Brag Board

Brag Rights, Catch and Release or Unusual Captures

Wednesdays bass

 Bit of a slow day but ended up with 4 nice bass and 4 good nannys 

Today's catch

G'day everyone,

Well I worked hard all week and managed to get today off as a reward, headed north of Perth and had a pretty good day out, little tuna of some sort, heaps of whales around doing there thing, then found some nice dhuies, a few sambos and a baldy. The fish were plentiful and very hungry, even pulled up a dhuie with a half chewed kaka in its mouth! why can't it always be like that! 


Bass/Blue Eye

late start Thursday had me launched by 1130 and back in dunsborough pub for dinner. Got a wicked tangle from one of those electric reel things. not the best for out deep. Fish were thick! 

Largest salmon on fly so far...

This large male Pink Salmon whacked my wet fly hard and quickly headed for the deep, fast-flowing river channel. Turned him just before he'd have spooled me.  Night was falling and I was chest deep in the river.  Applied consistent pressure, rod on side, trying to get line back in. Several times, I thought I had him close enough to net... and he took another run back out in the channel.  Twenty minutes later, maybe longer, I netted him. Looking at that hard, hooked mouth, I realised why I'd lost the four previous fish I'd hooked earlier in the afternoon.

I'd had to exercise a lot of restraint, as my leader was 6lb... and I (wrongly) figured the fish I was fighting was over that weight. Twice in the last three weeks I've lost a salmon right at the net, when my leader failed.  I was taking no chances with this beast... .

Beautiful silvery fish when caught... but it quickly faded when the missus put him in the freezer to chill before cleaning.

Andys catch

 My eldest boy

Peters first for year

 Nice fish

Ian's morn fish

 His first for year from cockburn

Pink fish tonight

 Thought with bad weather for a few days give it a go. Couldn't get my boys to come .(thought I was mad).went solo couple of nice fish . Over the moon.back at ramp by 630.

Friday Funnys


Big DHU off Ocean Reef

 I was out fishing with a couple of fellas from work (Chris and Pitty) Monday off Ocean Reef and was lucky enough to jig up an 18.3kg (weighed it bled at home) Dhu that went right on 100cm. Needless to say I was absolutely pumped and there may have been some hysterical cries of "get the net" when it came up and realised how big the fish actually was. It was all photos and high fives for a while but then it was Chris and Pitty's turn to catch something. They both managed to catch a reasonable dhu and blackarse (all bait) each over the next couple of hours which they were pretty stoked with. Went home with 2 dhu and 2 blackarse in the esky. Was a really memorable day out.

84cm snapper to open the account!

Headed out today for the first time in 6 weeks with the intention of a quick fish with my folks before picking up wife and bub for a picnic lunch at Garden Island.

After launching at woodies at the friendly hour of 0845, we headed north to North Mole with the aim of getting a couple of squid for lunch/bait.

Being very an unorganised this morning, I had to spend a bit of time getting rigs ready so while I was doing that, we threw out a couple of lures (big purple lazer pro, and small golden one) whilst my father steered along the north side of North mole. 

Just as I finished the final squid rig, the larger of the two reels we had out the back started to scream. Initial call was either a Norwest blowy or a small Sambo. They just wasn't much fight. 

Not edit overly confident on what I had hooked, I tightened the drag up and after a brief fight, I started to shout  expletives as a large silver fish started to emerge. I then thought it was a sambo all the way up until it broke the surface and lay on its side.

Very quickly into the net and onto the boat and the authorities would have been called about a woman screaming around the north Fremantle area. I was very excited as we had spent hours and hours out behind GI without luck. This was my 2nd pinky, the first was on a charter earlier this year.

A couple of quick photos and it was into the esky and lures back in the drink hoping for another. It wasn't to be. 

Fish ended up 84cm and a shade under 10kg. Picture clearly shows where we were....

remainder of the day was 

0 squid

1 10cm pinky at Hall Bank

2 wrasse

6 sand whiting at the windmills.


lunch ended up getting canned as the mrs has tonsillitis. Bugger.





Hi to all the wonderful fathers out their,  hope you all have a fantastic fathers day with your kids

large mackie

 Havn't posted for a while, so i thought I'd just place this pic here of a mackie i got on stickbait back in April :) length was 167cm and 64.595lbs. lure was a Shimano TP Orca 190

Long nose Emperor bag out

 Nikko will put a full report up later on but we just had an interesting trip. No Red Emperor or Large Mouth Nannygai but we bagged out on Long Nose Emperor. Big ones too. Biggest went just shy of 80cm with most over 70cm.

Ranmar 850 (swiftcraft)

 Just an idea dominators and Vikings very low back ends. Meant for short leg motors. When they put ally lifts on them put stress on back end. Here is what I done with my sons Viking . Heaps more support also stops waves coming in back end.

Mandurah help

 Can any one help me with best times for prawning in the dawsville cut .. I noticed good out going tides next week is it the wrong time of year for prawns 

Pb dhu on 20lb

 Headed out last week with joe reef to try get a feed for his kids and a few baits, a hour an a half of squiding produced 1 squid, so lets go get a few whiting 1 whiting along with by catch, blooody hell this was not going as we planned any way we drifted over a lump while chasing whiting and the hand line goes off with the big bait and up pops a 10kg dhu for joe reef

Should we drift it again? lets go i dropped the 20lb 3000 sol2  down and straight away smoked took a good 20 minute battle and up poped this fella pretty pleased as i'm a land based guy and really enjoyed catching and releasing another not quite as big, scored a few skippy for bait and caught some 50 odd cm bronzies wish i had a bigger fish tank, top day out





So much fun in shallow water and light gear...This one nailed a 5inch Castaic Jerky J Swim soft plastic in a few metres of water.

Pink bash tonight

 Same spot as last year. Sharks pain in butt big big bronzys smashing them. Right at side off boat. Brendon got his first desent pink.called it quits after sharks taking 12 pinks. I refuse to feed them. Got a good feed.yelled at my Luke and brendon few times lol. Grumpy old prick

Kalbarri August Trip

First couple of times out we were trying some spots that were given to me with not much action at all, some chinaman, blueline and 1 pinkie. We then spoke with some locals and they said travel north a bit. We got some red throat and a 2.5kg badly. We set up to drift over again with the sea anchor and just drifted for a while, then we got the action we were looking for. Sea sweep, 5kg coral trout, 5kg badly sambos, dhuies from 4.5kg to 8.5kg and plenty of good size blueline and red throat emperor. this spot we found gave us good fishing every time we went back there. We were able to bring home a good feed of fish to share with friends and family. We are already planning for the next one, but maybe going a bit earlier in the year to try our luck with some tuna and mackies.

Jiggy Jig!

A few rankins from a couple of days ago that I managed to jig up.

Red Emperors On Jig...Yeewww!

Nailed my first Red on a jig the other day and followed it up with another one not long after!
Good day on the water!!!


good couple of days in Jurien with the wife. Good weather and some good fishing. And the wife with the best fish of the trip(as usual) a 9.5kg pinky.  

Sat 15th Dhuies

 Couldnt get away from the Dhuies on Saturday,also picked up a feed of Blue fin,skippy and KG's

Fishing Thurs 13/08

 So I went out fishing Mindarie on Thursday with a mate Wayne.  Had an awesome day after launching around 7, headed north west to his spots.  First drift was slow but it picked up after that with the first fish coming on board on my new Eupro Giant King and Shimano Symetre 4000 setup, a really good size scorpion fish.  Sent him back.. rebaited and dropped back down to hook up straight away.. This felt like a snapper with some headshakes but not a huge fish, got him to the surface and sure enough about a 45cm snapper.  Sent him back and remarked to Wayne 'I have never caught a legal pinkie' Wayne says 'well this could be the day'.

New baits and down I go again. 30seconds on the bottom and whack.. im on again with the shimano singing its song, more headshakes and obviously a much better fish.  A few mins of pump and wind and some good runs, up pops my first sized pink snapper at 710mm.

We took some photos and iki jimi'd the fish and put it into the esky.  Happy days! 

Fished the rest of the day for a variety of spots with it being a bit quiet for Wayne with only a skippy and the biggest fox fish I have seen.  I ended out with the pinkie, a reasonable baldchin grouper, a bloody nice fat KGW and a good cuttlefish caught on a whole sgnt baker on a snelled rig.

We both landed heaps of gurnard/scorpion fish also.

Got back to the ramp and unpacked, said thanks and went home. I filleted the snapper and KGW after giving the baldie to Wayne and put them as whole fillets into a tupperware container, but didnt snap the lid down.  I took the frames and heads next door to my neighbours so he and his wife could make their fish hotpot recipe.  Walk back to my place and the dog is in the back yard happy as larry.  Just as I say 'What are you so happy about' I see Banjo has knocked the lid off the tupperware container and proceeded to eat a whole fillet of my first legal sized pink snapper.

Its only just becoming funny now.


10/10 Morning. Bagged out in 10 mins in 10m of water

Just a few picks of the "Prince of Pink" and the "Black Sea Dog" bagging out on pinkies in 10 meters of water in 10mins. Very frantic session! Rod in one hand fighting a fish with scoop net in other netting a fish. 

Cant wait for the big ones to show up. 

Last picture is of a 10kg Dhu I pulled from near on the same spot a few weeks earlier. I think it was lost and decided to swim for the shore. Was a tank of a fish for its size. I was suprised at its weight when i put it on the scales. Nice thick fillets! 

..........Pics of 1m+ pinks to come ( I hope)


Late start

Had grand daughter stay night.cute as a button(attitude like her dad)love it.thought I had big Dhue on 3rd drop ended up double 600 and bigger one.  Current pain in butt . 52 ounch lead. Still stuggled to hold bottom in 155 feet. Good end result.grand kids better than fishing lol almost

west coast eagles warm up sesh

 shot out of two rocks this morning on what looked like being tough conditions (turned out nice), both boats bagged out 3 blokes. 1 dhu, 3 baldies and 2 quality blackass, plus many put back. 

only couple pics cheers chrisG and wickky for the day.









come on west coast yewwwwwwwwwww






Great morn

 Ang with a few fish.kgs black ass queenies .dhues. Fox fish.switched on for 2 hours then went dead

LB Sambo

 Just re posting this pic on its own for Potm competition 

LB Sambo caught while Tailor/ Salmon fishing on my Local Reef it topped of a great mornings fishing.

caught on a 11ft ASSASSIN AMIA, Shimano Sienna & PE2 on that from memory
