Brag Board

Brag Rights, Catch and Release or Unusual Captures

harding rock dive on tanks

 my dan and myself went for swim. to ruff outside .got few crabs, exellent on crays .few of my normal occo .great morning swim .why dive deep .l.o.l

Big Silver Perch

How's this for a big Silver Perch. 550mm long and weighing in at 5kg.

Caught in a friends farm dam.

Assassin Rods land two big rays

 Shaun and Werner landed two big black rays  at saturdays competition, the ray weighed in at 141 and 143 kg , great fish boys .

Couple dhuies from the weekend

 Had an invite from a mate to head up to lancelin and chase some Dhu.

having moved to perth from carnarvon a few years back, he has found the metro fishing just a little bit tougher than it is back in his hometown (no surprises I guess).and unable to crack the elusive WA Dhu fish code

day 1 only saw one keeper(a solid pinky) over the side, but no shortage of 1-2cm undersized dhus !! . We fished until late and then came back and anchored just inside the island, ready for another crack at it the next day !!

day 2 greeted us with a 2m+ swell and huge rollers breaking to the north of the island, so after watching how the pros did it for a few minutes, we found the gap and cruised out to some ground we had found the previous day.  Things started off looking like we'd see a repeat of yesterday's effort. With the first drift producing a double header of JUST undersized Dhu .

Now I've been trying to slowly convert to fishing with artificials only, so the Terez/Spheros 8000PG is sitting in the rod holder bouncing whole squid on a paternoster while I'm working a McCarthy bullhead minnow on my little DAIWA "supacasta"/ Stradic CI4 2500 combo .....  Not even sure if I'm doing it right ?!? Having only been self taught from youtube and watching all the tv shows!! Then I sit the bloody thing down to tend to the baited rod and waddya know. The SP combo starts screaming !! A short fight that had the little Stradic regularly screaming in pain and up pops the first ever legal Dhu on the boats deck!!


There where high-5s and celebratory beers then it was back to business !! A few more hours passed and some bite offs on the bait rigs that could've only been sharks ! We headed out to a few spots we'd found in 50m .. Almost ready to pack in in for the day with only 1 Dhu and 1 pinky in the esky , I packed the SP of away and pick up the Terez .. Tap tap Strike... And it loads up .. I called Dhu after feeling the big tail beats and a few minutes later it was confirmed !! The hoodoo is broken and the monkey is off the back!! Can't say exact weights but I'd guess the small one about 6kg. The big girl easily pulled my 10kg scales to there limit so I'll go conservative at 12kg!? Your estimates are welcomed Luke

Albany is worth a drop

Decided for my first time ever to go out on a charter ... it is a lazy mans way of fishing droppers made up hooks on bait cut up for ya and lunch provided :) ahhh Spinners charter in albany was awsum fred helped look after my 9yo son allowing me to also fish, which was done in 70m water so I was glad to have fred help Xander wind up too as at the end of the day my arms were in agony .... ouchies

They would not let us use our own rigs as the braid was only 30 pound and they use 80 pound :( so we could not use our nice and light yet capable combos and had to use whats on board :( but the 80 pound does allow for undoing of tangles maybe I should go heavier in perth also. What a haul tho almost every drop had some sort of fish, what I consider a good black ass over here is small what they consider large is a stonker ! double headers of fish even wow this is what fishing should be like .... sniff sniff how will I ever fish in perth again ? :(

Few past fish (LOTS of pics)

Hey Lads,
Been a while since I have been on the big F W so thought I should chuck up a post! Couple o' fish a few mates and I have been getting into of late from all over WA. Cheers
Over 30kgs of Mack
Baby Sambo's on Bream gear LB in tight structure = hectic
Jacks on Bream gear
Diamonds are a lad's best friend!
3.5" Damiki Shrimp down there
Pup Dhu on bream gear

Billfish Grand Slam

Hey guys just got back from a trip chasing blue marlin in Exmouth with Josh from Onstrike - we scored some awesome weather with complete glass offs most days and some solid fish around!

I was lucky enough to land my first ever billfish grand slam for the trip catching an estimated 200kg blue marlin, a small black marlin and a solid sailfish!

We also got onto another small black and a blue of around 150kg or so with both blues being really fat healthy looking fish.

Got some great footage of the big blues up close and have combined it with the rest of my footage from over the years to make a highlight vid - really put a lot of time & effort into it and am pretty stoked with how it turned out if you want to have a look you can find that here:

GoPro Gamefishing

If you get a few mins check it out and let me know what you think, thanks guys!



Bait board Abrolhos style


Top notch quality conversion rate 


dans swim

 yesterday.heaps still aroung done big pickle up kept few for bait ,good feed of big mannas also

Target Species - Greyband Cod

Since returning from Pohnpei Jan 2013 the fishing trips have changed from three a week to once in a blue moon. Great mate Ryan Thipthorp gave me a call and said the weather was looking good for Saturday and no filming at the moment, he said do I want to head out for a fish. Without even thinking 'Chasing what?' I'd already said yes.

In the end the decision was to target Greyband Cod as I’ve never caught one and Ryan was keen to maybe film a future episode. So after a leisurely launch time we started fishing about 1130 after finding a descent school of fish on the Furuno sounder. Although we were targeting GBs specifically it didn't seem as easy as catching Bass Grouper, Harpuka or Trellava etc as the GBs school up with pinkies and yellow-eye red snapper so plenty of bye-catch.

It didn't take too long though and Ryan was into it. Ryan hooked up and was onto a smaller fish and he decided to leave it down in the hope that the hooked fish would attract something bigger. In less than a minute, Bang, and it was one for young and old. At a guess maybe 20 minutes later Ryan had a 25kg plus (weighed) Greyband and a well legal pink snapper in the boat as a doubler header.

Cracka start indeed. We took that drift again and it was my turn. I hooked up pretty soon after being on the bottom. After a fighting a fish all the way up (250m+) we were thinking 'shark' as the deepwater fish tend to give up the last fifty to hundred metres. As luck would have it I had a solid Bass Groper on the line, an angry bass indeed. Not that I was disappointed (maybe a little) with a Bass I had gone out to catch my first Greyband. So even though I was puffed we went around and ran than drift again. Once again it took no time at all to hook up. This time the fight was a tough one at the start but eased off about a hundred metres from the bottom. A little while later my first Greyband was onboard, you little beauty. How good does targeting a species and getting them make you feel at then end ... Awesome.

Thanks Ryan, fantastic day indeed and your knowledge out there in the super deep is amazing and your sounder interpretation in what's ” happening “ is mind blowing. You certainly know you stuff and thanks for ticking off another species in the bucket list.

Shikari Pinkies

Al Bevan put right on top of a hot pinkie bight this morning. Baged out with 12 at around 10kg by 7.30. Awsome day as always. Big thanks to Al and Oscar for a great day.


Rotto sessions

 Last few trips to rotto.... Got the spangly on a metal slice chasing herring for liveys,released.... Nurse was just over 2m gave us hell and bit the boat a few times before bitng off.....never a dull moment over there cant wait till next trip..... 

Cockburn sound pink snapper


With a new moon quickly approaching and a high tide not long after sun down, we decided to head out of woodmans point in my mates tinny at 6:30pm last night. Felt good to be out on the water, as my boat has had some issues lately. Hit the spot before 7 and had our lines in the water soon after with the burley trail going strong. Got onto some nice sized skippy, a couple of tailor and I managed 2 nice pinky of 70odd cm. Back at the ramp by 1030, and my car was still in one piece. All in all a good night out on the water.

Got both on drift bait rigs. First was on half a california squid, the second was on a strip of skippy fillet.


Quick cray and pinkie bash last month

 Quick bash before work!! 

Hooked on pink

 Spent alot of time and bread last winter- spring targeting pinkys after work on light gear in close. nw ers did there job well...

heres a colection of the better ones... 

Finally got my second mulla

After a year of trying for my second mulla my luck fell into place, the bloke next to me hooked up and landed a nice one and I thought to myself, here we go same old story the guy next to me or the bloke further down. When line began to slowly peel off my reel, I picked up the rod tightened the drag and waited, a bit of weight and a light twitch on the end and I striked and I was on. Short tense fight, and gaffing nearly gave me a heart attack. My mate didnt get a solid gaff shot to begin with which resulted in the fish dropping 4m and back into the water for another run, a minute later and some stern words my mate got a solid gaff shot although still very average and up came this beast at 125cm and 14.8kg, caught it on an unweighted scaley on the stop tide fairly obvious where. Left at 9:30 mine was one of three caught  between 8:00-9:00

Spaniards galore

 It has been a long while since I caught my quota of anything and I am stoked to say I did it this last weekend on Spaniards. All up I caught seven Maccies in just over an hour and to say my arms were knackered would be an understatement. 

First decent Jigged metro Dhu

 Hey guys

Finally the gods played ball and I managed to try out my new combo that's been sitting there for over 2 months.

After constantly bugging the skipper to get out he was convinced. Plan was to launch from woodies, pull his pots and drop a jig or two before the wind picked up. Now the fun started when the skipper forgot the power extension cable for his cray winch so that meant a workout. I can personally say pulling a pot from 40m when it hadn't been pulled for a while was less than fun. The slime and growth off the rope ended up everywhere but we had a laugh but weren't too keen on pulling the other pot.

Now the skipper is quite well known being Josh from Oceanside. Can't thank him enough for pretty much taking me under his wing to teach me the tricks of the trade, this guy knows what he is doing

Sounded around for a bit with josh explaining what to look for and what was what on the sounder. Found some fish so the new stella and jm titanium combo dropped down a lamble. Dropped straight into a fishs mouth and I was expecting it so I dropped the fish. So back around to start the second drift, dropped down started jigging and bang I have never felt a hit like this or had a dhuie fight this hard.  Josh had a ball laughing at me getting stretched.  This thing popped up. To say I was happy was an understatement.

unfortantly this is the only photo I got of the day due to the excitement of fish on the sounder when we brought other fish onboard. Finished with this 10.2kg dhu another 55cm dhu and a strange catch on jig a nice size flaty.

Great day on the water and it's not often that the apprentice out fishs his trainer haha sorry josh.


cheers boys

First Red Snapper and first Queen Snapper

 Freediving metro in 22m for these guys. 

Saw a fishy lookin ledge from surface, dove down for a closer look. A school of 10-12 Dhu greet me, some just legal, others under. I spot the red sticking out from the ledge, shoot into top of fish, spear exits stomach. Tough dive that was deep, high degree of shot difficulty as a thin target from directly above, but came off good in the end. But apparently spearfishing is cheating as its too easy according to a lino back at the ramp ha!



Dinghy dhuie delight day

Decided with the awesome weather prediction, to venture a bit further north yesterday, and beach launched a few hours drive up. 


Found a likely looking bit if rubble in 35m that had a spattering of fish a few meters above the bottom. Ended up being a school of just undersize pinkies that we're snaffling baits before they even hit the bottom, although a 50cm king George was found amongst them. The drift was almost non existent, and only about 20m away from the initial ground, the sounder showed a few more solid dots, and me and dan dropped at the same time....

BANG farkin BANG! We both load up, and dan comes up first with a 9kg dhu and a baldie! Mine taking a bit longer on the talica 8 and pe3, after about a good 6 or 7 minutes, up pops a double header of 14 and 5kg dhu bangers! Checked my watch, and it's just gone 8:30am!!

We try a few more drops, but all we were gettin was more dhus, so called last drop. Dan loads up big time, but with no solid tail thumps, soon realised this was no sambo or dhu, and a good 20 mins later on pe3 and a Saragossa 10, up glides a 2.5m tiger. She wins her freedom and is cut loose. 


Esky lookin pretty good, we decide to troll the back edge of the reef, and head back home a bit earlier. A strike 10 mins into the troll, in 24m, had me thinkin the day couldn't get any better. A short 5 min fight had the unconfirmed spaniard a few meters under the boat, when it changed colour and morphed into a frikkin sambo. Guuuutttteeeedddddd!! Called it a day not long after that, as the breeze was startin to come in, and retrieval was always going to be tricky with the soft sand and swell building. Had some major dramas pulling the boat up when the winch strap snapped on the trailer. FARK. In no time at all, the waves started crashing over the back of the dinghy, and if it wasn't for the 6 tonne winch on my hilux, I would've lost the boat there and then. It literally filled up 3/4 with water, and probably would've weighed close to 3 tonne. We manage to drag it up the beach with the car winch, drain the water out, and finally had just enough length to tie the strap to the dinghy and winch the trailer under it. All up, a good day!

Metro Lanbased Mackie!

Was chatting to JohnF and tim-o one morning during the week about the pelagic action offshore out of Perth at the moment, particularly the Mackies. With all the fishing talk and the rest of the day off I called my younger brother and suggested we go for a bit of a drive and just flick some lures around landbased as the wind was up a bit too much for the boat. So I paired up some casting rods with our PE3 jigging reels and off we went.

After about an hour of casting a massive expolsion of whitewater erupted on Codys skipping stickbait, and seconds after the drag was humming and braid disapearing at a rate of knots across the surface! Good first run, then Cody eased him to the back of the reef when he decided to take off again this time slugging it out deeper. Got him to the back of the reef again and there were a few tense moments keeping the fish's head up as he swam over some shallow bombies. Finally get the fish into some safe water and I ran in about waist deep and tailed the fish back onto the beach.

Could not believe what had just happened and still struggling to fathom it right now! The lure fell out as soon as the fish hit the sand, veryy lucky!

My brothers first Metro Mack and it was landbased, and on a stickbait rigged with no wire. We were definitely not expecting to catch anything, I didnt even have an eski and I had to borrow a knife from a bloke up the beach just to spike it.


Will most likely get one of the photos framed and printed, would be great to know which one you guys like the most so I can choose one for POTM nomination too


. IMG_3730











swim today occo

 cockburn murky as .90 % of occo today 2 to 3 feet of water..couldnt get to other spots  , still got some monsters.

Number 2 down and biggest yet

Greetings fellas went to my local spot with a mate, with a strip of Snook caught this beautiful big Mulla approx 1.2m and at a guess 20kg, decided too good to kill so after a good 10min of swimming in the breakers my mate and i got it to swim off. Previous PB was 17kg caught at same spot last April this was noticably bigger and fought extremely well

For the Squid Lovers

Being super keen on my egiing, I thought I'd share some recent squid pics.


And just a reminder that Dr Peter Coulson from Murdoch Uni is still after squid donations for the research he is doing on our southern calamari.

See the attached Flyer to find out more.





doubble hook up dhuies

 caught these two off cape naturalist fishing with my pop, he didn't want his photo taken but let me hold his fish

they both went 15 kilo on the scales

Good Dhuie

Good weekend off Mandurah

first metro mulloway

 After many years an long nights finally got my first metro mulla an was caught within the first 10 minutes of rockin up 

A few fish from the start of this year

been catching a few fish the kgs are from Albany and few crabs diving. Enjoy..

Pinkie on the Troll

Was in Perth for the weekend and the brother in law suggested we get out on the water.

Wind was looking average at best but we decided to go for it anyway

Heading out to hide from the Easterly behind Garden Island had lures out the back for the off chance of a mac or a tuna

Both rods went off, one was peeling hard and brother in law's mate grabbed that one, i grabbed the other one which felt pretty weak but lots of thumps

Mate dropped the bigger fish we called for a tuna or mac (good old braid fail!) and i passed the rod i grabbed to the brother in law since it was his boat and all and much to our surprise up pops a pinkie

None of us had seen/heard of them taking a lure trolling before


Didn't catch a single thing for the rest of the day, but the pinkie was worth it!

dhue lollies and feed

 keeping it all for bait(according 2 kids) so i had to cook some.what a waste..still plenty around 15 in 1 hour swim.