Brag Board
what kind of bream is this
Submitted by brg on Mon, 2011-05-16 17:53hi guys daughter caught this inside hills marina black in colour before scaled when it was pulled up looked just like the black bream i get in the swan but i thought you only get them in rivers.cheers
- 3031 reads
Saturday's Dhu
Submitted by Spicey on Mon, 2011-05-16 16:17Hi All
Had a dive on Saturday with a mate and after heading out to a previously productive spot a bit deeper with not much to show for the bbq we headed in close to try for a few crays.
We headed into a bit of reef that we had not dived before in only 6 m of water and threw a few handfuls of burley around that was left in the bucket then dropped over to try to save ourselve the embarasment of having sausages on the bbq that night. After picking up a couple of crays this big girl swims by. While I am not an advocate of taking too many big fish I have not seen a sized Dhuie in the water for some time most seem to be just sized or under so have left them. Anyway after a bit of stalking and a good shot the big girl was put to rest. Weighed in at 14 kg it and after a good feed that night the rest was shared between some very happy friends and family.
- 2508 reads
PB Pink Snapper
Submitted by santhmoore on Thu, 2011-05-12 12:02After conflicting reports on what the beach launch was going to be like I headed up to Lancelin yesterday with the 2 brother in-laws.
Would of been ok if the main roads dept hadn't laid some fresh ashphalt as we arrived on both sides of the jetty, blocking all access. Decided to try the point & very soon became bogged, but after a little help from the ranger we got out of the bog & launched the boat (24' Whittley).
Headed south west in the fresh easterly & tried a couple of spots, landing a 45cm Dhui, just sized break sea cod, a stone & parrot fish, all released.
Decided to head out a bit further to the 50m mark & first drop got a tap, tap, wollop & I was on to what I knew straight away to be a good sized pinkie. After a fair struggle landed my PB Pinkie which weighed in at 5.3kilos on the kitchen scales.
That was about it for the day & had a pretty wet ride in crossing the SE wind heading NE right on sunset.
Dropped the boys off & they took the car/trailer around to the main jetty where the ashphalt had dried & retrieved the boat no problems at all. The only trouble we had was from the local constabulary on the road home who was either a top bloke or was close to knock off & let me go with a fair warning after spotting me in breach of 1 or 2 road rules during a moment of in-attention.
- 2616 reads
River Monster
Submitted by aalfred on Mon, 2011-05-09 19:15Hey everyone,
I have been in Germany to visit my Family. Whilst I was over there I was pretty keen to go for a fishing trip with my brother. I used to fish the area for carp and European eel (BTW from which my user name originates ). The last time i fished the area is about 5 years ago and I had it a bit cleaner in my memory than it was. As I don’t have a valid German fishing licence we decided to go to a river where i could fish without one. Before we went for our first go I asked my brother do we have everything??? His answer was yes I do! All we could need I got! Don’t worry about a thing! The only thing we need to get is some bait.
The night before our first trip we headed to the bait and tackle shop. There was the first surprise, all the shops i knew of where closed down( Not a really good sign). We went back home and checked the internet for a bait and tackle shop. There was one left. The next day we went to the river and stopped for bait on the way.
At the river we set up and I used my old gear. I put on a sinker, hook and bait and went for my first cast. The sinker got in the air and instantly my line snapped. After checking all the reels we got i noticed that all the line was brittle and so old you couldn't lift a 2ounce sinker with it. I asked my brother when he last changed the line? His answer, don’t know I think you did. That must have been than at least 6 years ago.......
So I went back to buy new line respooled a couple of reels and then we could fish.
The first trip wasn't really successful and after about 6 hours without anything we headed back home. But at least we had good line back on the reels
The second time around my nephew came with us and he brought us good luck! We went to a different spot underneath a autobahn bridge where my brother used to catch good eels. The first bait was in the water and it didn't take long for the first bite to come. My brother struck..... and fish gone. That happened a couple of times and then we decided to go a bit smaller in the hook size ( I would say anything smaller then that and you can't see the hook with your bare eye anymore and you need tweezers to but the bait on). But it worked. Next bite, strike and there it was, what a Fish!!! I didn't measure it but it was at least 6cm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And this went on and on, one after the other! I even used them as bait and all you got was them. I don’t know the exact name of it but I got told later that it is an introduced species from Russia. And a lot of the normal species have disappeared. But it was good for my little nephew that there was the hole time something happening and not just waiting.
After a couple of hours doing that we packed up and went home. The final score was: I got 5 my nephew 4 and my brother 3. I didn't get a nice eel but i had a awesome time with my brother! Which will come over next February and then I will take him fishing here! With a little bit bigger hooks and bigger bait then maggots...
- 3102 reads
Twitchin and Trollin...
Submitted by TWITCHEMUP on Mon, 2011-05-09 17:20Hey crew here's a quick report on my latest adventure headed out yesterday around 10am after waiting for a howling NE to drop..
About half way to my first spot the ocean glass offed and here are the results for the day....
Awesome conditions to start the day..
First spot we hit was a shallow lump in 17m a slow drift flickin plakkies produced a just legal Dhu (released) and this School Mack on placcy for my mate Mak (Fishncrazy)..
After Mak caught the small Mackerel I decided on a troll behind a reef system not far away and first up was this little Sambo which took a liking to the Yo Zuri..
While we releasing the Sambo a nice Spanish Mak decided to free jump 15m away from the boat so we knew we were in the right area....
And sure enough 2 mins after setting the spread this healthy 14kg Spanyola nails the Yo Zuri.. Great fun on the Stella 5000 Sw..
After the first Spanish they were everywhere it was double hook up city... Mrstwitchemup was stoked with her first ever Spanish Mackerel of about 10kg..
And one more Spanyola caught on a Stiffy lure... It was an awesome hour of Trolling landing 3 and dropping/bitten off by another 3..
After the trolling mayhem and the weather getting better I decided to head out to a nice lump in 38m where I picked up this southern Harlequin fish on plakkie which I haven't seen up this way before...
Second drift over the lump and "BANG" Mak loads up big time after an epic battle on Stella 5000SW and pe 3 he somehow manages to land himself this monster 19kg Sambo..
After sorting through bulk 40 - 50cm Pinkys and small Dhus Mrstwitchemup has her Squidgy Flickbait crunched by this 7kg male Dhu which was the best Dhu and a keeper for the day...
So all in all a great day on the water with plenty of fish caught by all..
Cheers for the read...
- 3023 reads
Coupla Barra after the Wet...
Submitted by Marky on Sun, 2011-05-08 10:02Finally got up the Fitzroy for a fish after the massive wet season we have had.... All taken trolling too(dropped a couple biggens too). Many hours spent live baiting for nothing... All in All was a good trip. My Bro got his first Barra too at 84cm. Youll see his report later on.
- 2196 reads
first 2 queens
Submitted by rockoe_ on Thu, 2011-05-05 17:57I caught these two behind rotto in about 110m of water. The bigger one was 68cm and the other was 66cm :)
- 1924 reads
Fat Salmon
Submitted by beau on Thu, 2011-05-05 15:02I went down to my usual spot on Wednesday to try for some salmon, didnt get into any but they were definately there, busting up the huge schools of tiny whitebait that has congregated in mass numbers down there lately. When they finally came within casting distance, they were extremely fussy and only swimming on the surface for a couple seconds before diving back down deep. As i was leaving, i noticed a big bust-up bout 250m from shore about 300m north of where i was fishing, so i pulled the car over and watched for a while and then saw a nice size tuna probably 5kgs+ jump clean out of the water.
So my plan this morning was to take the ski down and troll some small tuna skirts and a diving minnow to hopefully catch a salmon or tuna. Slept through my 6.30am alarm, didnt help that i didnt get home from work til 2am, woke up at 8.30 so quickly rigged up my heavier gear then when i finally went outside i realised that the seabreeze was already blowing. Decided to leave the ski at home and just take the flicky in hope for a salmon from the stones.
After hours of fruitless casting and watching the odd bust-up here and there, a small school of 15 fish came swimming up the rocks chasing mullet, out went the x-rap, a flat out retrieve to get a salmons attention then a slow twitchy action a couple meters from the rocks and one came and nailed it about a meter away from where i was standing. The fish gave me quite a bit of curry on 8lb mono on a 1-3kg flicky but after a few minutes got him close enough to net, but not without any dramas! There was quite a bit of surge due to the seabreeze and on the first attempt to net the fish the hooks got caught on the outside of the net and the fish was dangling on the side, i knew not to pull the fish out the water yet as it would have dropped so i kept wrapping the fish up til it was in the net and hoiked it up! By the time i got to the top of the rocks the hooks had pulled but the fish was safetly in the net.
Another guy fishing up the rocks had a cast at the bust up but with bait and didnt get a sniff. Probably the fattest salmon in comparison to its length ive ever caught!
- 3336 reads
Coral Bay Arvo Fish 3/5/11
Submitted by Simo_ on Tue, 2011-05-03 22:34Started the arvo with a bit of a troll down the back of the reef, after about an hour we decided to pull the lures in as we had no hits. A few metres from the boat a Mackie hit one of the lures. after that we went for a drive to find some new ground and came up the goods. Kept the Rankin and 2 Reds, released the Mackie, 2 Spanglies. 4 Reds and had 1 Red get off boatside. Not a bad arvo
- 4232 reads
Wilderness Island Yakking
Submitted by Albee Mangles on Tue, 2011-05-03 10:44Couple of fish from my trip to Wilderness Island this year, was a cracker!
- 2261 reads
metro tailor sesh
Submitted by aussie_breamer on Mon, 2011-05-02 22:03I decided that I needed a new rod for tailor and for when the salmon get here (if they do get here).
So I popped into work today and bought myself a Heartly Rise SeaBass Force 8'2" 6-12lb rod for chucking arround lures.
I fitted it with a Shimano Twinpower 4,000, grabbed some stickbaits and headed down to a local reef to try out my new rod (didn't really expect to get anything).
I started flicking arround some metals (b!oody he!!! this rod is an excellent casting rod) and scored my self some small Snook.
I then changed to a Blues code stickbait and flicked it out to where some bait fish were fleeing accross the surface, I instantly hookind into a nice tailor, after a nice fight, i had a tailor of about 45cm on the reef.
For the next hour, the tailor hung arround, free jumping and smashing the bait fish infront of us.
We ended up hooking about 30 tailor (some very decent ones) but only landing 7.
I ended up with 5 and my mate, 2.
The best lure was the Blues Code sinking stick bait.
It was a good change from the usual river fishing that I have been concentrating on recently.
cheers, tom
all fish released except 2 that I smoked for dinner.
a pic of one of the smaller fish before release.
- 5386 reads
Red Throat plastic diet...
Submitted by TWITCHEMUP on Mon, 2011-05-02 14:15Hi crew thought I'd throw up a quick report from a couple of weekends ago, I headed out to a coral patch I have out in 45 - 52m..
Jigged a few placcys for these results....
HDS looked promising for the first drop..... (pinky schools)
And sure enough first drop and up comes this little Pinky...
Followed by this healthy Red Throat Emperor.. caught on 145mm Squidgy flickbait..
Next up Mrstwitchemup nailes this solid Baldy..
Then the school of 60 - 75cm Pinks decided to play ball... smashing plastics mid water..
Mrstwitchemup with one of the many Pinkys caught...
And yet another sizable 55cm Red Throat falls victim to the Squidgy...
And to round of a great couple hours on the water Mrstwitchy has her placcy crunched by this monster 66cm Red Throat...
Well what can I say another succesful trip for the Twitch couple with a total of 8 x decent Red Throat Emperor, 9 x Pinkys 60 - 75cm and 1 lonesome Baldy caught in 4 hrs fishing with only 1 Red Throat and the Baldy released into the esky.
Cheers Lloyd.
- 3309 reads
Spanish macks like blowies
Submitted by FISHNTIME on Sun, 2011-05-01 22:32will post story and picks tomorrow, 32 mackys over 10kg biggest 31kg an 26 coral trout an numerous other species in 2 and a half days fishing, (4people)
- 2197 reads
Submitted by yourkidding on Sun, 2011-05-01 22:04KING GEORGE caught off hillarys today. 51 cm. My PB b4 this one was about 15cm lol.
- 3719 reads
Caught my first snapper today at e shed
Submitted by NightWolf on Sun, 2011-05-01 22:02went to e shed took my son down with me
first went near the traffic bridge but nothing much so moved on to e shed
first there was people catching buckets of trumpeter and keeping them
that was near bridge
went to e shed got a bit on the medium rod it was a snapper well i thought it was a silver bream until i seen the blueish dots it was a 10cm snapper my Pd so far and my only snapper was put back to grow big
other than that it was dead
Some Exmouth Pics
Submitted by Simo_ on Sat, 2011-04-30 21:21Here are some pics from my Exmouth trip
Sam with his first big Red
Tash with her first Rankin. Dunno about that hat... hahaha
The left one is Coral Trout the right one is King Prawn and Coral Trout hahahahaha.
- 2802 reads
PB Longtail Tuna
Submitted by Dave Sceresini on Sat, 2011-04-30 17:08My first landbased tuna capture.
14kg Longtail Tuna @ 1100 long.
Caught from the beach @ Wagoe, Kalbarri.
- 4441 reads
Coral Bay 4/2011
Submitted by tolch10 on Sat, 2011-04-30 12:25We set off for our annual trip to Coral Bay for the 2 weeks leading up to Easter to beat the crowd. Still a few people around but glad we left before easter.
Anyhow we had plans to meet up with Steve Goacher who we met on last years trip for a some tuition in Bll fishing or as Steve calls it trying to catch somthing with a stick attached to its head.
Steve competed at Gamex 2011 and was on the winning boat so he is as good as teacher as you are going to get. He came armed with 2 x 24 Kg and a 15Kg stand up out fits and a big roll of Skirts.
With the weather looking PERFECT we set off early and were in the water by 8 am. Gentlemans hours I would call that.
We had mixed expectations but Steve was very positive that we would catch our first bill fish.
30 mins into our trolling and we saw something aim in on the lure spread and smash the far skirted lure. Caos erupted as we cleared the back of the boat of teasers and other lures for the pending battle with a Nice 120cm dolphin fish on the 15kg outfit being boated and put into the ice box. What a start. Expectations are now high.
1.5 hours of more trolling south and Steve who was glued to the lure spread all day yelllllls we are on again and this time its a marlin.
Panic, Panic, Panic, clearing the back of the boat agian and we finnaly boated this nice little Black Marlin on the 24 Kg outfit. The fish was bought aboard for the photo and released after a nice boatside swim and we got back into it agan trolling south.
4 more strikes but no hook ups over the next 4 hours but how much fun was this.
LC and I want to thank our teacher Steve Goacher and Suenami for their company and we are indebted to you Steve for teaching us the ropes of what is the most exciting thing I have done standing up in a very long time.
Oohh yeh Just for fun we threw out some Robinson soft plastics on some ground we found and Steve riped up this funny coloured Rankin, verrrrryy niiicceeee
What a day out. Can't wait for Coral Bay next year. We will come armed with the gear to do it all again if we don't get itchy and want to go do it sooner.
- 3061 reads
Little brother is happy
Submitted by Kingfisher549 on Thu, 2011-04-28 21:45little brother up in geraldton from Bunbury for easter. All he wanted was to catch a baldy. Well he not only got one he caught four as well as dhies and tuna
- 1599 reads
Little bro's PB - Canning River
Submitted by langerz on Thu, 2011-04-28 14:55My little bro went fishing last week in the Canning and landed this monster 39.5cm Bream also my brother in law caught himself a 32cm Bream around the same time, was in the afternoon. Bait used was prawn. They had bbq'd fish for dinner that night!
Little bro nearly smashed my PB of 40cm!
Pics below! (both of them on a plate...its not a small plate either)
- 4093 reads
hi all new to the site
Submitted by 319 seasprite on Thu, 2011-04-28 09:12hi all im new to the site just introducing myself
i will place some posts of my catches soon. look forward to getting involved with this site
regards dennis
- 1885 reads
Abrolhos + Twitchy = Trout....
Submitted by TWITCHEMUP on Wed, 2011-04-27 16:08Hey Crew well I managed to get out to Abrolhos Islands twice over the Easter break both trips were day trips in my 5m Quinny..
First trip over was the good Friday where I meet up with Flag Pole, Poddy, Spooled and some other mates and the second trip was the Easter Monday where I followed a couple mates over in there 26fter..
Friday we were on the water by 6am where I meet Flag pole and some other mates in there 26fter at the ramp before we headed accross to the Islands.
The weather was rather crap nothing like the forecast with a sloppy nor wester but I decided to push on anyway hoping the forecast was right for the arvo to bring better conditions..
First stop for me was to TWITCH a few placcys around on a some marks I have near Hummock Island while Flag Pole and Poddy + Spooled were playing around Wreck Point...
First drift over this promising Ground.....
Mrstwitchemup nails this 600mm Trout...
Then a min later it was my turn with another 600mm Trout...
After catching 8 or so Trout of the same spot I was glad to get stuck into a few of these smaller Pinks higher up in the water coloum...
So after being PINGED on my Trout mark we up and moved to some more ground not far away and Mrstwitchemup picked up this 650mm Trout...
The Trout were everywhere we couldn't miss with Trout smashing any plastic we dropped down... Here's another 600mm model that fell to a Squidgy Wriggler...
Around midday we decided to head in close to Pelsart Island and sit in the sheltered bay to have some lunch mean while I dropped a placcy down amongst the hordes of bait and scored myself this 580mm Coronation Trout... (Just don't tell Poddy... lol)
A quick "sound for ground" saw me find another flare up of bait and it didn't take long to nail yet another solid Trout....
By now it was around 2pm and we were feelin like some pelagic action a quick radio call to Flag Pole and Poddy + Spooled soon told us the pelagics were firing down near Wreck Point so off we headed...
Not long after setting the troll and I was on with the little Talica 8 losing a lot of line fast.....
Spanyola was the call untill.....
Mr Tiger Shark decided he wanted my Spanish more than I..... He left me with 4kg of head...
Now to Monday's trip early start on the water by 5.30am and well what can I say more Trout smashing plastics..
After having enough of catching Trout I decided on a quick troll which picked up this Shark Mackerel..
Then it was off to chase bait balls which were goin off up near Hummock Island there was Tuna, Sharks, Mackies and even Pinkys smashing bait on the surface..
I had a ball catching Tuna on poppers while the missus let her placcy sink down through the bait ball resulting in this placcy munchin 680mm Pinky..
Day 2 had finally to come to an end and here we are heading home after 2 awesome days at Abrolhos Islands..
In total we caught over 30 decent Coral Trout, 1 Coro Trout, 8 x Dhus, 4 x Baldies, 7 x Pinkys, 4 x Tuna and a Shark Mack and half a Spanish everything but the Macks and Tuna were caught on soft plastics..
We only kept 6 Trout, 2 Pinkys, 1 Tuna and a Half Mack for the 2 days fishing..
Thanks for the read..
Cheers Lloyd aka Twitchy..
- 4489 reads
fish ID req'd
Submitted by scotto on Tue, 2011-04-26 14:29hey guys, does anyone know what these are? are they any good to eat?
i shot up to cervantes on anzac day to go see my bro. weather look like it was going to be ok, so i took a mate and the boat. turned out to be a good day, and we ended up releasing a heap of sized dhus, and kept a couple to feed the troops at the house. we got a couple of MASSIVE king george as a bonus.
it was good to get my bro (first pic) onto his first decent dhu, and mine was a couple of kilos short of my PB, but neither photos really do the fish justice (taken on phone cameras).
ended up cruisin home at 24 knots over a glassed off ocean, beers in hand, smiles all round, and watched the air force jets buzzin the coastline as a tribute to the diggers that fought to let us have the freedom to wet a line.
- 3238 reads
Poddy & Spooled Get Abrolhos Fever!
Submitted by poddyfish on Sun, 2011-04-24 20:39Time for another report guys!
A decent weather forecast and a snap decision thursday afternoon saw Spooled & Myself load up the Blackfin with swags and gear and get ready to hit the islands. A few phone calls and talking tackle with Twitchemup and it was found out that we where not going to be solo in our mish. Twitchy unfortunently (probably fortunently for the fish tho) couldnt stay the night but Flagpole had crew and was keen as mustard. So it began
6am get go after a cricket function for paul and myself the night before saw us fuel up and head out from the marina. Flaggy was an early riser and already 3/4 to the first point of interest by the time we where wet but after a steady run of organising we where under way crusing over at about 19-20knots into a yucky nth - nthwest chop.
First stop just to stretch the legs was 14clicks short of the islands proper on a small coral patch id marked on a previous trip , a couple of quick drifts saw Spooleds stock of Gulp grubs depleted by a couple , one good fish lost and some small odds n sodds landed. We pressed on , contact over the radio reported nothing of huge note for the lads as yet.
Abit more steaming and we arrived at Wreck Point. Striped tuna busted up everywhere and it didnt take long for our spread of skirts to find its first taker. A nice tuna for Spooled. Back underway and a couple of hits later another striper showed. Wanting something of abit more note the decision was made between us to throw some bigger pushers and a teaser out the back and head for the deep stuff! Out went a Pink soft oscar for Spooled and a big lumo Pakula for myself. Must admit i was fairly confident of raising something! The lure worked wonder bubble trail ripping away and the water was a magnificent shade of purpley blue.
Alas after 3hrs of ziggin n zagging we had just another pup tuna to show for it. Did mark a lump that showed from 80-100m out on the 150m drop tho that could warrant a return visit. The lowrance showing just enough to spike my interests!
Racing back into Wreck point itself the pushers where replaced with hard bodies , A brand new CD 18 in orange and black ( christmas present from the bro in law barty85) and a big Xrap for Spooled... Radio chat told us Lloyd was killing it and Flaggy had landed a Troutosaur plus odds n sodds.. It didnt take long
One big charter vessel towing tenders was trolling the breakers so we stayed a tad further out inching back and forth from 40 upto 20m. Would have been a great time to remember the ratchet on my Penn! Bang the 24kg stick peeled over and we had our first REAL fish for the trip....
Lots of line was stripped extremely quickly and the fish went very high in the water column straight up. Dare we say it but we both actually called it for a wahoo , had only 5mins before hand been discussing wahoo captures off the point so we had high hopes... After a 10min fight we had it boatside and lit up! BIG WHO! Big shake of the head dislodged one treble but Spooled managed to pin a good gaff shot into the shoulder and it was ours! WOOT WOOT
Mandatory photo sesh began , slimy messy fish delt with and despatched into the brand new Xtreme Coolers box with slurry and we where back under way. Headed over to Flagpole and crew for a brag sesh , during which Paulie managed to get SMOKED by another troutosaur and deplete his stock of grubs again. Big fish he had half way up before it decided which way it prefered and bricked him.... The fish was actually still attached and after some manouvering of the tub it came back out but one shake of the head and it was gone, Result = broken jig head hook & a pissed off fisho.
The rest of the arvo was spent trolling back and forth , Some big hookups to unknowns , couple of good spanish landed including a double hookup and one badly damaged Rapala CD18. Flagpole managed to break the spanish duck on his tub and also got a double of small YFT which we very quickly begged them to despatch for the evenings dinner! FISHWRECKED COMP STYLE YUMMO!
Twitchy and his mate had by this time joined the party and we left them to a radio call of BIG hookup. By the time we had ripped around the point to flagpoles Coronation spot came the news lloyd had just landed a very large Head. Mr tiger had so kindly robbed him of a XOS spanish...
Into the drink for a quick free dive with flaggy , heaaaaaaps of trout everywhere - nothing monsterous but some decent fish amongst them. I nailed one for dinner and flagpole shot a big Coral Cod for his curry which i hear was a hit! Also had the privelage of company by a very large YTK.
Lump hopped back towards our camp site with nothing special happening , some lovely cool ales going down a treat. Spooled and I hit one more little ledge 4clicks from camp as the sunset and did it turn on! Pinkies everywhere from 30cms tiddlers to solid 6kg fish smaaaashing our plasitcs... Throw in a couple of small dhuies and groper and it was a ripper session. Some goodens again pulling the hooks or finding the coral. Everything released!
The navigation back thru the small passage to camp was a mission but no dramas and we settled in for the night joined by another group of boats up from perth. Asleep by 2030 knackered!
Next morning was a get up , eat breakie and off affair. Straight back to last nights hot ledge , and first drop i came up trumps with a STODGER pink on he light gear. Top fish and it joined the wahoo in the slurry. Flagpole managed some small dhuies and stuff but other then that it was quiet.
Moved around to the GeeBank area and this also proved fairly quiet to start with. Flagpole lost something large and we had our first pinger for the day come in to great us while we where occupied with fish. Honestly its a huggggge ocean out there and to have a boat pull up 50m from you in your drift line is absolute bullcrap! More on that later!
Couple of move and another of our little hotspots showed promise but shutdown after we got absolutely taken to the cleaners a couple of times so we decided to head to some ground for a swim 12k away
This spot was magnificent , jumbo crays everywhere but kew they where safe and every type of fish imaginable for a shallowish reef system. Everything except fish worht shooting that is! Did spot one large trout but he FLEW away on spying me and i think the area may have copped abit of pressure previously.
Just before departure tho a stud groper was found hiding almost straight under the boat and my RA Sparid did the rest. RIP fella
With time getting on and only 3 fish in the tub , spooled and i headed west abit more while Flagpole began the 80odd k trip home... This dive was to be veryyyyy different!
Anchored up in 6m of dirtyish water , nothing special on the bottom and began the hunt. Straight up a very good baldie of 6kg came in and was despatched. Then while sorting him out the biggest spangled emporer ive seen freediving joined in racing around chewing on the baldies innards. Tried unsuccessfully to sink a shaft in but no avail so took the groper back to boat and swapped guns to the big riffe for extra range. Was to be a wise decision
Used the yellowfin carcass for burly in an attempt to bring the spangos back , saw one breifly but again quick departure when the burly ran out. Then a large shadow caught my eye. Spanish Mack
Bit odd in such shallow yucky water i thought but i did a drop to midwater to see what it would do. I didnt really want to kill a spanish but orders from the boatman for some fish where in the head so i thought about it , then realised just how big it was! Not a monster by most standards but far bigger than any ive shot. Lined up and smashed it midbody. Couple of huge runs later and it was over.... Long swim back to the boat and pics
Bottomed out my 22kg shimano scales easily and im calling it 24kg which i rekon aint far off. Very happy spearo!
By now time was really gettin on so we headed back towards Gee Bank , only to stumble across a tiny lump in absolutely nowhere! Stoked we did a drift , myself loosing a gooden and Spooled picking up a charlie court. Reset the drift and bang spooleds on! As im checking the sounder i spy our 2nd pinger for the day approach. Outriggers out etc not a care in the world.... Bad timing on the fish front cause as they pass us by 30m away - no wave nothing gallash is landing a stud trout. Then they proceed to park right ontop of the lump!!!! GRRRRRR
Did 3 laps of the boat trying to get another drift but the lump was that small they had it covered before we saw red and a few words where exchanged.... They uplined and off they went again... Still it pissed us off muchly
Tried one more spot to get parked over by a well known local charter boat aswell . Hattrick for the day i guess before we had enough and departed for G-Town.
Lovely conditions the whole way back , cold beers and a couple of quality fish in the box for Spooled to restock. He was down to one pack of King George poor bugger! End result was the wahoo , spanish , 1 pink , 1 trout 2 baldies. Still a shitload of fish but well under what someone could possibly take if that way inclined....
Hope you enjoyed the read and the pics as much as we enjoyed our time out there! Next good weather break we will be back!
Cheers poddy & spooled
- 3826 reads
Jungle Perch and Sooty Grunter underwater
Submitted by scuttlebutt on Sun, 2011-04-24 18:30Here's a couple of pics I took a few months ago. Fishing the freshwater near Cairns. Nice way to spend a morning.
- 5299 reads
Young fella gets a dolly...
Submitted by Auslobster on Sun, 2011-04-24 11:41Good Friday wasn't all that good for us (not much caught) but my youngest lad got into the mahi mahi club with this little fella (oops, sheila!)...and none of that skull-dragging stuff either! He got it on ten pound gear and not without an jumped, it dove, it ran, it did all those silly things they like to do and he let it run, pumped and wound, and knew not to lift the head when it was time to net it. Mind you, he's had a bit of practice using the same gear on rat sambos off Mandurah and Jurien!
- 2222 reads
pike in the Yak
Submitted by madfishoholic on Sat, 2011-04-23 10:26Hi all,
I managed to get a couple of hours in fishing off of Ocean Reef in the Kayak. What a great day to be on the water.
I paddled only a mile from the marina and had a great time. straight away catching a nearon 950mm Pike. It was a bit of excitement. Lots of sharp teeth in the Yak for the 1st time. luckily a only just purchased a burkley fish gripping device. That was the best 30 bucks I have spent. it made it so much easier to hold the fish at retrieve my hooks then attached the grip on the side of the yak to keep the Pike away from fingers and toes once I slit his throat.
Shortly after I picked up a pinkie about 45mm which was soon back in the water.
I have recently purchased a hand held GPS for a 100 bucks. So I have marked the way points for next time. Another great tool for the yak.
Cant wait for another flat day to find some more great spots.
- 2670 reads
Lost Skippers Ticket
Submitted by roberta on Fri, 2011-04-22 11:50Ok fellow Fw'ers,
Old fart has lost his plastic Skippers Ticket, has paper one. Who do you get in contact with to get another one issued. He's looked everywhere for it, used to keep it in the boat with our crayfish and fishing licences but its gone in a nice small folder.
Some advice would be appreciated who to ring.
If stolen from boat, what the heck do we have to do, sign a Stat Dec or show the original paper one when getting another plastic Skippers Ticket.
- 8916 reads
Submitted by otoshi on Thu, 2011-04-21 21:07just to share
since i had the fishwrecked shirt on...
- 2372 reads
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