
Where are they biting at the moment

hillary this evening

when up to hillary north wall at the disable platform this evening from between 4pm till about 8pm

out of 4hrs of fishing with frozen mulles, only did manage two run with no hookup.

both runs return with missing head and cut up mulles.

not too sure what hit the bait but was kind of sure that it was my mistake of using a 8/0 circle hook.

should have bought along some smaller hooks. but again, on the light line, using sand worms. nothing

much was caught other then the normal blowies. no whithings, no herring, no gar but manage to land myself

a 26cm skippy which quickly when back as live bait. by the end of the day, the skippy returned with its tummy all

chewed away. must be a great work of them blowies.

just waiting for this coming sat night where the boys will be meeting up at the south side of narrows for a fish. hope

at least someone will hookup to decent size mulloway that night. if you r around the area that night, do pop by to

say hi. see u guys there. Smile

GI 1-2-09

Fished just behind GI & 5 fath on saturday with a mate, about 25-30m. Was a slow start to the day picking up the usual wrase and skippy when the call was made to try a couple more spots to get stuck into some real fish! However on the way to the other spots we discovered a new lump which looked nicely populated with big red blobs, we did several drifts the first picking up a double header dhuie, both which were just size. We decided to throw them back and see if we could get something better. The next drift my mate picked up a red snapper (swallow tail? looked a bit large of a swallowtail) anyway i picked up a nice black arse, next drift i got a nice dhuie 5-6kg, another drift i picked up another dhuie about 4kg, then the spot went dead. We spent the next few hours trying different ground but with no luck, so the call was to stay 10 more mins then head in, so 5 mins had past and i stoped fishing and cracked the first beer when my mate hooked into what i thought was a shark or stingray doing a typical run. After about 5 mins of overusing "stingray boy" my mate pulled up a nice dhuie 98cm and aprox 15kg. Ended up being a great day on the water.





Pregnant lady


A lady about 8 months pregnant got on a bus. She noticed the man opposite her was smiling at her.  She immediately moved to another seat. This time the smile turned into a grin, so she moved again.  The man seemed more amused.  When on the fourth move, the man burst out laughing, she complained to the driver and he had the man arrested.

The case came up in court.

The judge asked the man (about 20 years old) what he had to say for himself.

The man replied, 'Well your Honor, it was like this, when the lady got on the bus, I couldn't help but notice her condition.  She sat down under a sign that said, 'The Double Mint Twins are coming' and I grinned.  Then she moved and sat under a sign that said, ' Logan's Liniment will reduce the swelling,' and I had to smile. Then she placed herself under a deodorant sign that said, 'William's Big Stick Did the Trick,' and I could hardly contain myself.  But, Your Honor, when She moved the fourth time and sat under a sign that said, 'Goodyear Rubber could have prevented this Accident'... I just lost it.'


Nice B.A

Wnt out off 2rocks with bodie and we got a few nice fish.

This was one of them..

very nice eating fish....

Tasty fish

Been a while since we had managed to get out for some bottom dwellers, so took a mate from work and Tailor marc out for a run.

Couple we got from two rocks on Sunday. awesome conditions.
huge amounts of black bums about at the moment!!

Good day on the water.

Tailor bash

Had a great morning hitting the tailor on some inshore reefs.  3hrs fishing produced about 30 fish.

First cast of the day, my mate landed a 54cm beauty!  Last cast of the day my other mate landed a 72cm monster!!  both released!  That second one is the biggest tailor I've ever seen!  I took a pic, but my camera is playing up, and won't load to my computer.  I'll add it here if I can get it to work.

Most of the other fish averaged about 40cm.

We were all a bit surprised bc it was flat, no swell, and low tide.  The fish were very tentative bc of the conditions, very light strikes, hitting mostly unweighted ganged mulies in green water.  Except for the big fella.  He at a metal slice just cms under the surface, it looked like someone dropped a compact car in the water!!!

 beautiful morning....and a beautiful meal tonight!  Now if we could only learn to be so successful with bottom bashing!  Hope y'all had a great day.

last nights fish

went for all nighter down at hilarys last night with james(flangies) and liam(SOI).

managed 2 stingys, 1 big preggo wobby, lil banjo, a little port jackson or two, a nice shark which im not 100% of the type but yeah hes dinner.

lots of bite and bust offs and a 30min fight which resulted in a bust off

 a few herring(which are abundant from about 8 til 11 or if ur after a bag of herring hillarys definitely worth a try

 and 2 or 3 squid....quite alot around aswell but most quite small


sorry about blood on the shark

take note of liams face as he holds the wobby thats pregnant haha


i wanted to go 4 a flathead fish could som1 tell me were the best place is and best lures 2 use

Geraldton/Greenough Report

Just got back from gero/greenough with callum thought I might let everyone know how we went.

We arrived in greenough abit dazed as to where we were ment to be fishing but after getting some local knowledge and tackle restocking we were on our way and had this done just in time for a 3 hour fish on sundown. Managed afew tailor and a couple wobbys but nothing special but in greenough a bad day of tailor is a good day in perth.


Next day we went for an all nighter down at the fishermans wharf at gero harbour and caught tons of snook, herring, whiting, yakkas, baby mullas and more. Even buffys that took mulies with a strange aggression hahaSurprised

Got our 1st run early at about 10 which we think was a mulla but it dropped the hooks on us. After this run we got a few more but got bitten off, busted off pulled name it.

at about 2.30am we got a nice run and callum managed to bring in a 1.2m hammerhead.

had shark burgers the next night along with a cray given to us by a random which was deliciousSmile


Night after that (Sunday) we headed down to the rcoks at greenough again and saw baitfish getting smashed by tailor.

We used mulies under floats and was certainly awesome to watch as you knew when a fish was about to take your bait because baitfish started going spaz around your float.

Once we ran out of mulies we used some tailor fillets and they worked a treat along with the odd snook whose abundance became a nuisance.


Then on monday we went for another all nighter to try get that ellusive mulloway.

No luck on the mulloway front but managed another hammerhead and a PJ shark.

We also got smoked by a couple rays.

In mid arvo we were getting into a heap of chopper tailor on the bream gear which was abit of fun on 4lb.


Was a shame to see no mulla's but was good to try somewhere newWink


Whitehills Report 25/01/09

Just a quick thanks to the lads who gave me advice on 4WDing the area, they gave me some great tips to ensure that the 4WD component was trouble free - and it was.

Fishing wasn't too good, we were about 5kms south of the whitehills beach entrance, fishing a sandy bottom. The water was pretty rough, the wind was a strong southerly and our bait was drifting unbelievably quickly, even with size 4 star sinkers attached. Our aim was to fish for whiting/herring, then switch to tailor/mulloway rigs on sundown.

Unfortunately nothing came about on the tailor front, but managed about 7 whiting. Will definitely go there again.

Was just wondering what your advice is for fishing for tailor in these rough condidions? I was usinf a free-running size 3 spoon sinker which stops at a swivel, then attached to that a leader of about 40cm with gangs and a mulie.

Have a great Australia Day guys


Golden Ponds - barra are waking up slowly

Went for a pond fish yesterday in the 37degree heat, and my mate caught his first pond barra for 2009.

They are still sleepy and just seem to be waking up now there has finally been a few stinking hot days.

If you don't catch any, they sell plenty of cheap seafood at wholesale prices, and check out their live tanks full of crays & barra.

Tuna Chaser's

Just a quick heads up for any tuna chaser's near ocean reef, whilst pulling the pots on saturday 8.30ish we noticed a fairly large school of tuna busting the surface inside the three mile. Good luck to anyone going to have a crack at them

recent catches

gidday all recent trips catch off rocko and hillarys in 40 m ,sorry just got pic thing sorted lol

Cheynes Beach Albany

Hi all

Just had a text from my brother in Albany saying he's catching heaps, He's landed bucket loads of large herring and 8 Flat Head so far, biggest reaching 50cm. Flat Head are taking chucks of Herring for Bait.

He's off there again tonight, I'll see if he can send me some good images

TT ( karl )

Albany Fishing

Spent a lovelly few hours catching up with Vince (Uncutrigger) and his lovelly Wife Wendy this afternoon, where a few beers where forced down Vince and I's throat by our wives, despite our prodestations Tongue out. Followed by a very civilised cheese, meat and condiment platter. Yum!


Vince, Sandra and I are heading out tomorrow morning. Hopefully, conditions will be right to head out WIDE and hook into some decent Pinkies and even that ellusive Southern Ocean Dhui! Laughing. I've been given some serious intel Cool.


Conditions are forcast as good - here's hoping!


Watch this space for a report Laughing

Marron sesh 22.01.09

With the marron season upon us again i took off in search of these little devils which i enjoy. I rang up Scott (FW-Soupster) and said lets get some tasty marron as the season is short and with very little arm twisting we were off. The opening coincided with the full moon so i gave that a miss this year and thought we'd hit up the mid week new moon time period. So off we went, Harvey weir was the destination and snaring the game. I enjoy the snare and its not that hard once you get the nack!

The esky was full of piss and as the darkness fell the marron filled the empty esky Laughing 

Ended up with our bag limit, a tasty feed for sure and was delish tonight cooked up on the BBQ.....going back soon!!!

Was a great nite Soupy, cheers mate!


Big Swany Blues 21.01.09

With the warm weather over the last few weeks i thought i'd get out for a few hours yesterday to get some big blues. I've been doing well in many different spots in the Swan and there's no doubt the Swan blue manners are big, full of meat and right on our door steps for many!

Nick (FW member) came out for the late morning gentlemans hours sesh and for those 3 hours our effort was our limit of blueys. The wind did pick up after lunch so that was it and on my last string we had to throw back big crabs!

The crabs have been wide spreed with myself favouring the shallows this trip and doing well. Spleen & mullet combination in my drop nets did the trick and i had a feed last night with the meat being sweet and the body chockers with meat!

Here's a few picks;



Our limit; 



All crabs were males and no need to measure. The smallest went approx 135mm and most were 140mm to 178mm!




Some of the blues!




Good to catch up again Nick, I had a great day!




Port Kennedy - Long Point

Went to my local tonight took my fishing gear and kids,

We decide to head more up towards Long Point tonight arriving at the beach around 6:30, so we looked for a spot along the beach that had no sea weed at all, we found a likely spot which was around 200 meters either side was just clear blue and you could see the sandy ground with no weed, we set up and started fishing and I was hoping to land Sand Whiting it's been some time since I've caught Sand Whiting at Port Kennedy, time went by and all we were getting were the Western Australian Butter Fish. We bag out on them, lost count after a while.

Always fun on very light line's, sunset came and a few more people arrived and still NO Tailor in site, wasn't till around 8:40 that the Tailor were on the bite. landed my first one which was size, saved that one for the live setup rig I had for the night, after that was casted out we landed another 8 Tailor all being under size.

We kept fishing with no more luck for the night, by 9:30 the kids were getting into the Herring, even I was catching them, they were taking pieces of mulie with a burley rig setup, between me and the kids we bagged 19 Herring and 3 yellow Tail and they were still biting when we left and that was around 11pm.

Came home with 19 Herring, 3 Yellow Tail and NO Tailor and NO Sand Whiting

All in ALL we had a blast wasn't too cold and the ocean was calm

TT ( karl )

canning bridge last night

Threw a few prawns around the raffles. Spent a bit of time on the little jetty down there but no luck. Few people looking for crabs but don't think they had any luck either.

Was chasing flatties so crossed over the bridge and hit the flats on the other side, had a few bit which felt like flatties but nothing that stuck.


Bloodworms seemed to get a bit of interest. Was fishing just on dusk till about 10:00. Real keen on getting some flatties this summer. Any advice??

jiging friday

first time ive managed to get out wide for a while so had a bit of fun landed 7 fish sizes were pretty good got sum up to 25 - 30 kilo lost about 10 not sure what was going on.  were very hard to locate on sounder and had to move arround alot. then cam in close and got a few kings whch was good. then had motor problems so had to gun it home.


Blue Fish - Tailor - Choppers

Hey all

Got into a few last night, things started off real slow, sun set came and no show for the humble Tailor, night fall arrived and we were on with a 30 minute session of big bites, after that we went home with fish, landed 8 Tailor and we kept 3, 3 Herring, 1 Yellow Tail and even the Trumpeters were in action LOL I hate them LOL

Bugger all people there as well, which is what I like while fishing, conditions were windly with alittle chop on the water and mulies where the go , didn't seem to like the gardie fillets I had out.

TT ( karl )


I've been targeting Sand Whiting on soft plastics a lot lately, and starting to get some excellent results. Today i took my niece and dog down to the beach for a swim, took my rod, and landed a PD sandy first cast. This beast went 35cm, and is the biggest, Sand Whiting i've ever seen. I've caught a Yellowfin bigger, but this thing looked like a Bonefish in the water. Sure put up a great fight on the 4lb braid!

I went on to catch 9 in total, and there wasn't a single one under 30cm, ripper whiting!

Great fish!

Exmouth Sunday Report

Went out chasing billfish this morning in less than perfect conditions, with 5-8 knots forecast it was more like 15-18 south - south west and rather uncomfortable slop.  We were hoping to go deep but the conditions just didn't allow it so we sat in close and hunted around, we were fishing with two tiagra 80's with 37kg and a 50 with 24kg and were looking for some of the monsters that had been reported over the last week.  We managed to pick up a few dolphinfish which hardly even took line and were released.  Shortly after we found a couple of fiesty marlin that the hooks just wouldn't stay in.  One fish would have gone 12-15kg and the second one going 60kg'ish, which looked like a  baby blue, went nuts tail walking over the surface giving us not much chance to get line back. 

It didn't take long for the next fish to come up and chew on the lures, finally this one stayed connected and I got my first sailfish for the season, a nice 25kg fish.  Whilst it didn't take much line on 37kg, still did a few nice jumps and gave a show of itself.  (I will get the capture pics soon and post them up)  After that we raised and hooked another 2 marlin but just couldn't get the hooks to stick, one was an estimated 40kg and the other was sight unseen, but what seemed like a solid fish.  On the cruise in we picked up another dolly and dropped an octojig down in 40m to have it smashed almost instantaneously, but, as seemed to happen today - the hook pulled just under the boat and there was another story of the one that got away.

All in all is was quite a good day, if the hooks had stuck it would have been magic, but still not bad all the same.  Gribbo also managed to get a nice sailfish and marlin and met us back at the ramp at 2, lots of little rat billfish out there, just couldn't get wide enough for the monsters. :(  Sorry if the reports a little all over the shop, was bloody hot out there and am cactus as.  Couple of photo's to come soon.

Narrows get together

I popped down to the Narrows last night to catch with Original Teenager and Flangies to present their prizes for the junior landbased competition (unfortunately Flangies' flight back from Tassie was held up and he didn't make it). A few of the other young Fishwrecked members were down there (Son of Irish and fishorueb), along with Chan and his lady. I also ran into kaitan who was with a big group of his mates.
The youngsters were planning an allnighter to try and catch a big mulloway and they were well set-up when I arrived.
Unfortunately the blowies were swarming and really didn't give anything else a chance to grab the baits - though the guys did manage a couple of nice blue mannas.
I left about 11 pm so I don't know how that finished up - I dare say they are still sleeping it off.
Great to catch up with you all and good on you all for being such keen anglers - I hope the fish ended up playing along.

All the best, Colin Hay

Hillary's night fishing

Hey all just joined up to the site i have been reading the reports for a while now and id thought id post my latest trip.Went to the beach just north of Hillary's last night.Got there just as the sun went down and left about 1am.Had a few decent bites and ended up getting a fairly big shovelnose.when i got home it measured 5 foot seven and sure put up a decent fight.The people fishing a bit down from us got a few tailor and stingrays.



friday hillaries

gidday all took a mates boat out on friday off hillaries for a look bit windy and choppy in close but once u got out a bit it just turned magic all day wee bagged on dhues and baldies just before lunch spent the rest of the day picking up, kg ,red throatsand and trying not to cath any more dhu or baldie released heaps of size dhues they went back ok top day came in flat out too good quick flat trip back

Kwinana Herring

Rock up at the Kwinana beach for a fish tonight up near the jettie, took the family with me this time round, not alot happing for a while, Tailor were the first to come on the bite but with only a hand full caught, all Tailor were under size but one and it was just size made the 30cm mark on my fishing pole, landed 19 Herring and 5 Tailor between all of us, Jasmine been the one that landed the most tonight.

Baits were strips of gardie for the Tailor, cut up peaces of mulie for the Herring, and a oily burley mix, float #3 with the hole in the center to put burley, long leader to a wide gap hook #8, baits were getting smashed at 8 feet away from the shore line.

It was a good night for us, hope you had a good fishing session.

Hoping and will do soak these yellow tails I got tonight

TT ( karl )

Exmouth Report 2/1/09 - 10/1/09

After Coral Bay we headed to Exmouth, it was windy and hot there but we still managed to get the boat out 5 times. Went in the gulf once, back of the islands twice and Tantas twice.

I managed to get my first Mangrove Jack in 65m and got my first GT trolling in the Gulf. The 8/1/09 out at tantas was the best day with the fish really firing. I got a 12kg Mackie on my drift bait it did a wicked leap out of the water. We also got a heap of Rankins, chucked most back only kept 2 big ones that wouldnt go down, I also got my first Coronation Trout, Amanda got a nice Tomato cod also. From the looks of Adams pics on that day I should have trolled the skirts, maybe next time.

It was a different experience being in Exy in Jan, it was like a ghost town compared to April/May. It was also a laugh seeing the Emu's everywhere. Can't wait to get back there in April/May for 4 weeks, counting the days...

Kalbarri New Years (Land Based)

Hey everyone,

Here's a report on our Kalbarri trip (1-4 Jan 09)

A few of us headed to Kalbarri for the start of the New Year. We left Perth at 4am New Years Day after maybe 3 hours sleep (had to see the New Year in and have a few beers!). Got to Kalbarri after 12 some time, set up camp at Big River Ranch (2 kms out of town on Kalbarri Rd). Cheap place to camp, just a bit out of the way though.

We just chilled that arvo, we were all tired so we took it easy. The next night, however, tried the Blue Holes/Siphon recommended to me by Mr Colin Hay (cheers Colin). A big hole in the reef right in front of the carpark. I had never caught a mulloway before and my hopes were high. I've seen some pics of monster mullas caught from Kalbarri.

Casting into the hole with mulies and some weight, the water was choppy and there was a strong southerly blowing, it was hard to gauge the sucking bite of the mulloway from the movement of the water. I had my drag set pretty loose and soon I had worked out what the water was doing. About half an hour into the sesh, a bit more line than usual was peeling off the reel. I let it go, it stopped. Then it started again. I struck, and I knew I had a fish. There wasn't much of a fight, so I knew it wasn't big, but I was still hoping for mulloway, as I'd never caught one.

Landing the fish was dead easy, and it was a mulloway of 46cm. Not a keeper, I threw him back after a quick snap from a mate's phone.

Now I know it's tiny for a mulla, but who cares. I was stoked that I caught one.

Mates were getting impatient, because there's not enough room for 6 to fish at this place, so we packed up and headed down the road to Red Bluff Beach. This ended up being more of a scouting expedition, as there was nothing on the bite there for the whole night. Me and a mate pulled an all nighter there while the others went back to camp for some shuteye. We stayed till dawn, only catching a cod of some sort for the whole night.

Just before dawn, a convoy of cars pulled up at the carpark ,and within 10 minutes we were joined by about 20 other fishos. We had run out of bait, were waiting on someone to pick us up, and were watching the other guys pull in tailor after tailor after tailor. We were spewing (should have saved our bait for dawn).

Oh well, like i said, it ended up being a scouting mission.

We were buggered the next day (Saturday) from the all nighter, and we could'nt sleep during the day, our tents were in full sun and must have been 50+ degrees inside. So we took it easy that night and went to bed early.

Now we had to leave on Sunday at 9am. We decided to go down and try for some tailor that morning before we packed up and headed home.

That morning the wind had changed to offshore and Red Bluff beach had barrelling 6 footers. There was even a surfer out amongst the tailor fishing (crazy bastard).
Caught a couple of good size tailor, biggest going 46cm.

There werent as many about as we had seen the previous morning, but at least we got a couple of good uns.

After they stopped biting, we packed up and went home.

All in all, learnt a bit for next time we go up, Kalbarri is a magical place. Next time I want to also try for some bream in the Murchison!


friday fishing

Went out fishing today, what a beuatiful day it turned out to be, caught baldies and some undersize duhies and as for that fire, looked impressive from out there.  How did every one else go?