Boating/Engine - Information/Questions - Trouble Shooting - Quick Fixes

Having trouble, new boat, general boating information and questions, ask here!

Flowcoat or Gelcoat

 G'day all,

Have repaired a few chips, screw holes and spider cracks in my boat have filled and sanded smooth and I am now ready to paint over them. 

Do I use flowcoat or Gelcoat to paint over the repairs please? Also is it best to spray the paint on or is it ok to paint with a brush? I am concerned that either way as I sand the paint job back the paint being so thin that I will sand back the coating and I will see the repair work under the coating. 

Any advice and tips heaps appreciated. 



Bait board

 Hi Guys, looking at fitting at an aluminium bait board on the rear of my fibreglass boat. Chasing some information on what would be the best mountings to use to secure it. not sure if i have the option of drilling straight through and using bolt and nut mountings. Attached is a photo of the type of baitboard i am looking at fitting. Any help will be much appreciated. 

Cutting a high speed fairing block

 Hi guys

Ive got a high speed fairing block for a B45 transducer that I need to have cut at about 20 degrees. Can anyone recommend someone around the Norther suburbs who you would trust to do it? Im sure most cabinet makers could do it but dont want to risk having the cut done on the wrong plane/angle.


Fibreglass epoxy /polyester resin

Hi all, 
I'm trying to fix a few things on my fibreglass boat before putting it up for sale. I have a few small screw holes and a few gelcoat cracks that I've grooved out to fill, and I'm just wondering if I should use an epoxy or a polyester resin? I bought some epiglass HT450 which is like cabisol and I planned to mix it with resin to thicken it up like a putty to fill in the holes and cracks. I mixed a batch of the epiglass 450 with some polyester resin that I have here and it doesn't seem to be going off and hardening at all.
I also need to do a small bit of fibreglassing too, to fix a molded seat so if I can use whichever resin to do both that would be great. 
Appreciate any advice. 

Electric motor for big boats

Anyone running a bow electric motor on their big boats (over 6m)? 
what thrust motors are you running  and any issues with holding ground in a moderate 10-15knot wind? Looking at potentially a motorguide 80lb 72" on a 6.5m boat.. looking for any experiences with these motors in particular if 80lb 24v would be adequate. Not much difference in terms of price but with the larger 112lb thrust model but is 36v so would mean 3 batts all up. Boat already has dual starting batteries and twin house batteries so trying to save weight where I can. 

200HP Yamaha F200GETX - Motor Dies - Oil Pressure Issue?

 Have a 2015 200hp Yamaha F200GETX.  Was cruisng at around 3,600RPM and then put the throttle down a bit more, aiming for about 4,200RPM and the motor cut out.  No alarm, errors... nothing.  Checked the motor over - water flowing, no overheating etc...  Started and took it easy trying to see if anything unusual happening.  Got up to around the same rev's, then went to step it up to about 4,200RPM again and it cuts out once more.  This time, i noticed very quickly that the oil pressure was showing low - but no alarm.

Checked everything over again and ended up cruising in @3,500 RPM.  Oil pressure was showing fine all the way in.

Checked the oil level again when home - 3/4 full.  Oil appears clean.  I'm thinking maybe a pressure sensor or the oil pump - but also not sure if i caught the oil pressure gauge at a moment when it is reading low, which could mean this is a total red herring.  Any other ideas?  Waiting to get the diagnostic tool which should be arriving next week.

Bearing grease

 Hey guys. The new trailer I have has these bearing buddies on them, which I haven't used before. Have watched the YouTube videos on how to apply the grease which seems simple enough. Will b getting a grease gun, was just wondering if there is a particular grease which people prefer for marine trailer bearings?



115 MERC fourstroke intermittent issues SOLVED

 Just following up on a previous post of mine trying to get to the bottom of this intermittent problem I had with my 2016 115 mercury.

This was my previous post

So just a quick once over. I was experiencing a random period where the motor would run rough at lower revs and every now and then it did it at higher revs while driving in gear. After replacing every fuel line, completelty emptying and cleaning the tank, changing the tank pick ups, breathers, filters, spark plugs, loose electrical connections, pulling the control box apart etc I couldn't solve the problem. It didn't happen every time so you can imagine it was nearly impossible to take to a mechanic and say "fix it". The computer had never logged a fault or alarm so I was beginning to think I wasn't gonna get to the bottom of it.

After hours and hours searching through forums online I read an interesting post a bloke made experiencing a similar problem and his fix was a shift position sensor. I originally thought this is the "neutral position switch" that is in the control box that prevents you from starting the motor while you are in gear but its a different sensor. This sensor is actually in under the motor cover where the shift selection is. Tells the motors computer exactly when it's in forward reverse and neutral. Not sure if anyone else has done this but if you rev your motor up in neutral it limits the revs to about 2500 revs (or around about) and the motor shakes around like crazy and it doesn't sound nice. Obviously the computer doesnt want you to be able to rev the shit out of your motor while in neutral.

So what was happening was this switch was playing up. As I'm driving along at say 3000 rpm the switch for a spilt second tells the motor I'm in neutral and the computer limits the revs causing the motor to run rough. This malfunction with the switch was so fast it doesn't log a fault and you can't see it when plugged into the computer but would tell the motor to limit the revs.

My mechanic got on the phone to some other Merc mechanics over east and apparently there's been a few other cases like this around Australia. Merc said they will cover it under warranty since we've tried pretty much everything else. Changed the switch for a new one and I've been out about 7 times since and she hasn't missed a beat. 

Hope this helps anyone experiencing similar problems. The problem was eating away at me for a good 6 months. Pays to keep digging there's plenty of people on the internet with problems you can learn from.  Another fix i read with some of these strange problems is a faulty crank shaft position sensor. Can also cause issues. Before you go pulling apart your fuel pump or replacing the computer try replace these sensors (relatively cheap) when fault finding may end up saving you some money.


Port Stephens Moorings and Services.


I'm looking at possibly moving my boat from Lake Macquarie to Port Stephens and wanted to hear of any good or bad points/experiences to help me make up my mind.

Does anyone here have or had a boat moored at Port Stephens that could assist with a fair mechanic in the area, slipping yard and a mooring contractor as I can only find one mooring contractor for Port Stephens and they are over double the cost of the mooring at Lake Macquarie. Is it going to be a lot more expensive having my boat at Port Stephens??

Any info or recommendations would be much appreciated.




 Hey guys.

im trying to get the boat sorted for some night fishing. Have got plenty of internal lighting, but loooking to get some spotlights for when underway, as am finding a bit hard to see with the tinted windscreen.

any opinions as whether best to mount on the hardtop, or on the bow rails? Any suggested brands/types? I like the look of the bar leds they put on the bar crushes, any experience with these?

my main aim is to be able to avoid cray pots, debris etc while motoring.

cheers guys!


Any recommendations for sparky to install fishfinder

Planning to install fishfinder and transducer in old haines. I know, its not a rocket science. but I am not confidence enough to drill an old boat. Preferably someone in NOR and have a reasonable rate or experience 





Want to hire trailer while I do repairs


I'm SoR & looking for a trailer to suit 6.5m fibreglass half cabin whilke I do traikler repairs. Need it about 2-3 weeks.

Happy to pay. Trailer will be FW washed after use.

Please PM if you can help, otherwise I'll use a storage stack


Bluefin boats

 Hi all,


Just wondering if anyone here either owns one or has any experience with a Bluefin Barracuda of any size by chance? I am looking at possibly buying one as they are great value compared to a Renegade or Outlaw and have a lot of inclusions with the package also. They seem like they are more common in Queensland but if that's where I have to go to get one at a good price then so be it. I cannot find a great deal in any searches I have done on Google or anything except for a few reviews saying the ride isn't that great due to their hull design but they were 2013-15 models so not sure if they've made improvements since then. 


Any info for or against much appreciated. 





Rib repair

 Hi Guys, I picked up a rib/tender for a pretty good deal, partly because it's not holding air. I went around with soapy water and located 4 spots where tgere are little leaks, and they all are coming from a seam behind the rub rail around the edge. There is also a couple of delaminated fittings, but only the 4 little leaks.

Has anyone repaired one of these before? 

This one is pvc tube. 


Marinco AFI Wet Wiper – Spray Nozzle blown out

I'm wondering if anyone else has had this problem?

My wiper spray nozzle jet (1 of 4) blew out after only using a few times - unfortunately took a few years before I noticed.

Probably too much water pressure.

It seems silly and a waste to spend $140 for a complete new wiper assembly.

Is there a boat graveyard or second hand place I can enquire at?

Any ideas?

Can anyone recommend a shipwright to inspect a used boat and motor

Im gonna start looking slowly over winter at upgrading to a larger trailer boat (thinking fibreglass in the 22 -25ft region with an outboard). I know shipwrights inspect the hull but do they also do a full mechanical inspection of outborads or do I also need an outboard mechanic to do a full check after the shipwrights done the hull. Also what would an average boat check by a shipwright generally cost and can anybody on here recommend one cheers Dave

Thermolite flooring

 Where in Perth can I purchase Thermolite sheets or a similar product to use for replacing the ply floors in a couple of tinnies?


Trim Tab info and selection.

 The time has come to put trim tabs on the old 5.8m westy and I am caught between the classic bennet/Lenco style tab vs the slim line smaller Volvo BTS 300 interceptor.

What I'm really interested in is the performance at lower speeds. From what ive read the Volvo penta tabs don't work that well at lower speeds and provide no where near as much lift compared to the other tab style. I want to be able to drive the nose down and have good trim control from speeds as low as 15 knots. I domt drive around flat stick.and do most of my cruising around at 17-20 knots as the is still good enough for me to read good bottom on the sounder. The transom and ladder are setup in a way that will make the installation of a larger 9 or 12 inch tab a bit more of a stuff around. I will have to extend the step and make the ladder come out further. But saying that I am happy to do so in order to get a better performing tab if I need too. As it stands the easiest install for my transom set up would  be the volvos. 

Has anyone got any experience with the Volvo interceptor tabs and how they perform at slower speeds (obviously still on the plane) compared to the traditional tabs and any other info would be greatly appreciated. 


New Boat

 Hi Gent/Ladies


Im chasing a new boat. Currently I have a Haines Hunter 565l it’s done me good, Pretty well Porsche of the ocean for its size!!

Butt I’m after something a little bigger,  to fish 4 comfortably and have  similar ocean abilities. sit 20-25knots no matter what WA conditions, without the Need to get any to get any back surgery after mind you. 

Been Looking at the Edencraft 233/Bastraights but bit out of my price range. Looking at spending 80-100g is there anything similar that use would recommend worth a look.

Boat will be used for touring WA coast including deep drops out in the yonder!






reproduced decals/stickers for boat make and model

 Just a heads up for those that might be interested, stumbled across a Brisbane based business,

I'm not associated with the business however I used their services to order a full decal kit for my Southwind boat.

They have heaps of old makes and models already on their website and pretty cheap, if they don't have your make or model you can take a side on photo and provide measurements and they can reproduce.

I got mine within 3 days of ordering and whacked them on the boat and it looks like new again.



Adjustments after hydrofoil install

 I have finally given in and fitted a hydrofoil to my dinghy I have a 30hp pull start without any electric trim and was wondering if anyone has installed a hydrofoil to similar set up my dinghy is 4.2m I have got a picture of old position of motor and have moved it 2 holes from the picture. Just wanted to know if that would be close to where I may need to move it too? 

evinrude 25hp 1977

 can anyone tell me  the grade of steel the prop shaft is as i want to drill a hole in it to relocate split pin ?????


Dolphin Leaning Post

 Has any one fitted a Dolphin leaning post to their boat?

If so what cooler fits under neath?

Some one at Dolphin must have done it on a Friday arvo as their branded cooler  misses it by about 30mm.

Blackfin Boats Port Denison

 Boat Info please,


Are there any members had experience of either, owning, or crewing a Blackfin 6.1 Targa, that were built by SRM in Port Denison. This is general question, more for info and feedback. 

Thanks in Advance,



Chivers predator 650 longreach 2000 model

 Hey guys has anyone owned one of these before? Im looking at a 2000 model looks in good condition. Do you know what the stringers floor and transom where made out of? Are they a heavy boat?

Do they have much stability at rest? i know they are quite a deep V. the one im looking at has a shitty 150 evinrude fitch which is dissapointing but what HP would you reccomend? Whats their max HP rating?

Is the hull foam filled? and would you strongly reccomend one or something different?

Main use is fishing, spearfishing and rotto trips with the family.


Marine Trim / Polish


The boat is in need of some new trim (bolsters, seats, carpet) and I will also get a polish at the same time.

Any recommendations for anyone North of the river in perth? Can head south if needed, but North is closer.



Sunk boat at Exy-YBS footage

Anyone know the story behind the Haines found at the Murions by YBS?


Shoutout - Australia Wide Marine Servicing

 Dont do this often, but recently got some really good marine servicing and assistance up here in Karratha.  Any of you locals that have been here a while will know Matt Hollis that used to work at Pilbara Boats and Bikes, who has now gone out on his own as Australia Wide Marine Servicing out in the LIA.  I tried two other boat shops for a quote for my trim replacement and service and didnt even get a call back for a circa 2k job. Worth giving Matt a buzz if youre getting the run around up here.


New boat tips

Im looking to step up from the 4m tinnie.

My requirements are:


Under 20k 


Approx 5m to 5.5m

Used mainly for regular fishing out to 3 mile and family holidays in bays.

Boats I have seen that I like are Quinny Coast runner 530 or STACER 525s Any similar boats that I havent thought of?

Any tips appreciated.

Seeker boats

 Does anyone have any info on 6 metre Seeker boats. What do they Ride like, where were they made and build Quality. Old hull and can't find  much info on them   cheers