Boating/Engine - Information/Questions - Trouble Shooting - Quick Fixes
4 seasons boats
Submitted by constablechris on Mon, 2011-05-30 18:38
Hello people,
Has anyone dealt with these boats before?
I doubt I would bother with the motor but I am interested in the hull. I am trying to get hold of specs, like engine rating, hull thickness etc, but I am in Darwin so wonder if any of you lot in WA have heard good bad or indifferent.
Where are they made? I see nothing on google
- 1 comment
- 4592 reads
dinghy with electric motor.
Submitted by JIM1 on Sun, 2011-05-29 19:38thinking of getting an 8ish ft floating device and putting an electric motor on it for some nice and quiet bream fishing.
anyone do this or have info on these electric motors? Bcf have a 34lb model and im guessing you supply your own power source car battery etc.
any idea of the amp/h usage on something this size?
will i have to have the boat lic because of the electric motor?
id go a yak but want something i can stand in and have a little more room.
- 1974 reads
First boat advice please
Submitted by joycey on Sun, 2011-05-29 10:34Hi guys,
I am new to the forum and to boating, so any advice would be gratefully received.
I am looking into buying my first boat predominately for fishing but also for family + friends cruising.
I plan to fish in the peel estuary/swan river, inshore fishing such as Coburn Sound and also limited offshore fishing in the right conditions - though I am not sure what are the right conditions for the boat I am considering.
Doing skippers ticket soon.
So far I have considered new boats only as I want to limit the risk of any issues with the boat I buy, especially since I will be taking my wife and young daughter out.
I have a budget of $20 - 30,000.
After doing my own research I am considering the Quintrex 450 Escape Runabout with a 50hp 4 stroke yamaha or honda.
Dealers prices seem to be around the $28,000 mark which includes the trailer + on water costs.
What do you guys think of my choice ? What conditions/places could I go in this boat ? Would you have any other recommendations for boats I should be considering ?
Thanks for any advice, this is a lot of money for me and I would hate to end up making the wrong choice.
- 4609 reads
Structure Scan HDS10
Submitted by thebear on Fri, 2011-05-27 13:48Ok I have the HDS 10 and am interested to see if anyone has added the bits to theirs to perform Down Scan/side scan. I am only interested in down scan as it looks the goods but for 6 hungy it would want to be worth it..
- 1629 reads
Sanctury Cove 2011, the largest boatshow in OZ could be the last one!
Submitted by glastronomic on Wed, 2011-05-25 20:50Heard from a grapevine that this year's show could have been the very last one as sales and attendance figures have dropped through the floor!
Last year was bad but this years stats are woofull apperantly!
Who to believe as different reports are filtering in
One Riviera (50ft) sold to a WA person.
Bad times for the people that make their living from floating movable objects of passion it seems.
- 1410 reads
furuno fcv585
Submitted by schmik on Wed, 2011-05-25 19:48hi all just brought a furuno fcv 585 with a 600 watt trans how do you define whats a fish or not?its got the white background if any one got a pic of what fish look like on a sounder it would be great cheers daniel
- 3303 reads
your fuel economy??
Submitted by grayzeee on Wed, 2011-05-25 19:07i got my trip calculator working for the first time the other day , finally bothered too anyway.
did 95 nautical miles (176 klm) on a big day on sunday for 118 litres.
would that be considered pretty good????
175hp honda on 6 meter haines hunter
- 3757 reads
Lowrance Elite-5 GPS - Navionics Gold Card
Submitted by Watto75 on Mon, 2011-05-23 19:28Hey guys,
I bought a Lowrance Elite-5m GPS in Bunbury with Aust Navionics Gold Card , I used it in Esperance and the detail was excellent but when I went up to Kalbarri it was hardly worth turning on. Heading South towards Wageo we were approximately 500m West of the cliffs yet the GPS showed us cutting across the land ???? Also there was practically no detail.
Do I need to change regions or something ???
I've tried finding info online and I've read what came in the box but can find anything.
I'm heading up to Steep Point in a couple of weeks and I would really like to have as much detail as possible. Any help you guys can offer would be much appreciated.
Thanks Watto
- 4164 reads
Choice of Sounder/GPS combo
Submitted by bsir on Mon, 2011-05-23 13:12My Lowrance sounder (GPS combo) appears to have packed it in. Its an LCX-26HD which is about 6 years old.
The only way to diagnose the problem is to install a new transducer as they cant tell if it is the head or the electronics in the screen.
Anyway, given that I havent been entirely happy with the Lowrance sounder, I've managed to convince the missus that we should just buy a new unit for the boat. I know its expensive, but a blokes gotta have his toys.
I was considering swapping to a Furono (GP-7000F) or a Raymarine (c-series), but am interested in other optinion of combos units and how these units would stack up against a new Lowrance unit (HDS-8).
Looking to spend around $3k but want to make sure I get a good unit.
- 3248 reads
furuno 585 info needed
Submitted by streaker boy on Sat, 2011-05-21 14:51need some info on what the furuno 585 with a 1kw tranny are like in say 20 to 30 mts of water as thats what we fish over here in melb is the 1kw too much or what will it still show fish are just better of getting the 600 as we dont fish any more then 30mts money getting the 1kw isnt an issue
- 1638 reads
Transom Lights
Submitted by mrwinta on Sat, 2011-05-21 01:41Guys I was thinking of puting underwater transom lights on my tub but searching the internet nearly everything is in the USA. Has anyone seen any localy?
- 2662 reads
Ali boat corosion
Submitted by JohnF on Fri, 2011-05-20 00:03So, to minimize corrosion of Ali hulls (trailoredboat) is it best to
- have battery switch to isolate battery when not in use (I do this)
- separate the motor from the hull with insulator.....lot of discussion on this. I am not sure? My boat appears to have this, but I think this may be bad as you then don't get the galvanic protection from the anodes on the motor.
- fit separate anodes on hull. My boat does not have this. Seems sensible but method of attachment is impotant I have heard.
- specifically earth the hull?
- 2047 reads
rocket launchers & marlin board fabrication.
Submitted by glastronomic on Thu, 2011-05-19 17:18Added 2 doors fro protection and better looks made from 10mm plastic board.
I deceided that I wanted a decent rocketlaunhc rack on top of my hardtop
ordered some SS 25mm tube, CNC ed a few baseplates and bought 6 SS rocetlaunch tubes.
Somehow one was in a bag and is a pollished one without a bottom plastic ring GRRR!
bend them pipes up and fired up the TIG.
2 hours later it was all done!
I will get some box speakers for the Doof dooff sounds while we hauling in the fish!
It is great fun adding and improving an old boat and making it to your own liking!
replaced today all the springs and running bear on the trailer.
slowly it is getting better and better.
Anybody else here done one up and have some tips?
Thinking of making a SS/timber marlin board all along the back, seen it done on a Carribean rebuild!
- 6934 reads
re- powering your outboard
Submitted by mrwinta on Tue, 2011-05-17 03:56Some of you might remember I posted about buying or importing a new boat but looking at what I will get for mine that is still less than 3 years old, it is not worth selling it yet.... So I am thinking about upsizing the motor. I have a Honda four 90 on it at the moment with 250 hours and although I get 30 knots out of it and a fantastic 2.5 kms to the litre, now I have started diving and carrying heaps more weight I am thinking I might go up to a 135- 150. If anyone is interested in buying my motor or a swap for a larger motor + price difference then send me a PM.
But my question is does any one know of a place that does trade-ins or upgrade packages in Perth?
Thanks guys...
- 1612 reads
Trailer brakes
Submitted by Frank F on Mon, 2011-05-16 20:15Hi all interested to know how long your brake pads last on your trailers. One of the braked smoked up on Saturday so today I stripped them and had a look at what is going on.
The brakes are 3 years old and I do have them coming on quite hard because the car is an automatic. When I pulled the wheels off I discovered that there were no pads left on a couple and all were rusted and cracked. The ones that were still in tacked but rusted weared uneven. The inside pad had more meat than the outside pad.
Any ideas why they wear uneven and do they normally rust to nothing.
- 1720 reads
Etrex GPS
Submitted by gibbs on Mon, 2011-05-16 04:41Howdy. These Etrex GPS devices, are they any good? Easy to upload maps? I'm looking at the HC colour screen model.
They have a really cheap price tag but seem well made. Do they have a good reputation? I won't be going to far out, would mainly use it to store spots and avoid reef.
- 1588 reads
Advise - new vhf or 2nd 27mhz
Submitted by C.mon u Bastard on Sun, 2011-05-15 22:42Considering buying a new vhf($275) or 2nd hand ($125) 27 mhz.
problem - boat cost me $1000 + $1500 (repairs etc).
love the boat, reliable, affordable and usuable - i've noted that i venture further (4km - 6km) as i gain more experience. If i purchase a new vhf($$$$), the risk of theft increases. If i purchase 2nd 27mhz($) i dont stress as much.
Not too intersested in general chat, only really need comms' for urgent or emergency calls.
Would anyone consider the cheaper (less desired by undesirables) 27mhz as satisfactory communications?
also note that saving for a vhf would take significantly longer.
- 2509 reads
Brake Back Trailers??
Submitted by Ringy35 on Sun, 2011-05-15 16:58Hey all,
I'm currently searching the market for a decent little tinny somethin around 4.5 to 5 meters. I am pretty keen to do some beach launching with it and was wondering everyones opinion on brake back trailers. I have beach launched boats before but never with this sort of set up...
Is it worth getting???? Anyone with previous experience with em? good or bad?
- 5133 reads
New Motor
Submitted by Darren Long on Sat, 2011-05-14 03:13Hi all, I have been looking for a new motor to replace the old for a solid 2months now, its in the large HP range, I have read good reports in the US and also Aus on the Verados, i love the Idea of a supercharged outboard, only down fall is the 6cyl motors are a bit heavier, Would you think 30kg will be noticed that much in a 6.8m boat?
tight lines
- 1979 reads
Submitted by kane on Fri, 2011-05-13 19:49Haven't heard anything bad about these boats since their creation and they seem like good value for money. Was initially scheptical as to how youd go repairing damage to them in the long run but so far from what ive heard theyre unbreakable. They make them up to 6 metres which has me curious why they don't make an offshore 7 metre model. If they did how many people would consider buying one and I'm curious how well they'd handle conditions out wide. What are your thoughts
- 3406 reads
Submitted by Adam Gallash on Tue, 2011-05-10 08:18Hi Guys,
I need to get a new sacrificial anode for my 115 4 stroke as the one I've got is almost eaten through. I've had a look on the yamaha shop and can't seem to find one, can anyone point me in the direction of where to get one? Online would be preferable so I can get it sent up here direct, but will look to shops if need be.
- 2189 reads
Old half cabins, how are they?
Submitted by Likc on Mon, 2011-05-09 21:32I am mentally preparing myself to get my first proper boat. I don’t have a favorite at the moment. Kind of fancy centre console because of the deck space or something where you can access the front of the boat without having to climb over or through something. But that’s just a first idea. I found out that there is quite a lot of oldish half cabin cruisers for sale similar to this one However I don’t like the look of these boats, I am not too fussy, if they are in a good nick and the price is right. I was wondering if anyone could tell me how are they on the water and little general info. I don’t want just a river cruiser, but something I can take bit offshore. I couldn’t find much on the net. Thanks.
- 21876 reads
putting wrong oil into motor
Submitted by donlovesfishing on Mon, 2011-05-09 20:18hi guys
I was wandering if anyone could help me. I have a Tohatsu 60hp motor. Over the weekend I drained the oil out of the lower level(where propeller is).
I accidently, removed a spark plug and added 4 squirts with an oil can of 10w oil in the engine. Would this damage the engine or will I be able to run my auto lubed engine for about 15-20mins to flush the that oil out. My auto lube oil is the correct oil, but i added the 10w oil to the engine as i thought it was how you top up the lower engine oil, which isn't even the correct oil, as this should be SAE80-90. Will My engine be damaged or will it eventually be flushed out cause it isn't much that i added?
Please can someone save my Motor??????????????
- 1838 reads
boat rego
Submitted by JIM1 on Mon, 2011-05-09 18:18hello. i picked up a tinny a while back and im trying to get it registered. ive tryed every phone number i can find on the net and the phonebook but keep getting the run around.
so this is what i have and have not got.
13ft tinny, no numbers build plates. only have a receipt saying i brought a 13ft boat, rather vague i know.
9hp outboard
no skippers ticket
common sence.
can anyone provide a single phone number where i can call and get results on getting this thing licenced?
- 2812 reads
Shipwrights/Marine fabricators or a Marine fitters
Submitted by terboz123 on Wed, 2011-05-04 08:20Hey guys.
Currently have a "soft top" binmini on my pro line 21 walk around. Looking into getting a fibreglass binimi roof with rocket holders on the back. Just curious to know can anyone recommned a decent company to do this? keen on using some one good, price isnt really an issue, as the old saying goes you get what you pay for. Any help would be great
- 2131 reads
Garmin GPSMAP 551s Combo
Submitted by mungus on Wed, 2011-05-04 05:52Hi Guys,
Just a quick heads up. I just bought a combo unit from the BCF online store. They've got them on special for $599 plus postage. The cheapest I've seen them elsewhere is $849.
While I understand that they don't have a lot of bells and whistles, and the resloution isn't the highest, it's a good fit for me. They seem to have a good reputation for reliability, they come pre-loaded with Maps and are NMEA2000 certified.
If you're interested you had better hurry. There are only 18 left at the time of posting.
Broken Stop/Kill Button
Submitted by monstaf1sh on Sun, 2011-05-01 19:49Hey guys,
I have bought my first little tinnie and am quite happy with it, although when I bought it it had a worn kill button as the motor is quite old.
Today while my mate was trying to turn the motor off he was having a bit of trouble and while he was messing with it he hadnt realised that the top off the button came off, he went for the button again not knowing it had fallen off and boy did he get a shock!! HAhAHA!! I bloody wet myself!!
Anyways my button is broken and have never owned an outboard before so I need some advice on where or how and how much to get it fixed?
My outboard is an old 25hp johnson any advice would be greatly appreciated to this noob.
- 2512 reads
tie down straps
Submitted by grayzeee on Sat, 2011-04-30 07:48i need a couple of tie downs for the transom to trailer after hearing the horror story recently.
where's good to pick up some cheap???
- 2020 reads
Coxswains unrestricted.
Submitted by junglejigger on Fri, 2011-04-29 13:43Hi guys,
I am looking into undertaking my Coxswains unrestricted cetificate to get myself on the commercial end of the ladder, to hopefully give me the oppurtunities to go and work up north way and have a travel about while im still young and have no real responsibilitys.
If any of you have taken the Unrestricted coxswains course or cert 5 etc would you say it was a wise thing to, so i can explore a little bit further into maybe a short commercial career. Also i will be pushing for my Cert 5 when the time become right in the future.
Basically the reason why i ask this is i previously qualified as a pharmacutical dispenser (UK) and have decided that for the next 5 years i want to do something very different, i love being on the water and have previously worked on boats for the past year and cant get enough but working the deck isnt the same as being in charge of the vessel.
- 8386 reads
Where to get the seat storage box here in Perth?
Submitted by glastronomic on Thu, 2011-04-28 20:36I am revamping a boat that has pedestral seats in it at the moment.
They take up a lot of storage room that can be utelised.
I am having great trouble to find any of these Fibreglass? boxes ready made here in Perth.
Anybody got any idea who might have these?
If I cannot find the right ones then I will have to make these myself.
- 10108 reads
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