ziggy and Marc joined me for the trip.

was a little choppy, and the winds were stronger than the weather report predicted.

Was a bit of a bumpy ride and DAM COLD as well.
Cold Pic!!! think it was about 5 degrees. doing 30 knots.. big chill factor!!

Marc wanted a few fancy pics with the spray from the boat.

How you know your fishing in the wrong spot

Tried many different depths and found some new ground holding LOADS of fish. Some new marks on the gps with some good fish on it!!

Loaded up

i think they were sambos, but after doing a fair amount of jigging, i wasnt in the mood to drop a jig down again to find out.

Did manage a few fish

God a nice BB to about 420

Ziggy got his First dhu, only a small one but it surely did wet his appitiete for chasing them again.

Few release weight shots of the dhu going back down.

Marc Managed his First ever baldie.... on mono!!!! in almost 70m of water!!!!!!! he found out they go pretty hard too.
Nice fish went 490mm.

Managed a few more fish and then headed back in around 3.30pm... was a Bumpy trip back but still managed 25 knots.

Good weekend on the water.


PS: Marc had a yak over the side too!! :)

How many times do ya have to tell them DONT eat sausage rolls before you go out wide!. Lesson learnt i think hey Marc :)

chilly sunday fish

headed out this morning to try and tempt a few pinkies and sambo's off triggs. First spot we tried to anchor and burley with limited sucess, only 1 size pinky and 2 small sambo's. Decided to head a bit further out and found a nice coral lump where we managed a nice 45cm KG and Blackarse. Didnt get one wrasse the whole day worst was a few scorpion fish and a devil fish. But it seems like the fish werent on today, burleyed up for ages with not much coming around. Thought we would get the skips around at least. Dont know if it was full moon related tho..... How did everyone else go??


pics to come..

Two Rocks

Went out on Saturday from two rocks for my first real crack at fishing in perth.

We struggled early as the forecast was all wrong and i hadn't had time to pick up a sea anchor, we couldn't hold bottom and were ready to give up but the wind finally backed off and we went looking for some lumps as i didn't have any spots.

We came across a tiny lump in the middle of nowhere and first drift my mate pulled up a good baldie, a couple of drifts later i got my first Dhuey. It wasn't very big at 600 but a dhuey non the less. next drift was a undersize dhu and a sambo. Got some pics on the phone but there pretty poor, i'll post them up later.Turned out to be a great day on the water considering niether of us had been exposed to southern fishing. Just need to find some more spots now.

Thanks for the advice on the tackle shack the boys were very helpfull and friendly with good advice.

Just need to get down to oceanside and pick up a sea anchor then i'll be set.




Swan Prawns

G'day fella's - went out the week before last for a few beers and try for a few prawns. They were coming in well! Bloody good sizes among them two!

Swan Prawn Dive 5th June!

We'll with the Swan River prawns running well and the winter size being good i thought i'd jump back in. Went to Bicton Baths and plenty of divers about despite the bloody cold water. Now i'm using a thermal & hoody i'm gonna do more winter Swan dives for sure!

Soupster & myself enjoy catching up and well this is just a good excuse to get a nice fresh feed on out doorstep!

We ended up with over 2kg's of prawns and 7 scallops. Scott got over a kg himself and he nailed the biggens whilst i went for numbers. The vis was fine and a few blue manners also!

Was good to catch up mate, looking foward to the platter of squid,blue eye Trevalla & prawns.....mmhhhhhhh....delishes LOL


Cockburn this evening

Headed out this evening to sound some faithful ground in the sound. Anchored, berlied and worked a range of rigs out the back. The herring were plentiful, large and taking supprisingly large baits intended for snapper.  Amongst the herring were juvinille samson fish which fought hard and quite colourful. Below the herring and  juvinille sambos were even smaller snapper barely reaching 30cm, plenty of them which was encouraging! We finished up with an easy dozen herring and three tarwhine 35cm -37.

We did notice that all three tarwhine were caught on a very light outfit with fluro 6lb leader

Anyways- on the pulse, but no snapper tonight


Gday all

Thought i'd put up a post of holiday mondays adventures down the swan. First session of bream fishing for the year. Spent all arvo flicking sp's about the river banks down at garrett rd in hope of some bream got a solid hook up but got smoked in the snags. Could only produce a 35cm flatty on a river prawn for the day that being at nightfall. (Released) Did find that the bream started to come on the bite once dark though especially below the pile-ons... if anyone is keen to give the place a go just be wary of the mozzies... got eaten alive.

Strange enough while i was there police and forensics rocked up at about 4:30pm. They were shown to the walkway to the right of the bridge by two blokes. Kept pointing and looking under the walkway. I Couldnt suss what it was all about. Unusual ay?

 If anyone knows of any other spots holding bream you'd be helping me out ...spending this weekend chasing a few. 

cheers guys.

South for the long weekend..

G,day All,


Headed down to albany for the long weekend in the hope of getting onto some good fish and Luckily was not dissapointed.

We caught some of the best weather ive ever seen down there with both Saturday and Sunday producing light winds and low swell.Due to one of the locals naming one of our favorite bays in a recent Western angler story we decided it would not be long before it would be feeling the pressure of the added traffic and with that in mind decided to head an hour or so out of town to explore some new ground.Heres some snaps.

Misty Morning


Nice double header



We headed only about 5 nm out and cound'nt travel 50mtres without finding huge pinacles or caves in the reef with most showing good fish on them.

Tried to take some pics of the sounder but they didnt work out.

Picked up a couple of  yellow Kings.Both hit octo jigs that i was retrieving quickly as we were about to move spots.

Brother in law happy after getting a dhu!


In between all the bottom action there was southern Bluefin Tuna and bonito busting up all over the place..they were rats but were fun on the light gear



Little bastards are hard to hold onto sometimes too!


We had one of the best days fishing ive ever had catching dhus,Reds,queenies,Harliquen,breaksea yellowtail kings and tuna.






few salmon around n mole tues hooked 1 lost on rocks


just been surfing swanbourne reef & had a school of salmon about 15-20 swim under me spewin if i wasnt flyin back to work in a couple of hours i would go back down hope someone gets a couple


Hey guys, im heading to kalbarri this weekend and was wondering how the landbased fishing was going at the moment????? Anyone been recently?

mandurah man drowns

27th May 2009, 15:30 WST
A man whose boat sank almost two kilometres off the beach in Falcon near Mandurah has died.
It is not known whether the man was sailing alone and WA water police are searching for possible survivors.
Police said the man, believed to be 45-55 years of age and described as Caucasian with a heavy build, was sailing in what appeared to be a six to seven metre-long cabin type boat around 2pm when it was overcome with water and began sinking.
Witnesses nearby saw a flare go up and called the water police. Officers arrived minutes later and found the man lying in the water unconscious.
WA police spokesman Sergeant Graham Clifford said the man was picked up and taken to Mandurah Yacht club, where St John’s Ambulance paramedics tried to revive him.
The man was rushed to hospital but died on the way.
Police said the man was wearing a blue t-shirt and grey track pants.
Police asked that anyone who may be able to identify the deceased man to contact police them on 131 444.
Sgt Clifford said police were using a plane to search for anyone else who may have been onboard.
Police divers are attending to check the sunken vessel and to try to identify it.

Underwater Salmon West End Rotto

On the 15th of may, we went out to west end rotto. Tryd our new underwater camera that drops to 40m. second drop in 11m of water, we recorded hundreds if not thousands of salmon underneath the boat.

Video Link:

Turtles in Cockburn Sound

How common are turtle sightings in Cockburn Sound ?

Noticed a rather large specimen, with a head almost the size of a rock melon, not far from the D9 late this afternoon !! 


ExXy report

Well for my first post i thought ild put some pics of my latest success in exxy. some back ground info first, im on my around oz with me wife fishing out of a tinny we have worked our way to exxy over 2 months and now staying here for 5 months.

i have been getting into some really nice broard bars in the gulf on light gear and having an absolute ball.





 a tiger nicking of with a stonker


biggest spanard

salmon fishing video of our last outing salm0n hunter

hey guys just thought id share a bit of the footage we got from last little trip down south sorry bout the bad quality but its the only camera i had on me cheers guys video link

daylight savings

heyy guys

as yu all know daylight savings is a no no

i think its a bad thing coz i love to fish til later at night and im only young so i can go out later.

i would like to know wat yu think



Mulloway on Southern Wrecks

Heard yesterday that quite a few mulloway are on the wrecks now on the 100s. Even the southern ones have fish.

There's a ton of pesky small sambos on all of them too. They seem to be ignoring mulloway baits for the most part but live ones tend not to make it to the bottom!


My Fishing Reports are now available instantly from my Twitter page.

Click here to get them daily:


Rotto Salmon and Kings

Just came back from filming our boating series yesterday at Rotto and man, you should see all the salmon out there.

I got underwater shots of about 10,000 fish in one school behind West End and there was another huge one just at the entrance to Geordie Bay.

Paul Green must have caught and released 40 himself!

Got blown away by a big king each too.


In case any of you folks are interested, I'm starting a new Twitter fishing report that I'll eventually be able to use from my mobile as they're biting:

I generally only Tweet once a day

Denham fishing fiesta

Hey crew,

Haven't been online much lately due to the fishwrecked comp in Exxy and am now at the Denham fishing fiesta.  Well, what can I say, the fiesta only had 4 more boats sign up than the fishwrecked comp and our comp had more people show up at the opening night even though they had a live band and fisheries/dpi and dec there.  Great effort from all you guys that made the effort to come up to Exxy!!!

Just a quick note to those that have sent me PM's, I will respond to you when I'm back in Exmouth on Monday - Sitting in the Denham Heritage reception on a slow internet connection which is rather frustrating.

Few things on the fish note, been a nice 25kg spaniard weighed in, 1 12.5kg red emperor, few decent mulloway and lots of bits and pieces.  Will post a better report when I get back.



my exxy trip

For those who dont know me im gpc123's son (luke)

On the way up to exmouth i stopped at kalbarri for 2 days then up to carnarvon for a night then straight up to exmouth.

By the time we were up there i was tired and a little cranky but we still had to unload the car.The next few days we just went out and checked out a few spots we had heard about then we went to the faulkners house for the get together and info about the comp. The next day (first day of the comp) we headed down the west side and tried our luck at some beach fishing, unfortunately we didnt get and thing. The next day was different, we actually had a plan, we were going to go up to learmonth jetty and try for some longtoms for the landbased competition. Dad caught the first longtom(below)

Then i asked for a go at the only rod that was rigged up for longtoms but dad still thaught he had me beat. About 5 minutes later i caught this nice one.

Then dad was still playing around with the larger rod we had out looking for anything that would bite it. So i kept going for the longtoms and got another one that was bigger then both of the others caught.

That night we went up to greenie and co's bungalow for some fish that they invited us over to have (YUMMY)and dazza came up to us and asked if we wanted to go out on his boat the next day. We gladly accepted his generous offer (THANKS AGAIN DAZZA)

When we got out the next day we started of with some trolling but we had no luck except a yellowfin tuna that we had mistaken for a lump of seaweed. Then one of the rods got hooked up on a mahi-mahi (dolphin fish)and i was on to my first fish on a lure it faught extreemly hard (for me) but i managed to reel it in to the boat but it got tangled around the other line and as Dazza was trying to untangle it it jumped of. So we cruised up and around then we started bottom bouncing and i pulled up an estuary cod (i think) then a few more. Then dazza gave me his rod to reel up this one wasnt a cod it was different, i had no idea what but when i pulled it up i knew it was a coronation trout (OMG)

i held it up with one of my cods and i couldnt belive that i caught that monster.

When we got back i was still grinning and we had to have a shower and head up to adams place for the awards ceremony. I showed dazza the photos dad got of the trout and said that he would take a real photo of me and my fish so we did.  

We headded back to adams backyard and watched the pictures of the fish there were some really nice fish up there. Then the awards started coming out. I anxiously waited for the landbased award to come because i thaught i was the only landbased fisherman in the comp but Pilbrabrad won the prize for his big eyed trevally. Brad had already won a couple of prizes for other species and he kindly gave me the prize money for being runner up.(THANK YOU VERY MUCH BRAD)



Pilbrabrad for generously giving me the prize money for coming runner up in the landbased comp (THANK YOU VERY MUCH)

Dazza for taking me out on his boat and giving me the time of my life catching fish.

Dazza's Crew for handing me every rod that went off for half an hour and giving me some very helpful advice.

Faulkner family for setting up this awesome competition.


4 Wonderful Days in Kalbarri

Hey All,

Quick report on a 4 day trip to Kalbarri I undertook last week.

Was my first time to Kalbarri - so super excited. Towed the Mustang walk around up behind the Patrol and made reasonable time - 7.5 hrs from memory.  Chewed up some juice though (4.8l)!

The bar was a little lumpy first day - but was fine the rest.  Keep me on my toes being first time through it.

Had a great 4 days of fishing - weather was absolutely superb.

We were generally catching 4-6 mackies (95-130cm) a day, with around 4 hours spent on the troll.  Tried North and South, but had the most luck approx 10-12 miles north of the bar.  In around 18-24m depth.  We tried a variety of lures - blue proving popular and we also seemed to have better hookups on smaller sized lures.

We also had some good luck with the bottom fishing - a few dhu's, red emperor, baldies and an estuary cod were the highlights.  We were bottom bouncing in around 42m of water.  Didn't pick up any big lumps in this depth, just tried to pick out the change in colour of the seafloor on the sounder.There were some lumps closer in (20m) that we also had some luck on.  No luck on the craypots - NW blowies!

With such perfect weather, 4 days fishing wasn't long enough, but packed up Friday morning and hightailed it home - 7hrs - though chewing even more juice!!




Calamari fix with a difference!

With yesterday arvo looking wind sweet i thought i'd go out a get my squid fix. Zen came out for a late arvo run and i wanted to try something a little bit different this time. That being squiding in deepwater than my normal 1-6m stuff. I decided to try out from Freo in the 16m mark over some broken ground. Found the size varied alot from small/med & large but was nice to try something dif.

The size #4.0 Yozuri Olive coloured squid jig was producing more than Zens Tsuriken Red head #3.5 but as soon as it got later/darker his was out producing my jig so it balanced up. The usual always apply, have different sizes & colours & mix it up. We ended up with our boatlimit of 30 in less than 4 hours and released smaller squid & little cuttlys. Was a great way to see out the arvo with very nice conditions and a few coldys!



5 Fatham Fun

Went out yesterday afternoon in search of some pinkys out deep.

Went out 20 or so mile, and spent a couple of hours before dark and a couple after out there for not even 1 single bite.

Decided at about 9.30pm to head in, and take a look at a place i marked on the way out on the back of the 5 fatham bank.
Found the ground and worked out our drift line and dropped the pick.

Had 3 blocks of mulies so cut a heap up and got the burely trail working.
Had 4 lines int he water, with the other guys opting for boottom rigs and i tried my first attempt at drift baiting.

Sent down my first mulie into the trail and within about 2 minutes the first fish came up, being about a 35cm skippy.

after this the other guys started to get some bites, and then 2 of them loaded up on good fish, unforuntely both busted off to whatever it was.

Next frop i got a small 30ish cm pinky, things were looking up.

I dropped my drift bait back over the side, and handed my rod to my mate while i started to set him up a new rig. Within 30 seconds he was on, and on to a good fish.
After about a 3 minute fight, a nice 65cm pinky graced the side of the boat. First fish in the esky!!!! And his bigges fish he'd caught.

After this the water lit up, with Sambos between 5-8kgs coming up, more pinkys, and plenty of pinkys between 35-45cms which is great to see.

Managed to get a nice 50cm Tailor on the drift bait aswell. Quite a few pike were also landed, and many many many Skippy.
Plenty of sharks about too, often circling the boat. Lost a lot of tackle to them. Makes fishing from the marlin deck a little more interesting. Most big fish that came up had a shark right on its hammer. Reminded me of fishing the north west.

All in all ended up being a great night, besides getting to be at 4am!!

First for me getting pinkys on 5 fatham, and on drift baiting!!


The North-West - A place I love!

Well, I leave you all with these pics before flying over east at 12 30am for a job opportunity that I am absolutely stoked about.

A bunch of us headed up the coast Sunday for a bit of a dive at a couple of well known (to us anyway) locations. The first spot produced a few good baldies, a couple of parrot fish and a flathead but seen dozens of other quality species. We had the privilege of swimming with a few of the locals (sharks that is) including a couple of manta rays with a few cobia hanging off them which was pretty cool – a first for me. On this day we probably covered barely 3-400m in the water so it gives you an idea on just how well preserved our coastline really is.

The boys were a bit photo shy so no individual shots – nothing really special to shoot anyway. Fish of the day went to Ben with an estimated 4-5kg baldie.

We then headed south to a spot which has always produced crays in the past and this time it didn’t disappoint with the boys bagging 14 in total, all of respectable size.

Enjoyable and humorous are two words I would use to some up the day and it was great to have filled the esky with some fresh meat which is always a bonus.

Well hope you’ve enjoyed the pics and this little read. I will definitely try to stay in touch.

Take care and tight lines to all the FW crew.
