Brag Board

Brag Rights, Catch and Release or Unusual Captures

You bloody beauty

Hi all I have not been posting on the site for awhile but thought I would give a post about my latest capture........


I am bragging about the birth of my new baby boy.Came out 7lb 14 oz and 51.5 cms long...definatley a keeper..Will post a couple of pics soon (TYPICAL BLOODY NEW FATHER EH!!!!).Both Mum and bub are doing extremely well.


He was born on friday and is named Ryan (wife chose the name and there was no influence from me with regards to a certain fishing store owner unless it gets me better prices on\\

No real reason other that that for my post but had to crow about it to someone (lucky lot aren't you...he he he he).


Cheers and good fishing.How did the comp go???????



ON 0412110428 UPTO 10.00PM

Bloody Sharks

few pics of the fights we had with the sharks in Exmouth.

The first pic is a Coronation Trouts head, it would have been my first Coronation Trout. I was spewin. Bloody Sharks.


More Exmouth Pics 2

The new fishwrecked shirt worked well, this was my second trout caught it with the last drop of the day. It went back as we had already had two in the esky. They give a great fight, awesome eating too.

this is what spanglies, reds and rankins looked like on the navman

More Exmouth Pics

More pics from Exmouth. I wish I was still there. Smile


Fads today

HI Guys Hit the Fads this morning and most of the day. Managed to land quite a few with the best topping 18 pound and nearly 130cm long. Great to see a lot of the guys out there. It was a magic day. Ps Alfred I will send you some of the footage we got of your dollie under water when I get it.

Cheers Paul

todays catch

went out today with alfred...saw few boys down at the FAD. there were about all in 7 boats!! quite alot of people...we werent long there but we got a good feed!! landed 2 lost 1 sorry captain...:( will do better next time :D

todays catch

went out today with alfred...saw few boys down at the FAD. there were about all in 7 boats!! quite alot of people...we werent long there but we got a good feed!! landed 2 lost 1 sorry captain...:( will do better next time :D

My first stingray.

Went back to Quinns this afternoon to have another fish seeing as conditions seemed favourable. We where there for a while with not a bite, then all of a sudden the line started peeling off the reel and next thing we see is this stingray jumping out of the water, which was really cool. It was foul hooked but still managed to land the sucker


Blue Spot Eagle RayBlue Spot Eagle Ray

Massive cray MUST READ

Hey, gotta believe this; mate was fishing for tailor at 'our' beach north of rotto (has great reef structure) and was having fun catching some monsters on fresh herring fillet. it was well and truly dark when he felt a few surges which he put down to a big squid, whatever it was held on as he walked it towards the shore. All he could see was two massive eyes staring at his head torch and after a few seconds of disbelief he realized it was the biggest crayfish he had ever seen! top effort i reckon, never even heard of someone catching one on a rod let alone that bloody big! 

Rotto Beach

Been having a good time lately catching tailor, big skippy and a tarwhine from a rottnest beach. Still trying to nail a tailor on the poppers, anyone ever caught one after dark on a lure??



Not a bad days fishin

From a few days ago

The Catch

Floreat Drain

I was going to go kayaking on the weekend, but it was cancelled due to rain. When the rain had cleared I tried cow rock off hillarys in the arvo, and canning the next day but no luck.

I ended up picking up a 9' graphite rod that day, so after I dropped the kayak off I thought I would try it out on the beach. Headed to Oceanside a bit late, but they were still open, so the first bit of luck for the day.

Being sunset and relatively windy, I thought it would be good to try for some tailor. I headed down to swanbourne but couldnt quite figure out where the good spots were (and couldnt be bothered walking down the beach for ages). So I drove up to Floreat Drain. I missed the carpark, but decided to just fish where I was (about 100m north of the groyne).

I was going to take all my gear down and leave a mulie out while I used the other rod to cast some lures, but decided to go light and just took the rod/reel, three lures and a pair of pliers and headed down.

I casted out a metal baitfish, and on only the third cast out I got a nice bend in my rod, pretty close to the shore. Forgot to set the drag, so I just guessed it as I was fighting the fish. I got it close to shore, and waited for a wave, but couldnt quite get it in. After a few failed attempts, I decided it would work a bit better walking backwards rather than trying to pull the fish in. It came off the lure about halfway between the water and the top of the water wash, so I quickly picked it up off the shore.

Turned out to be a 58cm, 1.6kg tailor Laughing

I know its not massive compared to some of the tailors catch (especially up north), but I think its a good effort considering it was caught from a sandy beach where the tailor are normally half the length (or quarter...). Its also my first tailor (well, except for some 10cm versions in the river in the morning), and my biggest fish caught in perth Laughing


Goes to show, sometimes the simple option works. That and I swear they must spray fish pheromones in Oceanside because the only times i've caught fish in perth were right after I went to Oceanside (well, one was the next morning, but thats close enough).


edit: hopefully the pic will work now

exie 08 with rodrat

Just thought I'd better put a couple of my pics up from exie with rodrat and his dad

Latest catches

Got a few fish nice fish and a suprised Barricuta

Any good fishing news from Easter?

Has anyone got any good fishing news coming from there easter break only see one on the site thus far????????????????????????????

Great day at the Fabs thanks to pgreen1

My first major fish on the stick had a great day the blood was running when catching this thanks to Steve C and Pgreen1 for the day. Yes pgreen1 got the major fish for day with in 3 minutes arriving on the fab. I was using mulie head bait on the drift down. Dad got a king including Steve so fun for all.

Easter at Rotto

Spent a lovely 3 days at Rotto over the weekend with the family.

Caught a nice Harlequin whilst drift baiting on Friday arvo.  He joined a few king prawns which made for a perfect dinner.


Lazing around in Stark Bay Friday and Saturday.  Caught a sized cray whilst snorkelling which was a bonus.

No concerns with the engel, cd player and lights running with this baby.

Friday fish

Well we just got back from a day out wide and a great day at that.

The misus hooked onto 2 Bald chin Gropers at a healthy size of 50cm and 1 will be on the dinner plate tonight.

I ended up with a 36cm Sweetlip Emperor and a 42cm Sand Bass.

If today was this good then tomorrow will surely turn out to be a cracker.



thought i'd start my posting with a pic of a squid i caught recently on rotto from the rocks, they can be a pest at times when chasing tailor and the like but this one i felt onthe mulie, managed to get him(?) in close and quickly threw out the jig to it's demise. The missus whipped it up that night and it was sweet as. Look forward to posting in the future...


Fads Sunday

Hi Guys hit the Fads on sunday with some great results. Dollies to 5kg. heres one of the best for the day


monsta mesh popper rods

hhoorraayy we finnaly have monsta mesh rods in the shop and they are sooooo f#$kn HHHOOOTTT.

first serious fish

you wouldnt believe it but we christened the boat with a douldbe header of dhue,s my mate caught them .. i joind some leader to his old line topeed it up made the rig,he set the bait and .. yup it was on two beauty dhue,s not bad for first deep sea fish on new boat/ sorry theres no pics  just put the digital in the boat.. bring it on this weekend


Recently i moved house and Shaun (Shabba) was kind enough to move me and a contra was made to get him out one day on the water. We'll we've both been busy but yesterday was half a chance so we took off.

We'll with an early seabreeze forecatsed, waisting some time with one of our crayboats i finally headed to one of my pinky spots. This spot has produces some good fish to 8kg and that last big fish i released. This time i decided to keep a good fish for a feed if it came up and we'll this fish on my driftbaiting gear was no exeption. Didn't get a proper weight but this 20lb plus big honky head pinky put up a great fight in 40m.........a buzz!


Shaun had a ball getting plenty of solid/big KG's , dhufish, baldie and a mix of other species and did very well indeed. A big respect from me as he released many quality fish and farmed some of my spots....thanks mate ;)


We fished 18-40m for the day and didn't have much fishing time but had a good day none the less!

city beach bash

just a quik report on the local beach went down to citys bit windy but still ended up with a few tarwine few choppers and 4 tailor over 35 cm wasnt slow at all as all fish were caught and released within about an hour cheers brenz

Metro Spaniards......back to back!

After having a ball lately on driftbaiting for bottom species i thought i'd mix it up and target some pelagic Metro Spaniards. Thursdays fine & hot weather being half a chance i loaded the boat and had a mate Carl as company. We set off to covered plenty of water and after a few weed patches giving me the craps i kept on persisting. The outcome for that day was two spaniards coming onboard my boat and the Halco 190XDD and 190DD doing the job.

Here's my Metro Spaniard!


Here's Carls fish!



*** So after the success on Thursday i made a plan to go out again Friday but this was a solo trip. I was wondering if i could do it back to back with Metro Spaniards and covered similar water again for zip. With persistance i kept trolling and tried a few different spots and got into another two fish which made the day ***

Here's the back to back pair, the pic was taken when i got back to my shop!





Just a few pics of the 17 i got on the weekend down mandurah and they were all full


Navman help

Can anyone help

I'm in the process of getting a new navman plotter with a bigger screen is there a way of transfering the informantion from one plotter to another because I sure don't want to have to do it manualy GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hurricane Shazza hits Kwinana

Hurricane Shazza hit Kwinana in the early hours of Monday 26th
November 2007. Victims were seen wandering around aimlessly, muttering 'Faaackinell'.

The hurricane devastated the area causing approximately $30 worth of
damage. Three areas of historic burnt out cars were disturbed. Many
locals were woken well before their Centrelink cheques arrived. The
Kwinana Times reported that hundreds of residents were confused and
bewildered and were still trying to come to terms with the fact that
something interesting had happened in Kwinana.

One resident - Tracy Maree Sharon Britney Madonna Smith, a 15-year-old mother of 5 said 'It was such a shock, my little Chardonnay-Mercedes came running into my bedroom crying. My youngest two Joachim and River slept through it all.'

Apparently, looting, muggings and car crime were unaffected and carried on as normal. The Australian Red Cross has so far managed to ship 4,000 crates of Bacardi-Breezers to the area to help the stricken locals.

Rescue workers are still searching through the rubble and have found
large quantities of personal belongings, including Health Care Cards,
Jewellery from Kmart, and Bone China from Big W.


This appeal is to raise money for food and clothing parcels for those
unfortunate enough to be caught up in this disaster. Clothing is most
sought after - items most needed include: flannelette shirts, tight
blue jeans or spandex, singlets (blue & white) white sport socks, Ugg
boots and any other items usually sold in Priceline or The Reject Shop.
Food parcels may be harder to come by, but are needed all the same.
Required foodstuffs urgently needed include: Microwave meals, Baked
beans, Ice cream, Chips, Fizzy drinks.

Donations of $15.00 will be taken to buy a packet of winny blue 25s and
a lighter to calm the nerves of those affected.

**Breaking news**
Kwinana Uniting Church has cancelled their local 'Nativity Display'
due to their inability to find three wise men or a virgin. Please don't
forward this to anyone living in Kwinana - oh, stuff it, they won't
be able to read it, anyway!

little flattie

caught this little 74cm flattie last weekend behind GI in about 35 meters fishing for kgs at the time thought it was the bottom at first until it took about five meters of line 2nd biggest ive ever caught