Brag Board

Brag Rights, Catch and Release or Unusual Captures

quick swim.22.5 kilo

 some big boys around comin to the end of the cycle,occy eating occy ,massive amounts of empty moorings full of egg sacks,2 big ones both weighed 3,9 kilo on the dot .both my jewels dropped all good now

pinkies in the sound

 been getting into the snapper a fiar bit lately bagging out basically every trip! heres a few pics.. havent got all of them on my compyter yet so yeah more added later :)

My first, and what a cracker

Hiya all, long time lurker and only just getting back into my fishing.

Recent (work) trip up north has paid off. My first coral trout and from what I can work out, a decent size.

82 cm, but no weight. Conservative was around 11kg. Greedy bugger still had decent size leather jacket in it's mouth.



Loving it

Headed out early to 3 mile Sunday morning hoping to get a few hours in before the wind picked up. Was slow going for a long period with only wrasse and a baby eagle ray being caught. With an empty esky we decided to pull anchor and move. Sounded around for a while and came across what we thought was a decent spot. Turned out to be the difference with my first drop hooking into a 60cm coral trout and a 42cm skippy. I lost the skippy near the surface but i wasn't worried as it was the perfect way to break in my new 2-4kg nexave. the next 2 hours were non stop with plagues of skippy and blackass smashing everything we threw at them. With the wind changing direction and having enough of a feed we decided to call it a day



Cockburn Snapper

Couple photos from yesterday's session with fellow member Marko. All fish caught at anchor and on plastics, baits didn't get touched all morning.. Biggest went 80 odd centimeters..

Cracker Dhufish on Jig!!!!

With Fridays forecast looking sweet I decided to head back up to Two Rocks where I've been doing well on jigs. Craig (FW-Fishcrazy) was very keen to catch up and get into demersal but this time I persuaded him to use jig only no bait!

Craig still took out some local ocky and sinkers just incase but I was confident in converting him to artifitial. I gave him a Damiki Backdrop 200g jig to use and a quick run down on working it!

First drop got Craig his first fish on jig which was a blackarse and now onto my next spot. This next spot has produced ok size dhufish before but after the Furuno showed some dense echoes I was confident!

As I got the boat drift sorted I said to Craig drop your jig and that he did, I wasnt to long after him in dropping my jig and before I got to the bottom he was on. Craig had a good fish at the end of his line and I said its a solid dhufish ..... Craig said "you reckon" ......absolutely!!!


After many drag peeling runs and the rod loading up bigtime Craigs fish got closer and as I looked over the side I said big dhufish it surfaced Craig was saying holy F%^k ........ big dhu!

So craigs second drop on jig produced this cracker dhufish that pulled the digital scales down to just over 17kg


Craigs certainly converted and we bagged out on jigs with more blackarse and dhufish to 8kg landed .............. great day on the water and good company!


Congrats Craig


Craigs dhufish 17kg on Damiki Backdrop 200g jig!


The Damiki Backdrops have been working well in the deeper water ie 60-80m with the 160g & 200g being ideal! (100g -130g in the 35-45m)

Habanero in Fiji

Got an email from Habanero today, sitting in the office & it's drizzling outside.... what a bastard is all I can say!

Here is the email


Over the past ten days I have managed to land 7 wahoo and 4 yellowfin , but the best was when I was trolling 4 rods by myself a couple of days ago when got a triple hookup just on sundown , I kept the motors just in gear and managed to land one , then two but had to handling the third in as it had tangled with the other two , motor and Transducer, the deck was a bloodbath after bleeding them . I have been running a spread of lures including skirts , large bibless Marauders , and asstd bibbed minnows that can handle the speed , but the lure that has easily accounted for over half the fish is the good ol Halco Laser ProDD in king brown , I have been replacing the trebles with large 8/0 Decoy jigging single hooks , love that lure..

Anyway all the best.

Quick Yabbie Sesh

After seeing all the talk about yabbies in ponds and people not knowing where to find them i thought i would throw up my 10 minutes work from saturday arvo.


First decent demersal on jig

 Hay guys got this snapper on a mates boat on a no bait day, got a skippy a baby sambo, and a frieght train that claimed my first and favourite duel jig. Snapper measured 87 cm.

great day

 me and the boys,(andy and little luke)

a recent pinky

 something fishing related for big john and uncle


A pinky I nabbed a few weeks back....he went 82cm and was caught in the sound




Any coments or critisisms welcome :)

Fishing adventures

 A few photos of my fishing adventures all over wa 

From bremer bay to the Rowley shoals 

A few random pics from the last couple of trips..

A few pics from the last couple of trips out off Carnarvon.

Nothing special... I keep forgetting to photo the fish!!! However... seeing as I now have fillets in the freezer, I have just bought myself a brag mat, so I'll definately be doing a lot more catch and release fishing, and trying to knock a few of you blokes of this record board!!!

One for the baito's (and Kids)

Many of you will know that I am a massive advocate for soft plastic lures and to be honest with you, they are pretty much all I use these days. I could honestly say that I use them on at least 90% of occasions and there is good reason for this....pretty much everything that swims will eat them!

I have just had my 5 year old nephew visit from Bundaberg and he was very keen to go for a fish with “Uncle Lukey”, however, I must say that putting a light soft plastics outfit in the hands of young Zayden would be risking life and limb. A jighead piercing in the ear (or anywhere else for that matter) was not my ideal idea of quality time on the water. It just was not practical to fish this way, so we decided that soaking a few baits was going to be the preferred option for the young fella.

my bro at it again on even lighter gear

 my brother catching some more good sharks on some light gear, 2.1m shovelnose on 20lb line and small avet and sensor surf rod and a 1.6m hammerhead on 50lb and trynos 50 and penn prevail. cant wait to see a 150kg+ shark on 20lb line.

Fabulous Five Fathom

Last Saturday the easterly was howling so decided to head in close behind Garden Island to escape the sharp chop. We were anchored only a couple hundred metres off the back of the island hoping for some Skippy and maybe a sneaky snapper. After a bit of burley and a couple of wrasse my brother hooks up to something quite a bit heavier on a 5inch plastic and 10lb braid. After a bit of a tussle we get a flash of purple from under the boat and up pops a very nice dhuie in 13m of water! Cody with his very first dhu.


Forecast for Sunday was a bit blowy in the morning but calming off in the arvo so after a bit of a sleep-in I looked outside to see it wasn't windy at all so I made the call to head out asap. Launched at point Peron and set a course to a spot in the 30s. Heading over the five fathom I knew we just had to have a drift after the success we had the day before from even closer in. Set up a drift on the west side of the bank and second drop Cody's on something decent again on the light gear and 5inch placcie. Pretty happy to get a pinkie first drift and so late in the morning. Cody stoked to get his first size pinkie and first dhu from the day before.

Set up the drift again and on the exact spot Cody hooked the pinkie he hooks up heavy again. This is what was showing on the sounder..

This is what popped up

On the way back to setting up the drift I marked a couple more spots that had good showings of fish..

We drifted over a stretch of about 50m of the back edge of the bank all day and this is what was popping up. 5inch plastics getting most of the fish but bait snaring the table quality fish.

Seriously bloody good day inshore with most of the fish getting nabbed between 10 and 2pm and glassed off nicely for a ten minute ride back to the ramp to sort out the catch..

Land based Ningaloo Golden Trev

 Caught by my mate while spinning at Ningaloo station off the beach. Ran for 8 mins on 20lb and took 10mins to beach it. A PB for him off the shore which we were all stoked with. Went 86cm on the mat which was 1cm short of the FW record haha, unlucky.

Magic place and we certainly enjoyed eating fish for most of our dinners!


Sunday Behind Rotto

Headed out behind rottnest on sunday. The weather was against us in a big way early on, even with the sea anchor out it was hard to slow down the drift to a reasonable speed. We kept at it and the weather sorted itself out at around 11am. Ended up with a dhu a bit above 60cm and a nice KG at 55cm as well as a decent break sea and a couple red throat emps. Threw back a good number of sized break sea and red throats as well as another dhu that just went size plus a few small pinkys and the usual bycatch. Managed 3 different species of scorpion fish too. One that I had never seen before, which was bright red with a blue face, real angry looking mofo.



Conditions weren't favourable, but worth fishing. Bottom bashing can be tough when there is a decent easterly. While the dhu was no monster by any means, it was still a decent bag to go home with on a tough day.

Quick Point Peron trip!

Headed out Sun morning at 7.00 on Darrens boat with Nick ( Don't think there site members ?) to some good ground that they know !

Had great success straight up with Dhu's and a Baldy and a solid Sambo! Its a small Baldy but my first metro!

Weather was so so but no matter for the 7.3m airider!

Unfortunatly my good camera got flooded a while back so it was phone pics!!!



Shallow water fun

 Managed to get out ony cousins boat yesterday, anchored up and burleyed the hell out of the water resulted in 2 very nice size pinkies an undersized one and some rays. Had a few big hits and runs but unfortunately no hook ups. One went 75cm and the other 91cm, made my sustain 5000 scream

Nth Mole Bonito, Popper Chucking, One Massive Tailor and Agro Sharks

Just a couple more fish Ive been catching in the last couple of months. That tailor was 92 - 93cm, was a horse musta been well in the 6kg plus range. Gold spotted trevs on surface lures, sharks taking poppers the aggressive little things. And of coarse the early autumn Bonito run!

First mully

 Caught on a whole tailor with a 1.5m 60lb leader :) any ideas on weight?

Sweetwater Trekking

The sweetwater waterholes within close proximity of the Mackay urban area are some of the most scenic and picturesque locations I have ever fished. I have always been an avid fisher of the salt and briny but these pristine, freshwater locations are rapidly becoming my most preferred fishing destinations. It surely can be attributed to the cascading, cool waterfalls, the massive boulders and the thick riparian vegetation that makes these locations so appealing. It honestly is untouched and one could be forgiven for thinking you were in the dense rainforest of Papua New Guinea or the Amazon.

Live It....Breathe It....


out of queen snapper

 good nick shell

good old 1.399 kg squid

 got 15 thumpers today ,this the biggest,19.4 kilo all together .great fun .great bait.

A few fish ( a lot of pics)

A few fish from spring  and until now just got the photos so decided to put them up hope you enjoy

Banded sweep

I have heard that the banded sweep is edible and quite tasty but not to sure

any info would be appriecated

Sunday metro session

seasport charter video

the video to leemos picture

make sure you view it in it's highest quality


Gummy hotspot

 hey boys went and hit up the gummy spot we were there one hour landed 16 gummies but we only keept the biggest 2 they went close to 1200 cm so wasnt bad for a quick flick