Brag Board

Brag Rights, Catch and Release or Unusual Captures

Micks magic mark

So i popped into shorecatch on friday arvo to grab some supplies for the home freezer, for those last minute fishing plans and got to talking to mick bout his recent trip and he mentioned he may be heading out on saturday morning for a quick snap session as he had family comitments in the late morning, i mentioned i would love to join and the stars aligned and met him at the ramp for a 5:30 launch. When we got to the mark the bottom rose to a tasty looking pinnacle and after an onion bag full of shorecatch's finest the fish started showing. True example of the importance of quality burley, and what followed was an example of quality baits. I was using whole scaleys which were packed to perfection, pinned in the nose and half hitched the leader round the tail and drifted down. With minimal wind and a fair amount of swell the boat was playing silly buggers on the minn kota and we were fishin on a "spinning top" but with minimal swearing and a few tangles around props we were catchin fish. First line burner was an eagle ray that was hooked in the wing and had us guessing till we could see, then a few small pink bits came over the side and a ripper flathead, till one of my drifted scaleys got slammed and smoked me for a few seconds before it dropped it, i pulled on the line and still felt the weight of some bait there and after a few seconds i was getting smoked till PING! It got me on that tasty pinnacle, my bad for not enough hurt on it on the lightish gear. After tying a rushed leader knot it became evident two  baits later that i really should've double checked that knot when i was made a fool by another good fish. Mick pulled in a nice slimey which was quickly turned into a slab bait and my next drop resulted in a legal dhu but i needed some pink redemption and it was in the dying minutes of the morning where i felt a tap and the line moving, loaded the rod with a slow steady lift and bang the circle hook pinned it where it should and after a stressful minute the redemtion pink was in the net. Back at the ramp before 9 and still had the rest of the day to do what we needed to. Cheers mick for the morning out 



Old mans Dhu

 took the old boy out for a fish today, we decided to launch from the cut and it paid off...

Was caught in 11m & went 590mm...

PB metro dhu

 On a quiet day yesterday I spent some time searching for new ground and I am glad I did as I pulled up this beast.

Nrth Abrolhos island

 Left gero last Thursday got back in Tuesday morn . Boys boss has  a 65 foot Randell . Trip of a lifetime . I was itching for first drop by the end (really .) Only using small circles. 2 rigs . I used my rod  95 percent of time ,also handline, caught all sorts of cod. Emperor . Dhues. Pinks. Trout. Even good old black ass. To many types to mention . Night time was mint .we would anchor Anywhere from 40 to 60 meters.( got ruff at times) got flung out of bunk first night. Huge squid would come around not matter where we where. Big v8 occy. Snakes and flying fish . I would definately do it again . Learnt a heap of the skipper. 

Saturday gone


Hit the water at 3:30am Saturday morn with the bro in law and Bully, heading out the back of the 3 mile to anchor and burley up a storm. Parked up at 14mt a slow start began with a couple of PJ sharks first to make enquiries then be returned( pretty sure only I attract them on our trips) 1 little snook next then a big pike before the sun popped up. 

Just after sun up the in law (while looking into the distance with rod lazily over his shoulder) bang , bring in a nice size tailor, re loads and once again another tailor. I managed a gurnard. Next 2 nice size skippy he brings in and the 2 no snapper to stay on the boat in 7 years. Man I need some training in targeting species!

I managed a nice size chinaman and Bully lost a little schoolie right at the back of the boat.

All up a great morning out with a mixed bag to start a long day and ya can't beat the sun up on the water i reckons!

happy hunting 


Quick bash last night

 went for a quick bash with  jimmyg last night, plenty of pickers early but nothing solid on bait. Got these two on artificials just after sunset, back at the marina by 7.45pm. 

Tuna and a hook in the thumb (warning graphic)

Went out yesterday with plans of heading to the fads with some mates in another boat once the wind died down. Got just past the Three mile and decided to put a lure down for a little troll, two mins in the water and rod goes off, get the fish boat side for a bit of a tussle then gaff goes in, spike and cut the fish let it calm down for a little while, remove first set of trebles no drama second set and he has one last kick in him bingo, first set through the thumb. F&%^!

Clipped the top off it pulled it out all good. lesson learned, let them bleed for a while longer and get a long hook out gun.

Fish went 6.5kg, no monster but still tasted good!

Tagged Samson today

 Today out from Esperance, beautiful day with Hannah showing part of a good mixed bag

Few more today

3 more today but very hard to tempt, a case of too calm too clear. We arrived at ffb before sunrise and could clearly see the bottom so i knew it was going to be a write-off for my planned snapper session, ive always struggled on the sunny calm days.

Kings and King

Headed out to one of my old haunts for a sunrise anchor and burley bash, unfortunately we came up short on the pink things after dropping 2 big fish and landing one 48cm model all in 10 minutes, but managed a consolation prize of a nice 45cm king george.




Once we ran out of burley we headed out deeper but concentrating on the shallower shoals we found some nice plegaics feeding under just a few wheeling birds. First drift saw my brother connect to a nice sambo that belted the daylight out of a stickbait on the surface.




Every drift entertained us with hook-ups or surface strikes for an hour or so before the wind sent us packing.




Took home a nice bag that I shared out with some good friends, Goodz sending in a pic later that night teasing us with a delicious looking snack he knocked up after filleting a few kings.






Seared Kingfish topped with finger lime.






Cheers, Beau.


Nice Dhuey caught in close 

few pinks sunday

 6m deep got these crackers  one went 80cm 5.5 kilo and the other 70cm 3kilo

A first for added

 With the weather looking good, I decided to have the day off and get out on the water. A quick ring around got the brother in law keen and good mate Tony keen as mustard. Headed out off Mandurah around 6:30am to the 40's. I recently bought a new combo that I wanted to test out, got an NS Blackhole Explorer and matched it with a 5000 Stradic loaded with 30lb braid as my new Jig stick.

Things started slowly jagging a little swallow tail in the back on the jig, and Doug getting another one on bait. Next drift while I was winding the jig back up it got nailed half way up and proceeded to go straight back down at a rate of knots. I was calling it for a Sambo but then it headed for the surface, we got a nice suprise when we spotted a nice little tuna. Not long after Doug got a nice size Baldy on a piece of Mullet. The little Tuna gave the new combo a good test, but what was to come really made it work. I was working an Ima Ro's jig when it got slammed about 2m off the bottom. I could feel some real weight to this fish and very powerful determined runs. I was thinking I had a very nice Dhu, and after a very good fight to our surprise a very nice sized Blue Groper surfaced. A first for me!! Woo Hoo we were all stoked.

The rest of the morning slowed down after that, so we moved north about a mile to fish some newer ground we came across a few trips ago. It was a bit quiet on the sounder but the ground looked worth while. A Cray boat had been setting pots north of us and came steaming over and dropped 4 pots around where we were fishing. Wow talk about a change in fishing, the burly from the pots turned them on. We got a real good Whiskery Shark straight away and 2 nice size Pinkies within half an hour of the pots being dropped to finish our bag. Happy days.




Few holiday deep jig trips

 Managed to sneak an extra week of RnR this swing and managed a few trips off the drop off and also managed some dhuies on the way home enjoy the pics!

Salmon teaser vid

After the trip back to the ramp I realised why there weren't many boats out today. Click on the link and have a laugh at our expense!

Today's swim

 15 Crays, 30 big Occo .:)

Hillarys bash

Went out late this morning with the wife for a bit of a bash... Was a good calm day, so the wife was a happy fisher...

Not much happening. Tried the placy's and bait and mixed it up... Tried to keep the burley trail going as we driffed along just behind 3 mile reef.

I started to get bored so decided to throw a whole mullie out on a ballon rig for a bit of a joke. Expecting a shark. (would keep me entertained but not so much the wife.... oh well)

Within 20 minutes the ballon was gone and picked up this stonker. 74cm. Dont have scale must get some cause there was a bit of weight in it.

Was just as surprised to see the number of cray legs that came out as I gutted him, considering how close we were.... 

Pb on kids rod

 Went out this morning with the family to take daughter for a fish with her new rod. We anchored in about 7m on what I thought to be a good spot for some sand whiting. Put her line down with a ball sinker and size 2 long shank. 30 seconds later she's on but doesn't want to touch the rod after seeing line peeling off like it was. So I take over. New pb kgw. Stoked! Then a bust of a few minutes later... will go back with more appropriate tackle.

Been a while between posts...... New PB Snap

Been dealing with some personal issue but their is light at the end of the tunnel!

Headed out with a mate last week for a inshore snapp sess on the placs.....

was quiet for the first hour or so, but things got real hot right around sunset...

5 Snaps all over 800 and my new PB that came in at 960 and 23.5 pounds on certified scales :)

PE2 took a paddle prawn

signing out


3mile sunrise session

 Got out early this morning with a mate for a sunrise anchor and burley session. Hit the water at 5:00am and was bagged out by 6:30am, so then went and caught a few squid for an entre. Love it when things go to plan!

Shout out to Mick from shorecatch, his burley has done it again




Rotto bash yesterday

Good day out yesterday with my mate slayfield.i finally made the 20 kg club with this bad boy .then followed it up with an 18 kg mulloway

Dive with rig pig

 Had a ball. Let's see how many Occo he eats compared to bait:):). Still heaps of roaches around in close. Been great year.


 few tailor first light 

Tusk Fish

partners extraordinary catch!

30kg Shovel Nose

Caught and Released - Exmouth. 

wifes little black

 little 90kilo black

3 stages of occy

 Went for swim today viz crap 2 feet. Daughter wanted pickled occy . So she got it. Turned out tender as. Wicked. 

coupla salmon from today!!

 nice and solid. Let a feww go also

Last 3 swims - crays

Been out 3 times this week by myself, managed a bag fairly easily each time , quite a few crays around in shallow at the moment