Boating/Engine - Information/Questions - Trouble Shooting - Quick Fixes

Having trouble, new boat, general boating information and questions, ask here!

Boatshow attendence.

Just wondering if anyones heading down to the old boat show nextweekend? Myself and a few others will be there on the sunday to get a hold of all the runout specials before everyone goes home. Cheers Chris.


Gday all.

Other than Club Marine, who else provides boat insurance and what are they like.

Thanks Jeremy.

Inboard Motor Upgrade

Hi all

About to sign up with HiTech Marine to install a new 3ltr Mercruiser with Alpha leg.
Has anyone had dealings with HiTech and anything I should know about the Mercruisers.
I am replacing a Volvo and dont know much about mercs.

Stainless Fabrication


Can anyone recommend a good stainless steel marine fabricator.  I need a duckboard frame welded up which looks like this;

Can be any area in metro Perth.

Cheers Pete

Help on picking a new bream boat

Hey all. I am looking at getting a bream boat for the river. Looking at either a stacer 4.2 or quintrex 4.2. Just after something i can cruise around the river when the weather is foul out wide. Have a budget of around 10K. Anyone have a boat of this size set up as if i bye new will need some ideas as to how to set up. Want casting platforms and live well. Not to fussy weather its tiller or side console. Will have an electric on the front. There is a couple on the second hand market which i am looking at over the next couple of days so will see how i go.

Also anyone know anything about or if there is ABT in WA. Heard of a few comps on 2004 but not much since.


Help to identify my Penguin boat

Can anyone help to identify the model of my fibreglass Penguin 6.4 mtr boat. I have tried searching the web for penguin boats without luck . I think it is early 1980's . Who made the penguin boats and is there anyone i can talk to or somewhere i can look ? I have owned the boat for 16 years and have never known the model.
Can post a pic if that helps anyone.

split hull

gidday all if you manage to split your hull about a meter long running along a tyne totally stuffed . is it easier to get a new hull than fix ??

more outboard problems

hi all
this is becoming a reoccuring nightmare.last month it was battery problems which with a bit of help from you guys ive fixed that problem

now ive just replaced my impellor .but when unscrewing one of the main gear box bolts i noticed its stripped out .i was hoping it was only partialy stripped but when ive gone to put all back together it only just takes up and i no if i try to tighten it properly it will conpletely strip.who ever had the leg of last must of given it a fair bit of weight even to the point that the thick stainless steal washer is now cup shaped.its not the bolt itself thats stripped but the female threaded part in the leg itself .whats the best way to fix this .im thinking a helli coil or would it be better to retap the thread and replace the original bolt with the next size up.
thanks mitch
p.s the rest of the impeller job was a piece of piss.with a few simple mechanical skills anyone can do it themselves

Poly FatCat Boat

Found this interesting Poly boat while doing an internet search. 14.5m long makes it a big boat. UGLY BETTY might be a suitable name for it tho.


Righto fellow fishos out there.....Andy Mac reckons my current sounder is pretty useless(and I tend to agree) so what should I upgrade to. Currently have a mono Raymarine L265 which can't read anything over 15 knots
I hear a lot of positives about the Furuno
I had a recommendation the other day to put in a Humminbird Matrix 97X Combo Unit.....has anyone got any feedback on this unit ?

Also any feedback on the pros n cons of combo units vs separate units would be appreciated.



batteries dieing

hi all ,just got back from a alltime fishing camping trip [will post another threads on it after ive relaxed a bit and cleaned up all my gear
anyway the last day out there after cruising for an hour we stopped for a bait fish .20 mins later we decided to move .what the ,the battery was dead flat .hooked in both batteries and headed back to camp to remove the 3 way isolation switch thinkinking that might be the problem .well to cut a long story short bye the end of the day both batteries where dead as a maggot .and with no electronic working pull started the evenrude and headed back out there to get my arms stretched for the last time .in the morning we had to remove a battery from frizzas boat to get mine going tro head back to onslow
hooking back up one of my brand new DEAD batteries i expected it to take some charge .but no in the end i couldnt even lift the leg to get it back onto the boat trailer .all my gauges wouldnt work .and feel quite lucky to have made it back to terrafirma
has any one out there had the same problem as i live in tomprice and the closest boat shop is 6 hours away in karratha.charge squillions an hour im sure and i desperatly need it fixed as ive got a heap of mates meeting me in coralbay next month .allof whom expect to be on my boat hooking up.
any help would be greatly appreciated
the motor is a 90 horse 2 stroke evevrude .96 model .ive been all over it looking for loose wire or rub throughs on the main power leads ect
cheers mitch
p.s have got a few great pics along with frizza and pete who i reckon will be up there with photo of the month for sure also some alltime vids ,but we will probabley get around to that tomorrow

Help with re-power inboard boat

Can anyone help me with info on re powering a 6.4mtr boat with a volvo inboard. My options are to replace the inboard and leg with another one or to put outboard with a pod on the back of the boat. Has anyone gone through the exersise of converting an inboard boat using a pod extension. Does it work ok and where do i get it converted. Any help would be welcome.

Bye Bye Tin Tub

After much discussion with the wife she has finally convinsed me to upgrade the Genesis 550 and move to a glass boat for her comfort (the things we do). After much looking found one that seems to suit both her wants and my needs. Chose the Haines Traveler TC200 and at 6.15m should do what I need it to.

With a 2.5m beam should have plenty of room to do whatever comes up.

Decided on the Suzi 140hp 4 stroke to push it along so it should go OK. Just waiting on the motor to be fitted to sea trial it but not anticipating any issues in that dept. Will be fitting a Furuno 585 with a 1kw transducer which should be great out deep. Still deciding on Nav gear but theres no hurry for that.


Asking for ideas for what we could name our new aluminium multihul (Twinfisher 5.2 Runabout)?

Fire away... hehe :)

Wesbters Twinfisher 5.2 Runabout

Well we took the new boat out for a good run on Sunday. Headed out to the ore boats around 30-35 kms out to chase some sailfish. Wind on the way out was a little choppy and it picked up to a fresh 18 knots for the trip home. Perfect conditions to see how she handles. With 4 adults on board she punched through the chop with ease (mind you, we've fitted it with a 140hp outboard which is over the max rated 120hp). More suitable to fish 3 people comfortably though. The clears kept people in the cab nice a dry while the boat did all the rest of the work :)

4 stroke motors

hi guys lookin at gettin a new motor for my boat
had a look at the yamaha 115 ,i have now a 115 2 stroke johno at the moment,so lookin at getting a 4 stroke ,,i like the yamaha ,so any suggestions would be appreciated,,,
thanks in advanced, ray


Righto the bro in laws boat finally was reintroduced to the sea today for its first trial runs with the new Tohatsu outboard.This has been 6 months in coming so please excuse my excitment!!!
Just thought I would post up my observations on how it performed, so if anyone else is repowering their boat it may come in handy.During the 2.5 hour cruise out from ocean reef to hillarys, to mindarie and finally home we consume approx. 15 litres of fuel while running in.This model has electric trim, so once we figured how to properly operate it we found the boat got up onto its plane and handled the chop that was around today pretty bluddy good.The boat steared well while under power and held a true line with no tendencies to pull in one direction when the motor was kicked into gear.
The outboard itself was really quiet while running and didn't miss a beat.Just have to learn the correct trim positions for optimal performance from the outboard.The motor that is installed is a direct injection type that increases or decreases ythe oil flow rate according to shaft speed (hence demand on the motor).So far everything is great but will continue with updates on how it performs.Will post pics. of the new addition soon.The new motor looks the goods I reckon (or is it just that I am excited by finally getting the Quinny back on the water).

Cheers OX

Bargain oil ( quicksilver)

Just bought a 3.7ltr bottle of Quicksilver premium plus 2 str oil from BCF in Rockingham for $21.95 which is about half price. Thought would post as there is a few bottles left if someone after a bottle


Alluminium boat advice

My present GRP boat is now 10years old and I've been playing with the idea of getting myself a new alloy boat.
Aussie is the world centre for alloy boats, but they are very rare items indeed above the equator, and people who know about them, even rarer.

So Fishwreckers, whats the best company to get a 6-7metre cenre-consol from?

I want an economical hull, that will run true when on the plane, but also drift well, ie: beam on.
I dont want a hull that is a known fish scarer because I do a bit of trolling when our tuna and marlin are here.
I want a full tramsom, self-draining deck, fishboxes and a tee-top.
The boat would be for all-year-round use, so no trailering or dry storage.

Is it best to get a 'custom' build or are there companies that produce such a craft?
Lastly, I would require a certified boat builder who would assist me in getting the boat through the EU import systems.

Sounder Choice

I have a question for all the gurus out there - What sounder should I Buy?

Looking for something that will give me a good view of the bottom in 200m+ and has bottom lock.The sounder will mostly be used in the 90m area with occasional trips out wider, thats where the 200m+ comes in.

Have found a couple that seem good but would like some other opinions on what you use or would recommend.

Tohatsu Outboards

The bro in law has finally bitten the bullet and decided on solving the repowering issue on his Quinny (after the old johnno gave up the ghost).He has decided on a Tohatsu 50hp 2-stroke with direct oil injection and electric trim and tilt.The write up on the outboards seems pretty good (it is more a workhorse than a pretty thoroughbred) but would like your comments if you have had experience with these brand of outboards and how you rate them.Will give updates on how the outboard performs so hopefully it will help someone else out if they are in the same predicament when choosing a new power plant for their tub.Anyhow prethanks for any info that is given in response to this post.

Hey Adam dont know if this could remain a permanent post for information purposes with regards to forum users opinions on various outboards performance,etc and the type of boat they are hooked up to.I know when we originally were looking for a new power plant it was sometimes hard to find any "personal information" on how outboards performed (I reckon this type of info is better most of the time than the speal you get from the supplier or manufacturer of the outboard as generally there is no bias (wwweeelll most of the time anyhow)towards one outboard from another).Let me know what you think.
Cheers OX

fuel type

I have a bought 60 HP 20 yr old evenrude for a 16 ft old ali hull. It starts well.

I belive the mix is 50:1, is it worth spending more on the higher octane BP ultimate petrol or would the motor prefer normal petrol.


Yalta 615 Boat

Looking for any info on the Yalta 615.

Has anyone got one or been in one and can tell me how they handle and what the rides like.

Own a boat with a bait board?

The other day iwas down at one of them car washing bays when i seen the greatest idea on this guys boat that was next to me. You know the little taps you see in caravans that when you pump them up and down the water comes out, uselly located in the sink for pumping up fresh water if needed. This guy had fitted one to his bait board and ran the hose directly off the bottom of it and by the looks he places the hose in the water when fishing to pump it up to either wash his bait board down or fill his esky to make a ice slurry. He had it plumbed straight into the side of the bait board so it was sticking straight up! Proberly not a new idea but one i thought worth mensioning.

Outboard engine alarm

Was out trolling the other day when the engine (oil injected) alarm went off - long beeps which the manual said was a low oil warning.

Checked the oil reservoir which was 3/4 full, turned the engine off and then re - started it - bit like re - booting a computer. No alarm came on but 15 minutes later the alarm went off again. Poured a litre of oil direct into the fuel tank but alarm kept going headed for boat ramp at about 5 knots and the alarm stopped. Any ideas about what the problem might be? Sounds expensive!!

Targa bar and canopy

Anyone know of anyone who can help me out. I am looking to replace my current canopy with a new design. I want to put a new windscreen on with front and side clears attached to a targa bar and a rear canopy off the back. I saw a bloke the other day and he gave me a price of about $5k. I can do all the prep work like remove the old windscreen and canopy to bring the cost down but if anyone knows someone who does this sort of work after hours so i can save a few bucks it would be good.

Looking at having the bar work made of alloy then powder coated and to be foldable.

Looking at a simular design as to the set up on most of the Genisis boats.

Will try to post some pics if that helps.


60hp yamaha 4st service

Does anyone know /have manual for 60hp yamaha 4st 2003mdl.
I am guessing that there is a drain plug somewhere & the mtr would have to be tilted up 2 undo & lower to empty.
If anyone has info that they can impart or better email the relavent service manual pages.

At $250 a service at the dealer-"OWCH" put a big dent on my fishing budget.

mobile boat service

i know it has been asked before but who do you guys use?

so if you guys could point me in the right direction from someone NOR.

thanks crew

sounder trouble

hi there,i have a sounder that has some touch screen button s that are no longer working ,it is a koden cvs 802a colour sounder,i have been in contact with koden dealers in perth and south aust and they have told me that it is impossible to get a new touchpad screen as they are no longer made,i think my only option is to find someone who can do marine electronic repairs but having trouble trying to find someone ,,,any help would be great ,thank s ray

Looking for 15hp Shortshaft

I am looking for a 15hp shortshaft engine for my flat bottom boat down south. Any one got any engine recommendations and where to buy, preferably new but certainly willing to investigate a newish 2nd hand model.
