Brag Board

Brag Rights, Catch and Release or Unusual Captures

PB 19.1kg Dhu on jig and sounder shots of new tranny and 1871f gps plotter

well I didn’t expect to break a PB On my break weather was frighten terrible. But still sent it with a mate and decided drop on a couple of coral lumps and head in. The pictures are of the same lump on my 588 running low through a b260 and my new gps unit running high through a p66. The dhu went 19.1kilo and landed on 20 pound braid. I was stoked cos it took a lot of luck steering the boat and fighting the fish hahaha

new / renew fishing license

 seems new fishing license now dealt by DOT  asks user name and password dont have , type in DOB &email address says if correct email will be sent but nothing , guess my question is what was wrong with prvious , why do they have to make it so difficult or are they just trying to confuse and make life dificult . anyone !

The Seed is Planted

My oldest boy has gone from hating the boat to being fishing obsessed  and watching Youtube vids all day and wanted to chase a sambo. He was in awe while this one smoked me on my 20lb gear in 40m and Dad's a bit of a legend at the moment... also bagged a ripping Baldie.


Was out crabbing the other night, not having a great deal of luck, so wandered into the shallows trying to find them, but ended up finding heaps of cobbler rolling around in the mud instead. Took the crabbing gear back to the car and grabbed my gidgy. Within 10 minutes, I had 3 big cobbler in my bag. Easily could've got my bag limit of 8 within half an hour, but thought I'd better try out the few that I had for eating/freezing quality first. Ended up with 720 grams of fillets, but could've been more if I was better at filleting them. Had 3 fillets for dinner last night and froze the remaining 3 for a later date. Quite a tasty fish. And good fun catching them as well. Biggest was 560mm, smallest 500mm. Haven't put pictures up here in a long time, so hopefully it works... 

Fishing N.Z

 Just chasing a few tips on fishing N.Z. be traveling with family. I'll take my light rods for just the basics. I've never targeted trout befor, but keen for a crack. Probably fish land based most of the time then a couple of charters. Any recondmendations? Or locations not to miss. Thanks.

Out of dawesville today

 Was magic out off dawesville today headed out wide was well worth it managed a decent dhuie and nice snapper me mate got 2 nice snapper bagged out thought we would troll back in with no luck still can't complain tho 

Couple of good feeds

 Crabs from yesterday and whiting this morning. It’s like cat crack for this fellow.

Few fish pics

Few pics from recent, bit of everything lately. Perth landbased macky next on the cards but a few more hours required before that'll happen. Cheers, max. 

Deep Drop - Blue Eye Trevella

Managed to get out wide weekend before last. Really starting to hone in my deep drops and sounder readings. I’ve had success on all ventures but one over the last half a dozen or more trips. No Marks, just tips from some fellas on here. So appreciate the advice fellas, as I’m seeing good results now.

Went out to 200s to some reliable Puka grounds, decided with all the Blue Eye being caught, to give the 300-400s a crack and found a big school, where my 2.5kg sinkers didn’t even hit the bottom before being devoured by a string of blue eye. Beautiful morning out, quick run back at 35knts. Can’t beat it.

biggest was 19.5kg. Loaded with small bait fish and octopus.


Video Link

Never trust bream fisherman

Best I've seen on my boat ( baldie).687mm long.5.3 kg weight.. donkey.craige also got his pb dhue. I got a flogging

Early bag out on new ground

 Found some new ground this morning in the 30's out from Cockburn. Carl caught 2 nice KG's (50 and 51cm), and I caught 2 Dhuies (4.5kg and 11.5kg). Also got nice Blackass and a massive Foxfish. Good feed, all done by 10am. Happy Days!

Nice feed out from Dawesville this morning.

Great feed from this morning.

Dan the man(hunting)

Young fella off the pro boats , back to grano work mid north. Helping farmers out on days off. Radar cracker dog.

Seafood platter

 Some pics of the last few months catches, a couple of photos are from Tas. Squid from cockburn sound and others inshore NOR.

Any ideas what that sounder shot would be? 37m I'm thinking sambo... 

Not bad couple days work

Nice trip south 

Great feed( crays n crabs)

Some big boys in 1 pot. Someone thought they needed other pot more apparently( one stolen ). Engraved to the shithouse. But more than 14 ks out, so fisheries can't check out that far. Gone.

Donkey Bream

Scrapped my plans to go wide and took the dinghy up to Basso for a solo  hardbody bream sesh. Launch from Fishmarket ramp and changed things up by heading down river around the Helena rivermouth and scored a fat little rat on my 3rd cast.

Spent the next 90 mins casting into snags, along flats, under reeds and trolled some flats and didn't get so much as a hit and the baitfish were casually floating about with no tide running which is never a good sign.

Decided to head up to my usual ground and there were about 5 crew in kayaks fishing baits and getting no action. Tried a few of my marked spots for nothing so packed up and trolled some flats with the electric motor on the way back and caught a small billy grunter. 

Chucked out again and got a snag so stopped to sort it and the snag started peeling line off my little 1000. Knowing I was on flats I knew I could play him with my 6lb line and had a great little battle in front of an audience. I sighted him and thought it may be a PB but he was 1cm short at 37cm.

A quick pic and he went back in much to the surprise of the kayak crew.

Esperance dive

Nice swim with the wife today (two licenses)

Dhue bait

Bored today. Got some great bait. Skinned heads out this time , rather than throwing them away. Fantastic bait. Normally can't be bothered. They never go slimy or get water pockets in them.

Nice dhue from yesterday/ lizard from today

Had fun last few days

Change of plan but still got the fish

 Got picked up by my mates at 4.30 am and the plan was the hit up lano for some big dhuies. Get about 5 mins out of town and my mates car starts over heating so I suggested we take my car and after checking the forecast I made the call the launch from two rocks. 

The ramp wasn't to busy and we got on the water on at a reasonable time. It didn't take long until we saw schools of bluefin working we managed to hook 3 but didn't stay connected and the school was very flighty. 


So we kept heading out North West but didn't really have any spots out of two rocks so we put out the wind socks and drifted for about 2nm. 

From the drift I managed 2 dhuies a bladie and the others managed a Baldie each and a scorpion fish.  

The wind had picked up at this point so we started our long drive back to the ramp but everything worked out for the best in the end and we have some more marks out of it. 


I'll be heading north again tommorrow but at least will have some fresh Dhuie to take with me.



Few nice Puka from today Start Year on a high!

7 40am bagged with our 8 not super huge but got a wicked feed!

Mackerel island fishing charter

Hi All - just a big shout out to the fantastic team that run the Mackerel Island Fishing Charter. We (me, my wife, 2 x kids) went out with them yesterday and had a fabulous time. Loads of demersals, a couple of Mack’s and plenty of sharks! The skipper and deckie were great - on the fish fairly well all day, and very helpful for those that needed it.

We couldnt recommend them highly enough - so if you are up this way, get on their boat!

and for anyone thinking about bringing your own boat over, it looks quite easy and really well set up on the island for boaters. We did this trip to take a look before having a go with the bar crusher - looks like it should be fairly straight forward. 

Another day on the blues

 Spent another day chasing crabs around the estuary uhh well back to work now

Big Dhu School

Seen a number of dhus schools over the years, usually high and narrow, but this one had to be the biggest I’ve seen, purely due to the width. Practically on nothing but a small bump in 50s. School was over 50m wide and 10m high. Weights from two trips were between 9-11kg, all males but non of them dominant yet. (Small fin).

any theories out there why males school up like this? Seen it before many times, but not to this scale. 

Big Blue

Went exploring on the South Coast on Boxing Day and found what looked like a reasonable spot after a 1 and a half hour trek. Bit of berleying and a nice fish came up to have a look. Managed to catch this bad boy. Didn’t get a weight as we filleted it to save weight for the trip back but it was 1.24 metres long and solid. Went real hard on a SU400 and Stella 20000 with 80lb braid. First one for me landbased so pretty stoked.  We also got a smaller one around 15kg that we released 

Thought these were hard to catch

 All the negative reports made me second gues myself couple that with a staff xmas party hangover and a 15knot southerly had to work a little harder than usual but got a 2 person limit

Big Dhu

 Hi team

Got up early today and went for a fish from lancelin. 

Trolled a popular spot first up for a lot of rat kings, so continued on.

First 2 drops 2 baldies, not a bad start!

Moved to new ground hoping for a dhu and wasn't disappointed! Dropped 2 and deckie dropped 1, then hooked up solid.

Called it for a big big sambbo the way it was running, but up popped by new PB dhu, 101cms and 18kg. So so happy!

Rounded the bag out with another baldie and headed for home. Longer drive but usually worth it.


Jumbo in cray pot

 Got a jumbo today in the cray pot, couldn’t believe the size of it for being caught in a cray pot, I’m used to the usual whites between just size and 25mm over, up until last week when I got a nice big boy @ 1.2kg, but then today I got this big boy weighing in at 2.569kg’s with carapace length approximately 154mm. Are Crays this size caught in pots very often? 

Now, how to cook it so it presents well on the table as a big centre piece? 

Who would have thought Barra in a creek next to a Barra farm

 It's taken almost 6 months for me to have time to go for a fish after work and will be doing a lot more from now on. I don't think I have ever heard so many booFs before in my life as the mullet come with the incoming tide