Rottnest Salmon

Submitted by Adam Gallash on Mon, 2006-04-24 18:35

Brag Board

Brag Rights, Catch and Release or Unusual Captures

Exmouth Gamex Photo's

Tuna and Mackie
Tuna and Mackie

Game 2
Game 2

Jo's Mackie
Jo's Mackie

Game 3

First Up Salmon
First Up Salmon

More Salmon
More Salmon

Salmon for Bolts
Salmon for Bolts

Bolts Salmon

Please sir,may i have some more....SALMON!

Submitted by SHizz on Sat, 2006-04-22 16:13

[img_assist|fid=20601|thumb=0|alt=salmonfoot|caption=Salmon on 8lb on Manns Tail Dragger]

One of many today caught from shore, as you can see the salmon was still a bit frisky hence flicking my rod back into the water almost(notice the reel is blurry, as it was moving when the photo was taken).

Boy are they good fun :D

Salmon Season - Photo's Friday 21st April

Submitted by Adam Gallash on Fri, 2006-04-21 19:46
Salmon 3
Salmon 3

Salmon 4
Salmon 4

We ended up releasing a small dhufish and a few skippy along with a beautiful king george dropped boatside. The wind was pretty blustery all day, but soon as we saw the birds starting to work, it was time! Landed close to a dozen salmon and had a ball on the light gear. Have got some really good footage I will get up in the coming days.

Abrolhos Baldies

Submitted by looking4mulloway on Thu, 2006-04-20 15:12

Well we have just come back from a trip to the abrolhos islands and had a great time except for the wind blowing non-stop 24/7 at 35+ knots. Day one consisted mostly of snapper and day 2 was baldies and more baldies. 10+ landed for the day between pots. Anyway here is a few pics of what was kept for the camps.

P.S Sambo's are like blowfish up there and in shallow water were like torpedo's

[img_assist|fid=20429|thumb=0|alt=Baldies|caption=I was Happy]

Easter Day Out

Submitted by Adam Gallash on Sun, 2006-04-16 14:06

The first day of fishing comprised of a teams challenge, Team Penn vs Team Stradic. After landing about 30 salmon trout each on hard bodies and plastics we decided to go breaming. Team stradic landed 2 1kg black bream with many releases. The troll on the way back saw a bay snapper landed on a hardbody trolled at 8knts.

The Easter challenge offshore from Walpole was greated with beautiful conditions. Our first spots didn't produce and a change towards Chatam Island saw me land 2 45cm pink snapper and an 80cm samsonfish which I tagged and released. We got onto lots of 1.5kg skippy on baits and jigs and lots of sgt baker. Another couple of spot changes saw me land 2 3kg queen snapper and a beautiful harlequin. The other boys managed a few oddities, a puffer fish, a huge scorpion cod and several 3kg striped tuna. We also caught another harlequin and big fat breaksea. Taking out Best On Deck for the day gives me 3 hot fishing sessions in a row, NICE!

Salmon clause is coming to town..

Submitted by SHizz on Fri, 2006-04-14 14:43

Well me and mad fisher went out for a fish this morn, after a few engine troubles(my bad, should learn to grease the steering arm!) we eventually got out. Windy as all hell we putted along until about 5 meters from the boat a school of salmon came out of no where. First cast with a snap back on my 8lb bream gear resulted in a hook up, after a 5 minute fight i had the first one boat

[img_assist|fid=20152|thumb=0|alt=Salmon on snapback]

Exmouth Photo's

Submitted by Gully on Thu, 2006-04-06 13:33
Spanish Mack
Spanish Mack


new fish mobile......

Submitted by honsu chin on Tue, 2006-04-04 13:35

My new car, up from the old 92 camry wagon.......

so Shizza....wat are U upgrading to from your terrano??

[img_assist|fid=19247|thumb=0|alt=subbie fish mobile]

Somewhat of a brag?

Submitted by SHizz on Mon, 2006-04-03 19:19

Got myself one of these puppies today, picked it up 2nd hand but near new condition spooled with braid . Couldnt resist a bargain.

So shizz is now the owner of one stella 10k (No honsu, its not a daiwa,but lets not forget Shimano > Daiwa haha)

[img_assist|fid=19122|thumb=0|alt=stellaaa|caption=New toy, stella 10k.]


Now i need to find some fish to match it :p

Onslow Fishing Trip

Submitted by mitch on Tue, 2006-03-28 16:13

Gamex Marlin

Submitted by Adam Gallash on Mon, 2006-03-27 14:48

Here's a few photo's of one of the marlin the boys landed up at Exmouth last week for Gamex. These are just still shots taken from the video camera, unfortunately the footage isn't that crash hot so the stills will have to do for the moment. Hopefully when Gully gets back in a week or so we will have some bonanza stuff. Heres a few pics for the moment.. Anyone guess what size this one would have weighed in as?

[img_assist|fid=18146|thumb=0|alt=Gribbo's Gamex Marlin]

[img_assist|fid=18149|thumb=0|alt=Marlin Closeup - Gamex]

[img_assist|fid=18156|thumb=0|alt=Exmouth Marlin landed during Gamex]

Dhufish on Snapbacks

Submitted by Adam Gallash on Mon, 2006-03-27 14:45

The boys went out a few weeks ago using snapbacks and landed a couple of dhufish. I've only just managed to get the photos, this is the best fish landed for the day, not a bad effort!
[img_assist|fid=18143|thumb=0|alt=Dhufish on Snapback - View 2]

[img_assist|fid=18140|thumb=0|alt=Dhufish on snapback]

Steep Point

Submitted by poida on Thu, 2006-03-23 13:52
Gimps Mackie
Gimps Mackie

The Tuna
The Tuna

My Mackie
My Mackie

Lee's First
Lee's First

Finally got the images from our trip to Steep Point at the end of Feb. We were attacked by flies, sand whipped by the tail end of a cyclone, had the 12kg ballooning gear smashed by sailfish and caught a few mac's, tuna and a few baldies and snapper.We may not of been the most successful group there mackie wize but we were the best at feeding the sharks and hooking and landing tuna. Another group fortunately out gunned us at feeding the grouper and some boy's from collie took us to the cliffs where we caught some snapper ect, thanks Vince and his crew. I saw 2 reels die on the trip, 1 was my 8500ss which died at the hands of a tuna, and another siezed on a mackies 1st run. The bloke walked backwards 100m and amazingly the fish was gaffed and almost landed as it jumped free inches from the top of the cliff. We were befriended by a Gimp mid trip who turned out to be quite a good fisherman himself, and provided much entertainment to everyone.

Pink Snapper

Submitted by Salmo on Tue, 2006-03-21 10:36

Last night went out with Bundy a bit of a breaming nut....found some
very angry pinkies in 10m of water....ended up with 4
....very happy with the amount of fish out there at the moment,
considering crap tide, crap moon and a glass off night.....

[img_assist|fid=17605|thumb=0|alt=Bundy's Pinkie]

[img_assist|fid=17608|thumb=0|alt=Angry pink snapper]

Day of the Dolphinfish - Magic

Submitted by Adam Gallash on Mon, 2006-03-20 10:53






Well, we got blown to south africa first thing this morning. Managed to get half a dozen small flathead and one decent sized one. We then spent the next 5 hours waiting for the wind to drop fishing the desert. Just after lunch we headed out to the hundred metre mark and found schools of 1kg tuna which were a bit of fun on the light stuff.

We then headed out to the fads and trolled around them for a while with a few inquisitive dollies. Then the idea to berley up came along and wallah, we were into them.

We managed to land 5 dolphinfish, lost 3, 2 to the fads and 1 jumped out of the net and snapped off. I have some awesome photos and some SIIIIICK video footage that I will get to editing this week. Our day was saved by some awesome aerobatics, line peeling action on the light gear and a few beers on the way home.

Andy Mac and the Adventures of 'Fishless Pete'

Submitted by Andy Mac on Sat, 2006-03-18 21:24

Queen Snapper
Queen Snapper


Boatside Bonito
Boatside Bonito

I took Fishless Pete out today, we trolled the back of staggies and picked up three bonito in an hour (sorry no Spaniards). That was a first for Pete, he had never caught a bonito before. Unfortunately I had some pretty heavy gear out on one rod and that was the one that Pete was using, so the fight was a little one sided. I was tempted to get the whiting gear out and troll with them, but I was really after Spaniards.

We headed out about 14nm west of Mindarie and caught a good mixed bag. Pete hooked the only Dhuie for the day which went back to grow some more. I caught a nice Queenie around 3kg and released him too (too many dhufish fillets in the freezer to be worrying about a queenie.) Pete picked up a couple of blackarse and his first ever red snapper. Meanwhile I picked up three blackarse (one was a horse), a nice big KG, and a big harlequin. We released a few more fish including Pete's first ever Sambo and a small baldie.

We headed in at about 2-00pm and on the way back a big lump appeared on the sounder. We stopped to investigate and realised it wasn't a lump but a massive school of bait fish. After drifting through the baitfish for barely a bite, the sounder showed several larger fish in mid water. I wound up half way and left it there for a couple of seconds then "BANG" I was monstered by what I thought was a big Sambo. After a tough fight I got some line back and as it came to the surface there were another 10 or 12 shapes swiming with it. I signalled Pete to go back down but just before he went in we saw that my fish was a black tip reef shark. Trying to get it to the boat was going to be fun, so Pete put his rod down ad tried to get it in the transom door. The fish was tail wrapped and when it came to the side of the boat the line caught on the ladder and snapped. "bye-bye mr shark". Pete dropped again while I re-rigged and immediately hooked up on one of his little brothers. We landed it and Pete decided he would have flake for tea, so we dispatched the shark to the esky.

Long weekend's salmon hunt

Submitted by honsu chin on Fri, 2006-03-10 13:05

Spent our long weekend down at Albany for the second time in 10yrs....and also to avoid the crowds at Dunsborough...and also the lack of accomodation there.
Wat a beautiful place to spend the weekend.
Oh fishing was great as well....heaps of places to fish...ended up at Salmon Hole and Cables Beach. All the fish were caught from small schools of fish to 40fish. They're pretty chunky as well....not the usual lean ones from the metro area. We ended up with a lazy dozen or so with 2 kept for the table.



Andy Mac's Photo's - Perth's Metro Monsters

Submitted by Adam Gallash on Fri, 2006-03-10 12:09

I've been having a look through some of Andy Mac's photos and there are some absolute gems!


Spanish Mack
Spanish Mack

Sundays Fishing

Submitted by Adam Gallash on Sun, 2006-03-05 20:13

We went out from Ocean Reef this morning to some spots on the back of Direction Bank. We found a nice lump which produces a 55cm dhuie first up, which we release as it was in good condition and things were looking promising. Next fish were a couple of baldchin groper and venus tuskfish off a nice coral bombie which had mark smiling. Shortly after something huge was hooked and immediately called for a big dhuie from the runs.. I hooked up onto something at the same time until things started getting tangled and a mess was had, big fish gone.

Sunday's Fishing - Feb 26th

Submitted by Adam Gallash on Mon, 2006-02-27 09:34

Today we decided to head out from East Fremantle and try a variety of fishing. The day started with chaos at the ramp as the Swanfish Competition wound up as most people wanted to launch. There were also two boats left high and dry at the ramp as they must have tied up and not realised the tide was going to drop.

Anyway, we headed out to the back of Stragglers and worked a little ledge that went from 20 to 11 meters in a short space and had quite a few schooling fish on it. First fish landed was a baby leatherjacket on a snapback, it was smaller than the squidgy itself!

Spooled's Weekend Action

Submitted by Spooled on Mon, 2006-02-13 09:14

Click to enlarge photos!

[img_assist|fid=14169|thumb=1|alt=Lenny's First Red!!]

[img_assist|fid=14172|thumb=1|alt=Paul GT]

[img_assist|fid=14175|thumb=1|alt=Rohan GT]

[img_assist|fid=14178|thumb=1|alt=Blue Line or Grassy Emperor]

[img_assist|fid=14215|thumb=1|alt=Chaminda's GT]

And one from a recent trip:

[img_assist|fid=14209|thumb=1|alt=Coral Trout-Barrier Reef Trip|caption=Lucky it's on the safety of the Barrier Reef!!!]

Kalbarri Ultralight Report

Submitted by Adam Gallash on Wed, 2006-02-08 20:37


A big thankyou to Paul Maindok who is Kalbarri Electrical Services for his sponsorship and naming rights this year. The weather was one of the worst yet, not dangerous but very windy! The 2-day Ultralight runs in conjunction with our local comp, sponsored by the club, and also ran over the two days.

The boat section of the local comp was very thin due to the weather with regulars not fishing. No bottom fish were recorded the first day, but good snapper and 3kg tailor by the dynamic brothers Simon and Daniel Tarasek fishing the and based section set them in the lead. Laurie Malton had a good session at Chinamans on the Friday night catching and releasing 5 tailor, keeping the biggest that weighed in at 3.9kg being the biggest for the year to date.

[img_assist|fid=13609|thumb=0|alt=Steven's Shark|caption=18kg Shark]
[img_assist|fid=13615|thumb=0|alt=Laurie's Tailor|caption=3.9kg Tailor]

The river section was a bit under represented and was difficult to fish due to the muddy water flowing out into the ocean from cyclone Clare earlier in the year. Brett Bain did well though with 2 bream brought in live for a total weight of .858kgs.

[img_assist|fid=13612|thumb=1|alt=Rebecca's Tailor|caption=Winning bottom bouncing tailor]
[img_assist|fid=13618|thumb=0|alt=Simon's Morwong]

The second day was even windier with only one fish recorded from the bottom senior section. Rebecca, a bit embarrassed, weighed her little tailor and picked up the bottom section prize. Steven Eley also had a bottom fish and weighed it in under the junior section picking up the prize for his 18.65 dusky whaler. Di Stewart has 4 live bream from the river and took the section from Brett to win. Simon’s thumper land based morwong was notable.

The only 3 game fish were weighed in for the Ultra Light. Steve Wiseman aboard “Top Deck” with Tony Smith aboard showed a small mackerel caught on 6kg line but was not big enough to score. Laurie Malton with his usual family crew of Sue, Rebecca and Jared hid behind Black Rock and soaked baits for mulloway. A lucky break for Laurie saw him hook-up and land a 12.15kg mulloway on 3kg line, which was big enough to claim a National line class record with ANSA. Lots of other fish were hooked but lost by the crew. The second day was the same swinging on anchor with “Top Deck” and “Bulawayo Buoy” out at Black Rock again. “Top Deck” gave up early but it all went off later aboard “Bulawayo Buoy” with numerous hook-ups on heavier gear still resulting from bust offs. Must have been sharks, but Jared Malton had the lucky break after losing one and hooking up almost immediately again to a 5kg mulloway on 4kg gear. This fish is also a pending National Junior 4kg line class record.

Pink Snapper

Submitted by Fishwrecked on Fri, 2006-02-03 14:39

Mr Salmo posted up some great pink snapper photos.. Thought I'd put them in the brag board as they are pretty damn awesome. Enjoy!

big one
nice pinks
more pinks

my first size dhufish

Submitted by looking4mulloway on Thu, 2006-02-02 19:23

After completing my boatsmart course last week it was finaly my time to take the boat out without my normal skipper, Hillaries was my target and the 3 mile i thought would be a good place to start. After 3 hrs without any luck i decided to head out alittle wider. My first drop at new location approx 4mile out i got what i wanted it wasnt huge but for my first time skippering a boat, finding new ground and finaly some fish i thouht was great. Anyway i managed my first (ever) dhuie from this spot and it was size (54cm). I then hooked 2 more im sure where dhuies but tried to pass on the rod so i could film the catch (Had 2 sexy ladies on board). But both were lost during the fight as they are relativly new to fishing). 


Happy Fish Hunting

Shane (looking4mulloway)

Mandurah Crab scooping

Submitted by looking4mulloway on Sat, 2006-01-21 14:32

Hey all forum users just to let you know the crabs are around in Mandurah, Plenty size lots smaller but easily pickyourself up a feed. I have been scooping late at night when the wind dies down but have heard reports of them early morning for scoopers aswell and boats are picking up there share also uo til lunch time being best.

nothing is more relaxing than walking the estuary at night, plus bringing home a feed helps.

I have emailed adam a picture to post as i am having difficulties posting pictures so hopefully you will see one soon

Good Luck!

Photos from Friday - 16th Dec

Submitted by Adam Gallash on Tue, 2006-01-10 11:19

Had a great day out in the south wester which didn't blow in. Lots of tackle lost and many big bustoffs, a few were landed. Hitting the sambo's after a few beers wasn't the best idea, but still bloody good fun. Oh, and notable mention must go to super dhue, what a classic...

Picture of the month - October

Submitted by Adam Gallash on Tue, 2006-01-10 09:36

Sambo Pic's 3

Submitted by Fishwrecked on Sun, 2006-01-08 18:21

So many photos, make sure you check the image galleries to see whats new..
G's 2nd

The third was on its way
G's Tagged sambo
Big sambo's on jig

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