Brag Board

Brag Rights, Catch and Release or Unusual Captures

Nice flathead

 I went for a bit of a fish the other day after work off Buffalo beach. I was chasing a salmon but no luck there.

Instead i got into a dozen herring, a skippy, loads of undersize bream, and this double hookup of flathead.

Spewing it gets dark so early now so had to pack up and leave as i didnt think i would stay till dark but I hate leaving when the fish are going mad.

I ended up releasing them both and only kept the herring for a feed and bait.


If there is anyone in Bunbury that wants someone to tag along fishing with them, let me know.




Hand Fed Sambos

Hey all, just thought I'd share some pics from an Abrolhos trip a few years back. Hand feeding Sambo's off the back of the boat (the seal popped up and wanted some too), some good fish, magic conditions and a dolphin pic taken from the bowsprit.

I had a great time, hope you enjoy the pics!

PB and only sail

Got this on a trip to christmas island at the end of last yr. caught on the second last day made for a memorable trip.

PB- Sailfish (Dampier)

Hi went out fishing yesterday off dampier caught my personal best saily on skipping gar. The fish was released. Then we got a nice feed for lunch! enjoy (i forgot the camera so had to to use the iphone)

Red Bass

Caught a few of these one night and they go pretty hard. Wicked teeth on them.

First metro Mulloway

 headed out to the north mole on saturday night with a mate hoping for something big.

Got there aroung 6ish and jeez was it packed, managed to find a patch of rock and out went the rods.  were there for about and hour when we hear the stripping of line from a reel, not ours of course but the bloke 10metres to the left of us went pver and watched him fight it for about 10 mins, when he pulls this absolute horse of a mulla next to the rocks, straight down i go and give him a help netting and hauling it up the rocks. it went 128cm and he was saying that the biggest fish before was a tailor good on him fish of a lifetime.

after a high five and a quick chat it was straight back sitting in front of my rod hoping for something. bout 20mins later my line just goes screaming you beauty, set the hooks and hold on, managed to slow it down when snap goes the line, f@#k. dont know if i tightened the drag too much or dodgy knot but thats fishing i suppose. line is re-tied and a nice fresh fillet of snook is put on and casted out, wouldnt have been in for 5 minutes when something inhales it and off it goes. bang set the hooks and im in, this time made sure i didnt lock the drag,put up a very nice fight would have taken 20 mins and mate was calling it for a shark when up pops one beauty of a mulloway next to the rocks. quickly gaffed and hauled up onto the rocks.

Phew was i stoked, couldnt wipe the smile off my face, still cant, been chasing a metro mulla for years and feels good to finally get one.

dont know the weight, but went 121cm.




Success at last!

 Well finally after 30+ hours of trying including landing hammerheads, bronzies and numerous large rays plus a couple of unstoppables my persistence has paid off.

 Last night of all nights was the windiest and roughest.. but I had a good feeling and fair enough got the telltale slow run of a mulla playing with my bait just after the turn of the tide, engaged the baitrunner, struck and whammo on!! A fun little fight followed for about 10 minutes with some nice runs and big head shakes before I had him close to the rocks, backed off the drag and tried to find a spot to wash him up high on the rocks, well the fish and the swell had other ideas and before I knew it she was stuck in between some rocks way down near the water line. I had a long gaff so wasn't too phased at this stage but the more we tried to retreive it the further it got stuck, anyway after half an hour of what can only be described as a very wet and vocal ordeal the fish was safely in my hands. This was followed by hoots and high fives all round as we sat and admired the beauty.

As you have probably gathered this is my first mulloway and i'm very glad to have this monkey off my back (so is the missus)

Not a monster but big enough for a first



nice mulloway on light gear.

got this nice mulloway this morning off a rockwall, was well worth getting up early and braving the weather, was caught on 12lb with a pflueger patriach 3-5kg rod and a certate 2506. was an intense fight with me almost getting spooled twice and only a few turns of line left after the first run. took 15 minutes to get him in on the light gear.


Hi All, new to the forum and giving the "adding pictures" thing a work out.


Anyway, if this works it should show a nice size cobbler I picked up while snorkelling down Point Peron way on a broken old gidgee with no jelly rubber, along with a few small sand whiting, made for a pretty nice dinner...

If I manage to catch anything worth showing off I'll be sure to take photos and post them up in the future.

Metro Mackies in May

Took Glastronomic out for a mornings fishing in search of straggler metro mackies on Friday. Boated 1 each in cool rainy conditions, i was on first within 10 minutes or trauling the chosen ground, half hour later glastronomic was on, mine fell to my x rap and the second to a laser pro.

Weather reports were all over the place but i was definately expecting a shower or two.....not the constant rain we copped...conditions were pretty miserable but that was instantly forgotten each time the reels started screaming.

Happy to land my first metro mackie and to blood the new boat, also happy to get back home in the early arvo to a nice hot shower ;-) wet weather gear is on the list of purchases in the near future for both of us i think ;-)



Shed mulloway

Just caught him. Weighed just under 19kg. Froth!

Metro Giant Herring :D

I found them again! The ski finally got serviced and fixed, after a couple months out of service I was finally able to get her back on the water. By the time I got home from picking it up in Wangara, it was nearing 5 o'clock, which would leave me an hour of light before I would have to switch on the newly installed nav lights, and head back to the ramp.

The plan was to head out and have a quick session on tailor on stickbaits and after 5 mins from leaving the ramp me brother and I were getting stuck straight into them. We seemed to spook them after nit to long so I putted 50m from where we were and cast again. After skipping the little dual adagio only a couple meters something huge exploded out of the water but missed the hooks and all the way back to the ski the lure was followed by some big boils and tail swirls! I remember yelling at Cody to cast in that direction and as soon as his lure hit the water mine followed suit only a couple meters behind. Crank crank bang bang double hookup on exploding giant herring! It was a dead give away once the fish started cartwheeling meters into the air, and both fish spitting the lures shortly after.

In the next 5 mins I manage to lose 6, my brother around the same but he also managed to land two beauties! The one we measured was 62cm, joy!

Now comes the interesting part of the story! With the first fish Cody managed to finally land, as he was taking the barbs out, the fish shook and one of the hooks on the front treble went into his thumb past the barb! I got the fish unhooked and said to him we either try get it out at home or we go to the hospital. He then just started pulling on it, while I was dry reaching at the front of the ski. He got it out, and also some stringy stuff from inside his finger, which I told him to just push back in the hole it came through!

He proceeded to fish on and hooked and landed another one, lucky bastard. This time, the hook got stuck in my thumb! I couldn't even wiggle it let alone try pull it out. I got the trusty $10 bcf multi tool out to cut the treble away from the lure but that failed miserably, with the multi tool now stuck to the lure also! Turned out to be quite a disaster.

After a strong bourbon and coke and a couple replays of a youtube hook removal tutorial video at home it came straight out.

The whole lot was filmed, so I'll be adding a video in a couple weeks once I'm home from work.
From now on, my trebles will be changed to singles where possible, the front treble removed on all lures and BARBS CRUSHED!

What a story eh?!

first mulla:)

went down to the sheds the other day and after trying almost everyday of the school holidays finaly got this so happy. thanks to vernza for helping me fight it  

Ningaloo GT pics

Albany fishing trip - Picture-gasm

 Hey guys, just posting some photos from our fishing trip down to Albany on the weekend. My younger brother Cody, my mate Benjo and his friend Bully headed down on Friday and had the hottest session we've all ever experienced on the Saturday. Things started slow for us in the morning, with the rocks quite busy and guys next to us hooking up every cast using mulies for the first half an hour while our surface lures not even getting a touch. The amazing sight of 2 sambos getting landed in quick succession had us all amped then all hell broke loose. I landed the first salmon on a northcraft stickbait, then Benjo landed one on a live herring. I then hooked onto something that took a screaming run to the right then a nother run to the left, after more than a 5min fight we had a tuna in the net! High 5's and Woohoos from guys up the rocks, I was stoked with my first toona! Bully and Cody also landed tuna that day, along with around 50+ salmon between the four of us for the day. A solid 7 hour session of sore arms, salmon smashing surface lures, a YTK capture and some follwing lures, tuna that just about ripped the rods out of our hands, and the highlight for me, 2 salmon on the fly gear! The salmon ranged from 4-7kg and the tuna from 2-7kg.


Went back on Sunday but was pretty quiet on the Salmon front with Ben landing the only one for the morning. The swell was up and the breeze in our faces but the tuna action was hot! I think we landed about 5 or 6, with a couple more spitting the lures. Cody and I had a crazy double hookup standing on the same rock and another one of Codys just about spooled him with only a couple cranks of backing left on the reel he still managed to land the fish!


We had a blast and I can see us heading down there every year from now!


Sunday Sail

My regular fishing buddy Brenda has been talking about her daughter Gina coming to Pohnpei for some time. One of the goals of Gina's trip was to spend a day chasing some fish. We headed out Sunday morning and the conditions were perfect. We trolled along the reef to North Point targetting sailfish. After about 20 minutes we saw a fish come up and have a strike at one of the lures. That ended up being a wahoo that stole one of my brand new lures (it hadn't even caught a fish). About five minutes later one of the reels started screaming and we saw a sailfish hooked up at the back of the boat and then it headed to the horizon. We strapped Gina into the Black Magic gear and let her fight the fish stand up all the way to the boat. After a nervous but fun 20 minute fight it was all over. We probably spent longer taking photos. Mission accomplished. Yet another great day in Pohnpei.

Peaceful Bay/Albany Salmon Trip

For the last couple of days me and mates headed down south for a much needed fishing trip, we went first to peaceful bay then Albany, we only went for 3 days so had to make the most of it by starting to fish as soon as we arrived.

The first day was quiet with only small fish destroying are bait, the second day we woke up early, but still nothing as we were on the wrong beach for salmon we then changed beach and by surprise I finally hooked my first salmon of the trip, a nice size too, we then decided to head back in and wake up early the next morning, around 4am as we heard they were running early mornings,

we then woke up early and arrived at the same beach around 4:30am and straight away my mate hooked a decent size salmon followed by me also hooking another one we had a blast, but the run was all over in 15min, so we decided to pack up and head to Albany since it was our last day we were hoping for some more salmon action,

when we arrived at Albany we headed straight out to salmon holes were we saw from the top of the stairs the salmon were running, and there were heaps, we went down and started to fish, within a few minutes my mate hooked his first salmon of the trip and then straight after I had another one, there was about 15 ppl fishing that day and everyone one was catching but I was the only one using lures and managed to hook a few more than most ppl, all up we ended up with 8 salmon for 3 days of fishing,

we had a BLAST!! and the salmon run was CRAZY!!

somwhere near Kalbarri

 82cm Tailor....pb

Jurien bay saturday 28/04

Went out at around 6am in jurien bay on a mates boat, had a problem with his GPS so it took us a while to hit the spots. The wind was up a bit, but the swell was only around 1.5m so it was rough but bareable.

Started off with the first drop being a northwest blowie, so well all pulled up and moved to the next spot. First drift I pulled up a 8-9kg sambo and released, then one of the girls landed a nice snapper (74cm). After that hit another spot, one minute in and i was on to a dhui. We were hoping for a bigger one but he was still size so take what you can get. Few more drifts found some red throat and a black ass. Moved again to another spot, that was producing undersize dhu fish, in the first drop we pulled 3, one being a double header. They released and we moved on again. Final spot and almost simultaneously me and my girlfriend both pulled in nice sized snapper.

Reached the bag limit, and we were on our way back at 1pm.


Was a great day with everyone on the boat catching a nice table fish.




Got this lot yesterday

 3 reds, a greyband and a real 'Gemfish'

NT Barra 98cm on 6lb


My first GT caught me off guard.

 Hi everyone still sorta new here , caught my first gt on a live boney hearing near point samson like a month ago. Caught me off guard i had my livie out for like 10mins and in the mean time i was trying to catch more livies and then my work mate yells out to me that my rod is going off and then after fighting it for 30mins  on my 5-10kg shimano t curve travel rod and my twin power 5000 running 20lb sunline i finnaly landed it. Happy days for me :) 

Rotto Mackies Anzac day

Took Joe out for a fish on Anzac day while the wind was up a bit we decided to do some trolling. It is the first time we tried for Mackies around Rotto. There were plenty of bait fish on the sounder and with high tide near we had a good chance. Mine went 11kg and Joe's went 8kg. It was an awesome day. 

CPBA Members, friends welcome

Hi all FW'ers,


Just noticed this on CPBA web site, if any members on here, bring friends as well, good time to voice our concerns, unfortunately we are in Leeman at the moment, can't attend but think our Sports Fishing Group will have a say and fellow Club Members, as it concerns all of us up and down the coast.





On Friday 27th April at 7.30 pm Andrew Rowland from Recfishwest will attend a meeting at the Club. All interested members are encouraged to attend.  This is an opportunity to discuss and ask questions regarding the proposed changes to Fishing Rules.

What do recreational fishers stand to lose with the mooted changes?

Fishing Bag Limits To Be Slashed.

Have Your Say To Rec Fish West.

Follow the link below to view FISHERIES MANAGEMENT PAPER NO. 252



another lbg snapper to add to the list

The other day me and my mate went down to have a flick and to try for my first lb snapper.Conditions were calm near no wind the water was like glass and what a beutiful day it was to be out.Ive tried now for a couple of years for this moment in storms after storms and really windy weather to no avail.So i thought id try a different approach and try on a sunny day.


After a bit of a walk me and my mate got our rods set out and sat back to relax.after a little while my line started peeling of struck and was on this was a short fight and not what i was after it was just a rat of an eagle ray damn so i set it out again.About 20 mins after setting this time i saw a few hits and jokeingly said to my mate that looks like a snapper bite but after 5 mins nothing then as i was about to grab more bait and re bait it took of one quik 4-5 second run then silent.I then grabbed my rod and started to wind the slack it felt like nothing on so i started to reel it in then i felt weight but no headshakes . So i thought another ray as i got it in closer all it did was dive with no headshakes damn i was thinking then i managed to get it up in veiw .Yes i started yelling finally and i was going to my mate gaff it gaff it he took one swing and it was mine. All in an hours fishing so many theorys i had heard blown right out the window.

It went 90cm estimating 6.5 to 7 kg as didnt have scales but felt hefty for its size here are some pics 

HDS Gen 1 sale bias boating

 Picked up a HDS 8 Gen 1 unit with 50/200 transducer for $1431.00 delivered. 

What a bargain!! 


1st Mackie

Christened my new boat with a decent Mackie on Sunday ( 22/4) off Rotto...1.2m long and an estimated weight of over 10kg...put on one screeming run that I didnt think would stop...pulled off line like a freight train.

First jumbo and bagged out

didn't make it out to check the pots on sunday so monday after work headed to rotto and bagged out with two license holders and got my first jumbo ended up buying a six pack at the bottleo and then went to the pub for a pizza and a pint and proceeded home before 8.

Portland Southern Bluefin

Me and my mate went down to Portland Victoria chasing Blue fin Tunas. We were there for 5 days and had 2 good days to go out to the Continental Shelf were there at and we managed to hook these little beauties.

First Dhu

Great morning with the boys out direction Bank way last Sunday

landed my first Dhuie.. 5kgs, was pretty stoked to get what i was looking for.. now they just need to get bigger!.. must be the lucky red singlet


we also got a couple of break sea cod, tried out the new sea anchor.. really helped as the wind was a bit quick on sunday morn


is anyone getting them closer in yet?